Economic changes implemented

Re-enter the game

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Oops, I need to restart the game.

Cryin shame

Least these are good

Calm down


After the merger, the silent modification of the disassembled bayonet, sight, and launcher has caused me a loss of 40k silver coins.
At that time, the helper asked me to fill out a work order, and the support asked me to contact cm.
They only told me that they could not satisfy everyone, so they would rather make me dissatisfied.

Yesterday,the news are good job,and this topic(Deleting player account information ) could be regarded as a joke. But the developer’s improper behavior has caused actual positive property losses to players, today. After reiterating this topic, players will be considered deliberate attacks and threats.

When you are happy, you may tolerate your friend pointing a gun at you, even if he does not shoot.
But what about when you are angry? You are likely to exercise your right to self-defense, pull out your gun, load it, and shoot in self-defense.

Despite some people hating the update happening so fast, I need to congratulate the devs on this. This is fast for df standards.


the fast and the dev are both good.
but not so good because the fast .

damn that fast, cant believe,


Well, Major said we can expect it “very very very very very soon” or something like that.

He definitely wasn’t lying.


It’s a game. Calm. Down. You haven’t “lost property.” No one “stole” anything from you. You just didn’t act in the window to exploit the new changes. That is on you. Entirely, 100%, your fault


Great news. Too bad I only had the time yesterday to get rid of the excess Soviets and Germans only. But oh well.

In other news, when are we getting automatic vehicles camo changes?

Driving my yellow Pz III in Moscow is WEIRD.

Also when automatic and non editable stars and crosses for vehicles?

Keo said they were coming.


His deficiencies in self awareness is beyond measure here.

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I think it was ready by the time it was announced, they just waited a few hours so people won’t complain that they didn’t announce it in time.
As for why they didn’t give ETA or waited more, they probably knew that players could and did exploit the change.

I like it. I just unlocked type 97 lmg and springfield m1903a4 because i had grinded half of them before

These changes are just server side numb tweaks, so not complicated at all.

For what is worth, “rerolling” is now cheaper.

Purchasing a tier IV soldier now costs 7900 silver, and it can be sold back for up to 7700 silver (5 stars). A 2 stars one sells for 7100 already.

(Haven’t done the math with lower tier soldiers yet.)


They don’t need to be perfect stats, they just need to have enough for your build, otherwise it’s not worth it unless you are a billionaire.

T1 costs 600
T2 costs 1500
T3 costs 5000


The rng here has been improved significantly tho, at least the upgrades are no longer random, but giving everyone all perfect perk soldiers from the get go may allow people progress too fast and too easily.