Engineer built machine gun nests

So, you speak and represent the devs? Um i don’t think so, in fact i know so. That is a violation of forum rules, you need to leave this thread as it is very apparent you continue to intentionally make this suggestion thread toxic and lead it off topic, you obviously just want to argue, biqour, and create toxicity, go piss off ffs.

Again this thread is about wanting MG’s to be able to aim down hill and those who agree or disagree, simple as that, so go away with your toxic behavior

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Lol, nice cancel culture. I’m just giving my opinion out, based on my experiences and facts. I really don’t understand how am I being toxic.

Seems like you can’t deal with opinions that are opposes the things you want.

Btw. I would love to see the change you suggest implemented, I just think it’s not going to happen. :man_shrugging:

You are completely wrong, again this suggestion thread is about wanting MG’s to be able to aim down hill, your opinion of if you want or dont want this implemented is the ONLY opinion that is relevant to this suggestion thread, you just keep bringing up irrelevant bs for the sake of be argumentative, being toxic, it has nothing to do with me careing about your different opinion. You just keep going off topic to argue. Again this suggestion thread is about wanting MG’s to be able to aim down hill ffs.

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Already suggested in past. You should check topics before creating similar ones. I think this topic could be considered as spam according to forum rules. :man_shrugging:

Omg its a miracle, you made a statement on topic, infact the only one that was ever needed, agreeing or disagreeing. Good job lol

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Finally you made a statement on topic, infact it was the only statement you should have posted, agreeing or disagreeing. It’s a bloody miracle lmao

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No it wasn’t, the suggestions in the past were about changing MG’s in multiple ways, this suggestion is about ONE thing ffs, BEING ABLE TO AIM DOWN HILL WITH ENGINEER BUILT MG’s you daft so and so, why can’t you grasp that? Ffs man, move on

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Yep, in which

was one of the suggested changes. Plus this particular change was suggested in different topics related to MGs overall very often.

I just stated this fact here. And you just started to be extremely aggressive towards me.
Are you scared your suggestion will not be implemented because of me or what? Lol

yeah, downward angle has been suggested tons of times. Several times by myself alone. The dumb thing is that only the American ones, both of standard and heavy MG nests are the only ones capable of angling down.

They have said this is because the other ones are set up on a tripod brace, which honestly just needs to be changed. At the very least, all the STANDARD MG nests need to be able to angle down decently.

It really shouldn’t be a difficult change, but because so many people are worried about run-and-gun gameplay and shit-talk those of us that play engineers. causing developers to focus less on polishing the engineer structures and whatnot.


Curious on the PC vs console part. This should be looked into. I play on xbox, @118801383 on playstation, and you on PC.

@Adamnpee could you do me a favor and display screenshots of how far down you can angle with each nation’s mg nests?

hoo-phlung, could you do the same?

I’ll try to get some on xbox when I get home from work.

I’m curious to see if it actually does differ between systems.

Definitely. But you’ll have to wait ±2 hours. I am not at home rn.

Thats absolutely fine, I won’t be home for at least 12 hours.

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I will be happy to via psn, when you get available send me a messege on psn and we can arrange some screenshots, but remember this is whole different topic, im trying to keep this suggestion thread limited to the player base wanting engineer built MG’s to have the ability to aim down hill. My goal here to simply show that players want this implemented on engineer built MG’s, nothing more, adampee keeps leading off topic and i have ignored his daft ass in the settings. All other comments off topic will be flagged as off topic.

Would you please open a separate thread and topic on what you are looking into. I will help any way i can, thanks

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Japanese MG

American MG

American HMG



Whoever keeps Flagging me stop hiding and say who you are

This does not mean that is cant be used on othere targets aswell. The flak 88 is designated as an AA piece aswell and was used against ground targets to great effect. Many aa guns even had bulletshields and proper anti ground mounts. So having AA shot at ground targets isnt that uncommen as you would like to potray.
With the nerf to single barrels and loss of penetration of terrain the new AA wouldnt even be problematic if it could shoot at all targets again. The gunshields for the few guns that kept them dont cover the gunner nearly as much as in the past.+ HMG exist

I feel you lol

My perspective as a player : (this is just my personal opinion) There is also the position of the soldier behind the MG to be consider.

To avoid unreal positions, like hands too high or soldier too low behind bags, the angles MG can fire are limited.

Or, we would see more unreal soldier poses like when introduced.

Imo, ofc

As for one side I would like my MG to angle more on any direction, but on the other side, I have to consider the soldier behind the MG must still look like a human, and not a deformed sack.

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