Economic changes implemented

What about perks reset cost?

Is it not cheaper to buy a new soldier now?

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I didn’t sell my soldiers that already had perfect stats. Hope you guys didn’t either.

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“For the period of time that the consumer would reasonably expect, the trader should provide the consumer with updates” ——DIRECTIVE (EU) 2019/770 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 20 May 2019 on certain aspects concerning contracts for the supply of digital content and digital services.
In addition, please know that any virtual props you obtain legally in the virtual world belong to your virtual assets. They are protected by laws and regulations just like bread, milk, noodles, sauces, and soda in the real world.

Well yes, like for tankers, only driver/gunner/loader perks will be a deal breaker, especially on some vehicles. These perks do not require a perfect soldier to use. A full perfect soldier squad is just a late-game luxury

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Why would anyone do that? I haven’t sold any Italian/British neither.
(Oh, and I didn’t sell imperfect legacy assaulters I as well)

But I’m surprised you had so many imperfect soldiers that you got up to 2 millions

._. wut?

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Stfu Karen

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perk reset cost is unchanged, so still 90 silver per perk point

I literally didn’t care about perfect stat soldiers until merge, than getting max stat soldiers got bloody expensive.
For at least a year I rerolled soldiers based on their face rather than their stats so I was simply put not hoarding them :sweat_smile:

As for how I got 2 million.
There were many soldiers I kept around incase I got short on silver, plus I had a bunch lower tier soldiers in reserves (bunch of assaulter and machine gunner 2s).
I had a few squads that were unused but had more than min amount of soldiers needed.

I just basically organised and cleaned my armies.

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I can relate to this. I didn’t care much up until introduction of star marking for perfectly rolled soldier.

I was too lazy to constantly check excel sheets.

Btw. It’s worth to mention that sometimes I, II and III soldiers can be more useful than IV soldier thanks to their base perk.
So people definitely should be selling perfectly rolled low rank soldiers.


Before the merge, its near impossible to get perfect perked soldiers since every upgrade with give you randomized increase in perk points

“Cannot repair when vehicle is underwater” - Whatever it takes ot punish abusers I guess.

“No gamepoints for repair were awarded, maximum number of repairs per battletime exceeded” - “Очки за ремонт не начислены, превышено допустимое количество ремонтов за пять минут игрового времени”

“No gamepoints for extinguish were awarded, maximum number of extinguishes per battletime exceeded” - “Очки за пожаротушение не начислены, превышено допустимое количество тушений за пять минут игрового времени”

Which version is correct?

well seem like yesterday plan of selling those soldiers literally paid off nice


Okay, UNO is not enough.
Maybe call NATO or the Avengers.


So once more, do you demand your money back when the price of bread falls at the store?
Side note, I genuinely cannot give an ounce of care about what EU law is. Trying to use that in an argument is a stupidly moot point to me. That’d be like me bringing up Alabama penal code for an argument. It has no relevance to the other person

omg so the new update basically just give me free M26 that i was 32k rp away LOL nice

this is better than expected rn


You know that’s according to rules you don’t own your account?

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the store tell me when the price of bread falls
The bakery has clear price signs and complete and accurate price change notices. It will not sell at new prices during the notice period.
You can ask the store owner if he only posts a price adjustment notice without a specific time, and then changes the price at will to sell, whether he is breaking the law.
In addition, the case is not accurately stated. It should be that the bakery adjusted the price and asked consumers to discount the bread they had already purchased and stored at home, and they could not return it to the merchant at the old price.

Were you asked to get a refund at the new price (lower price) when returning the goods?
Will the price reduction allow you to repay your installments and mortgage at the new price?
I am very confused, do you have such a weak sense of law?
I agree that maybe I was a little lazy during the window time.
But are developers infallible? My mistakes caused me to lose 1000k silver coins, but what about developers?

Are there still so many people who hate the rich at this game_enlisted?
I just want to get the 1000k+ coins property I deserve legally in this Economic changes update. I already have 20000k coins property at the game. Losing 1000k property is just a small matter. What I want is only the 1000k I deserve, or give me a reasonable and legal clear answer.
but not the threat of malicious deletion of my account.
(look at upside)

but many people are just satisfying this Economic changes that give you only 1000k coins.

Please indicate which rule allows developers to conceal countdowns of less than 24 hours from consumers?
Or please tell me where it is stipulated that a player’s virtual assets do not belong to him/her personally.
at Gaijin world

Huh? :DD