Ending Battle Pass Extra Rewards

You have to be crazy or use premium to complete the battle pass completely, but let’s say you do, I think the rewards within that final “repeatable” section should be updated and improved, perhaps increasing the amount of silver it gives, adding that apart from experience bonuses they can have orders to improve weapons, appearance, etc. It is not something that happens “always” but those possible improvements should rotate to give some variety because there are people who are fed up with the experience rotation, the lack of silver and other types of orders…


Let us get free golden weapon order

BattlePass it self should under go multiple changes. Silver rewards can be often mediocre.

Completing BP tasks are like event tasks effectively, so if I player completes the BP and farms stages, he should be rewarded with something extra, especially since repeatable stages are worthless since merge.


or event tickets

and that’s why this post is here!

yeah make it 10k silver if its over 3 days battlepass premiums since I can grind more than a mere 2000 silvers in 2-4 battles.

they won’t do that, but more silver could be nice…

I already made 2 suggestion on the BP.

DF either doesn’t really care or only fixes it alongside other similar things.

No. No it’s entirely doable. It’s easier when you have bought the BP, yes. Literally 3x easier. But it IS doable

This however would be nice


Honestly BP silver aside, adding ID decorators(there’s a lot of them unused in the discontinued ranked games),
BP themed unique uniform sets(different from the ones we can buy with dress-up orders),
and unique BP themed portraits (or even the portraits from ranked games) will massively improve the incentive to grind the BP rewards.
Rn no one cares about the poster they’ve been doing since they launched the BP (you never see people post them anywhere in the game)

I would like to see a full free path for the BP and an elite path that unlocks with the elite tree. It feels awful to do the challenges for the day and get nothing without the elite.

Elite BP could just get both paths as rewards, whereas the free just gets the “free path”. Some things could be in the same or different quantities but the free path shouldn’t have days that get nothing.

The same should be said for the extra rewards.



don’t do like they did in UNDAWN,please

Didn’t they give up on improving the BP for the meantime so they could work on more important things? Silver on the BP seems like the least of our worries with all the bugs, “confusing tutorials” and many other things.

While I agree the BP needs work I don’t think it’s important right now, especially when we haven’t even seen the join any team bonus, bigger AT guns and other things coming “Soon™” that they have been working on.

Once they do though hopefully they can condense the BP so all the miniscule rewards become more worthwhile. There is lots of 2k silver, appearance orders, and other things that should be combined and those levels freed up for stuff like vehicle camos, decals, weapon/vehicle upgrade orders (maybe just a extra 1 or 2), and some BP exclusive cosmetics like full squad uniforms for event solders.

Yep just 3 quest a day and you can finish the pass without buying it

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Game is a fast-pace, I hardly having time to appreciate the environment around me, let alone finding wall and push a button to place a poster :upside_down_face:

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I’m not familiar with that title … what was wrong with it?

The battle pass as a whole is just full of crappy rewards, I mean there are good things in there but when it comes to the stuff you really want there isn’t hardly any of it, a bunch of senseless stuff like 1000 silver or 50 appearance change orders. Also if you have premium you can finish the entire battle pass within half the time the pass lasts, they need to make it have better rewards or shorten the length, having 3 month long battle passes is insane. Also the fact I get 100-200 extra gold for buying a battle pass and completing over 3 months I think is garbage, we should at the minimum get 1500 total back for having to wait so long

Would be nice if they added gold as a repeatable reward. Even if it was just 50 gold or less, it may encourage FTP gamers to buy in.

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