Enlisted Battle Pass

You will be able to receive refills in a free Battle Pass. no need to buy premium.

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We are preparing Berlin.


I’m talking about the soldier and equipment tokens you get every 3000 XP just by playing.

the free pass should give to choose one and the paid pass should give all the weapons is common sense …


I am so unbelievably excited! Keep up the good work!

Is the current system where you get Logistic orders for weapons and troops for campaign experience going to be kept, and the Battle Pass be an addition to getting weapons, or will it replace the current system?

From the discord and what Valery said, it sounds like it’s an addition, not a replacement, can you confirm if this is true?

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We all knew this is unavoidable…
But two things worries me…
First of all, how grindy are tasks going to be?
And secondly… we can get only ONE gun and I bet my Ivan Ivanov on that it will be locked behind paywall not as ultimate reward on the end accessible to both F2P and paid battlepass.
I think we should have access to all 4, while two are F2P battlepass, and two paywalled. If devs are not willing to give us all 4 weapons at once, at least let us have two with 1:1 ratio on free/paywalled.


That means gambling will remain as part of progression system? I sincerely hope, that devs took our feedback into consideration and remove its monetization because then Darkflow would have serious issues dealing with current and future gambling regulations. Playerbases in general are already very hostile to this kind of behaviour.


Let me clarify.

  1. You will receive regular supplies for each combat mission.
  2. You will also receive supplies or other rewards for the open level of the Battle Pass

Tgabj tiy

So if I understood you correctly, current logistics system will be replaced by some daily tasks/combat missions?

There should be at least 4 golden gun orders. That way you can get one of each gun or up to 4 of the same if you desire.


I think that would be great idea, but devs would have to think not twice, but thrice more about releasing weapon into battlepass while making sure it will not end up overpowered and spammed.

Only my forum has become slow?

Sorry for the offtopic.


Mine has been slow for most of today as well my friend.

No, we have technical problems with forum for some time. Sometimes it works really slow and newest threads don’t load properly.



I hope I managed to break your main fear?

You will receive a lot of supplies without straining.


The forum has been slower than the WT North America server for weeks
It’s really bad and should probably get looked into before OBT starts and we get a massive influx of people

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Uploading: image.png…
Same, uploading pics is very slow and even failed to upload.