Enlisted Battle Pass

unlike the others,

i’m having mixed feelings about this.

i’ll give an indepth opinion when i’ll get my hands on the battle pass.

but, i can already say that i like the ability to get coins back for the premium battle pass.

i just hope it’s not going to be 100% better than the free line rewards.

and having the ability only to obtain 2 of those special weapon insthead of at least 4, it’s off putting.

but again, i’ll give my full opinion once it will be out.



You mean how they did not remove the ability to stack up tasks in war thunder or crossout? That is not happening.


Fair point, though either way I’m keeping a proper opinion to myself until I see it go live and I get to mess with it.

All I have to go off now is speculation, I need to see the rewards and compare premium vs free rewards to form a proper opinion, but I will say now that I do not agree with the idea of giving F2P users one weapon a day while paying players get 3, it also sucks that we can only get one of those weapons instead of all of them if we play enough.

But that’s as far as my opinion will go on this until I see the actual rewards for premium vs free battlepass.

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One is for V lvl soldier. So in the end you get one soldier and one gun.

I still feel really bad about the guns they chose for normandy… SMG with semi auto accuracy? Semi with 40 rounds magazine?

The German one seems a bit more OP but the american one is also OP when you compre it to semi autos we already have in game…

Pls find a way to balance it out…

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Ah, my bad. Cheers

I’m genuinely worried about the this image
And this response

Though it could have just been his wording with tasks. “(as it is now)” puts me a bit at ease, but I’m still worried.


Sad to hear there’s no new campaign. Don’t want to play Moscow anymore.

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Normandy is also campaign you know…

Not for Soviet mains I suppose

Ok so, discord clarification:

You’ll be able to get weapons from tasks, but you will STILL be able to get weapons the way we get them now, with campaign exp. One isn’t removed in favor of the other. It’s both.


That’s great news! Still can’t wait to buy the Battle Pass however!

That’s what I’m hoping, man.

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I declare the new season of toxic forum wars open. The king of monetization is dead! Long live the king of battle pass.


This is nice

I am the Tannenberg Alpha tester, and had been playing that game for so long. Finally! I am now “at” WW2! WTF I get those old outdated rifles again???


You are welcome, sir!


Well, now, this game is really actually forcing the player to play.
Especially your words “the Battle Pass in Enlisted will become the main means of obtaining personnel and equipment”. How can I get a proper gameplay without getting proper amount of medkit+weapons?
Do you know after I interpret this news to my Enlisted chat group, how many players and waiting for OBT’s get disappointed by this?

Especially, first, the “reward”- outdated weapons which you can directly buy and play in other games. Second, the fact you can only get one of four, discouraging those who want play this game as a “collection” game.


I kind of like it, except the fact that you need to choose only one weapon… What the hell?

I’m disappointed, but if I will find out that you do that because you have plans for limited sale of the rest of the weapons, I will be furious.

I passed the comment to the developers.

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