Dynamic Battle Rating

Bajtársaim and fellow forum dwellers,

Ever since the merge update, more queues were widely requested, but due to a lack of players it was not possible, but I wouldn’t say that it’s not feasible.

I have analyzed the data Robihr has uploaded, sadly there is no recent data, most recent is from December but the current trends should be similar.

The conclusion is that cross-play on during the day has enough players for at least another queue, but cross-play off doesn´t.

Yes, it’s true that even with cross-play on there are times when bots enter games either late at night or when a faction is over queued, but cross-play off has bots even during the day. Waiting for cross-play off playerbase to catch up to Cross-play on is not realistic, we need to find another way to get around this issue.

I believe that an acceptable compromise can be made with dynamically changing BR queues depending on the time of day.

On the cross-play on servers there would be 3 queues when most players are active (example: between 13:00 - 01:00) and there would be 2 queues during the off hours when the number of players does not justify the need for additional queues (between 01:00 - 13:00)

Cross-play off would stay 2 queues only, but console players can always choose to play cross-play on instead, this would incentivise playing cross-play on rather than bot farming on cross-play off.


What should the new queue look like in your opinion?
I believe that the most logical would be:



New players on BR1 are way too vulnerable at the moment and commonly get stomped by veterans playing BR3, if we want the game to grow, we should improve the new player experience.

BR2 will get destroyed by BR4, I know but its still objectively better than BR1 newbies getting rekt by BR3.

BR3 and BR4 are very similar in terms of gear

This would change nothing for BR5 players, but people who currently play BR3 could also use BR4 gear which would finally make them not useless.


that data sucks for analyzing queues cause of unavailability of server data. you could easily have that one server could introduce 2 queues, while other two are barely handling even these 2 queues depending on playerbase distribution.

also crossplay off is having problem even populating these 2 queues so they will have bot heavy matches either way.