Enlisted Battle Pass

Will those battle missions (not battlepass) be limited for a day, like in CR? (I personally hope not_

You know what? I would rather have the old Troop Order with RNG compared to this ridiculous battle pass.

Even in War Thunder you can get ALL EVENT REWARDS by accessing the market, meanwhile we can only get 2 out of 4

One out of 4.

You get one weapon, the other gold thing is a 5 star soldier.

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As long as logistics will NOT be monetized (to eliminate real currency gambling factor) I´m fine with having to do some undraconic tasks to get my slot machine tickets. It is far from what I hoped for, but still it is step in right direction.
If I understood your explanation correctly of course. Thank you

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RIP then

Lol. Sorry. These were my crooked hands with a picture.

I hope you added the part where it is sarcasm and that we want more guns as well?
As they are Russian the sarcasm might get lost in the translation.


This game is so good. It’s a shame it’s almost empty now

Forum server hamsters have been dying for everyone in the past weeks.


This game WAS good, in OAT, where not so many grinding and greedy stuff. Now the game has already not that fun as before.

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It crossed my mind as well… xD

Thanks a lot! Really hoping to play it at VE-Day.

People need to stop complaining. Uuugh - battle pass, uugh - moneydigging, uuugh - game bad. I started playing Enlisted soon after CBT opened. I progressed to level 17 without paying for anything other then a squad for access (which I did not use frequently because I was leveling my non-elite squads). Yes, it’s a lot of effort, yes it’s pain, suffering, and sweating, but in the end it pays - I got everybody equipped with pre-war Kars, everybody has 3 medikits and everybody has 2 dynamite packs. Once again, not by paying money, but through effort.

Many of the people will get the game for free. Devs need want to earn money so they offer you a battle pass so you won’t need to go through the amonut of manure shoveling I went through. If you don’t want to pay because you have enough patience - don’t pay, but then stop complaining.

We finally have a team that works on War Thunder with infantry, they are doing great this far, and the only thing you do with this whining is discouraging them from doing quality work.


But you were playing in a mostly level playing field, leveling up alongside everyone else. Start OBT, some people will keep the ability to just instantly buy access to everything. You know how strong you are now. And some people will be that strong day one, making everyone else suffer.

Also, in general, the battle pass has issues that will be a thing even for the paying players - like the max 1 gun out of 4.

Devs specifically said this is NOT war thunder with infantry. If I had a penny every time someone said this, I could afford a premium squad by now. Also, this game has been in development for like 6+ years now, they are adding these predatory monetization because the development is too slow and they need money. A lot of bugfixed are not actually fixing the issues, instead throwing bandaids on them. AI is still broken. And they prioritize money over those fixes.

The P2W mechanics do not give you much choice if you want to be able to compete with the other players. A lot of these complaints are completely valid. Saying people should shut up just because they don’t want to buy into P2W is horribly elitist. Not everyone can afford this much predatory monetization.


Obsolete, it was outdated even before the ww1. Only used by Partisans. Why not introduce actual partisan squad to use this gun.
Some sources say it was used in the winter war but not in the battle of Moscow

Same as Berdan, this rifle was completely phased out of service long before the ww1. Only used by Volksturm in the battle of Berlin, never in the battle of Moscow

We only get one?
I’m disappointed

Thank you

Please add Gewehr 88 and Gewehr 98 to Berlin instead of Moscow

Yeah :joy:
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Not being able to collect all 4 unique weapons in the battle pass is disappointing. This could also be bad for the game, only being able to select one gun would make people either research which one is the best or pick the one for their preferred side of their preferred campaign. Both of these situations would lead to a build up of players on one side making either queue times take far too long or give the other side bots to fill the team (which would make them lose most of the time).

Besides that, the battle pass sounds alright but could do with more interesting items. If it is just a test then new more interesting prizes could be given out when new ways to customize come out. Hope with the addition of this pass, we’ll see less price tags everywhere and less in game advantages for that pay. I do not care if the Premium Pass allows you to progress through it faster then normal so long as at end game both free and paid players are in equal grounds.

I also do not mind odd or outdated guns being added to the game so long as they are within the timezone and not foreign (Chinese Rifles in the hands of the Germans). Gameplay wise it adds more play option making things interesting and thematically, some weirdo stormed the beaches with a sword an outdated modification to a rifle is fine. Just pertend Bradly Bradly’s dad stole it from the army back in 1919 and gave it too Bradly when he got shipped out.


Can we expect feedback from developers?

The fact that the devs are aware that you will only be able to get 1/4 of the guns means they are actively trying to enforce player frustration, which they will in the future offer to ‘‘satisfy’’ by recycling the assets and making you pay for them.
Learning from Gaijin I see. Almost textbook copy.


I dunno whether is this a good thing or not in the future, what do u guys think?

I think it’s amazing!