Enlisted Battle Pass

I meant cartridges.
You’re changing from a pistol cartridge to a rife cartridge, so as far as the game is concerned you have to be carrying both and have the ammo be tracked for both.

Yeah but the game can already cope with at least 3 - main weapon, 2nd weapon, pistol. Make this replace the pistol or 2nd weapon - dunno - but there’s an obvious slot.

I’m not sure whether the game supports one weapon taking multiple slots. But I guess this could be similar to how rifle grenades operate instead?

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My guess is we’re gonna have the same rewards for the next couple of Battle passes so, in the end get all of them.

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any progress , on the fix for getting battle tasks that you cant complete.example kill number of players with machineguns , when they not unlocked till much later? also howe do tank machine guns not count

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In general, I think we should reject these absurd tasks, but I wonder if you can complete it as German in Normandy with MG nests.

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well i eventually grinded up to get the machine gun squad in moscow , but then ended getting a flamethrower task ,which i rerolled and now a Mortar task, FML

Hey, I know i’m late to the game, but I interpreted this as you get a gold token which you can exchange for 1 of these weapons (and also 1 for a lvl 5 soldier) nowhere did they state that these tokens will not be a reward somewhere else too right?
for example, I see a gold soldier order on lvl 40 and a gold weapon order on lvl 50 of the battlepass
but there is also a gold soldier order for doing the medal of honor challenge…

So while the battle pass only provides you with 1 weapon, it does not mean there are no other ways to do so?

Well, unless I missed something you didn’t and there is currently a way to get another one, I do not see any ways to get another one so yes you will only be able to get 1. And the Berdan 2 will probably be the most common one as it will be the meme yeet stick.

Not really, since the pass is not necessarily the only way to obtain the weapons.
you basically have multiple ways to get silver weapon tokens so why is it unthinkable that the pass is just 1 way to obtain a gold weapon token.

we already see this for the soldier orders. at lvl 40 of the pass you get a gold soldier order, and completing the medal of honor challenge also gives you a gold soldier order. So in that sense I can see content comming in the future that also gives you one or more gold weapon orders.

I actually want to buy the Premium Battle Pass but the daily 3 levels per day is a really bad system, do not want.

I should feel good if I buys something not feel scammed.

Who knows maybe mid season the devs come to their senses not sure gonna stick till season 2 considering how toxic the monetization in this game is. Really player unfriendly.

If you mean, 3 levels is too much - you don’t have to. One level is more than enough. I am at level 42 now but it only means that It will be bronze orders only for me quite soon.

They have to separate regular game support, meaning bronze orders now from more challenging silver which may indeed be a goal of battle pass.

As is, bronze orders are barely enough to support one campaign, so they had to provide endless flow of easy tasks, before that the whole engine

What I meant is that the battle pass put’s pressure on you to log every day or you lose money.

I don’t want to log every day. I have other responsibilities. I want to play when I can and when it suits me.

For example in CoD I finished the Battle pass when I had time with no problem. Because the game there lets you progress whenever you feel like, there is no limitation. You are your own limitation. And so it shoul be. You pay for a premium feature, it should at least give you the flexibility. I mean I understand the limit on non premium. BUT ON PREMIUM?

Imagine buying an entire pizza, you pay full price but they let you eat only 1 slice a day. Fuck that, I’m gonna go buy other pizza from the competition, where they let me eat as much as I want. Nobody tells me when I eat.

This game is in competition with other games, where they have battlepass too. So if they do a medicore offer, I will just go and spend money on other games.

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I think it is too early to say how it will work in general, but this first Bp will bring you a profit of 100 if you play just 20 days out of 75. Other than that, I agree about unnecessary pressure and overall poor design.

I am almost certain though next BP will be quite different - devs proved that they adapt quickly and this design is just too deficient to stay unchanged.

I’ve just completed and collected my 15’th battle pass order. If I buy the premium pass now, can I collect the earlier items I’ve missed ? Like the 300 gold coins. Thanks very much for any help or advice

Because they have not announced there will be any other way to get them?

“Oh let’s assume the developers will give us something we have to pay for for free” yeah no that’s not how things work here.

I might have missed something but where does it say you have to pay for battlepass? you can get it for free no? paying just get’s you there faster no?

also, there IS a challenge that gives you a golden troop order, so why would there not come content (free or paid doesn’t matter) that gives you other means to get another gold weapon order too?

Would like to know tha same! Thx in advance!

A bit late but yes, you would recieve the earlier items.

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apparently not since the pass actually cost 1k not 900 so you dont get any extra gold at all