Give the USSR DP-27 to the BR2 . Since the Axes were given on the BR2 MP-40, but the AXIS already has quite good submachine guns on the BR2. FNAB-43, MP-34(o) and Beretta 1918 and ORP 1918. The axis also has MG 13.
Please do not whine under this post if you are playing for Axis
I don’t really use MG’s as the soviets at T2, but I would honestly say the DP-27 might be too much of a jump over the mg-13 to put into tier 2.
It’s fairly controllable, has a good fire rate, and a big magazine. And, here’s something that isn’t quite as noticeable in the stats - the MG-13 is both very jumpy and has some terrible spread. In using it, I’ve had trouble hitting a guy because of it.
I don’t think it’d be a huge shake-up of the balance if the dp-27 were to go down to T2, so I don’t mind either way. Just as long as the DPM goes down to T3 as well.
My concern is the constant power creep / whinge-fest between mains.
So, you get the MG you want in USSR. Tomorrow, some Germany Main advocates for MG-34 in BR2. It happens without fail.
Just give things a couple of weeks to see how they settle over time. Of course, this recommendation does not apply to obvious nonsense like BR4/5 stuff in crates in BR2 matches.
I don’t see any proper logic here. This post is just ridiculous.
Axis does have those smgs you listed, though given soviet SMGs at such tier they seem to hold up well against all of those. MP-40, FNAB, MP-34 all have much lower fire rate, Beretta has high fire rate but lower mag capacity.
Soviet SMGs at tier 2 can hold up well against all these - they got decent fire rate with power
SMGs have range limit because of damage drop-off, LMGs get to extend that range and DP-27 would end up being a massive crutch given its magazine capacity, fire rate, range etc. at tier 2.
I’d like to play with a machine gun. But they are very bad
meanwhile, the same topic is on the Russian forum
Imagine the surprise that Russians want a stronger Soviet faction.
A lend lease Bren would be nice to see so you can have more options for LMGs.
It’s too good for BR 2 for sure
Soviets literally have pps 43 in t2. Ovp and m1918 compare more against ppd 34 and mp 34 is just mp 28 with bigger mag. Fnab shoots way too slow to be good in close quarters
but the BAR 1918 is bad enough.
As a former Soviet Berlin sufferer, I think DP is only suitable for BR3.
The soviets have both PPS in BR2
Ok, gib me MG34 at br2 and we have a deal.
I am still biased against MGs, I would pick a MP40 over every MG in the entire game right away.
In my book the MG42 is not supperior to the MG34 and as such I wouldn’t even pick them if they were put into BR2.
The movement dispersion makes those weapons unusable to me.
MGs in general are rather shit. Sadly devs refuse to make improvements.
MGs should be allowed to be shit IF bipods would work properly by drastically increasing range and accuracy.
Its literally all that needs to happen - MGs working like MGs instead of Assault rifles with bad accuracy.
And so, the axis got ZB-26 on BR2. There is no reason to keep DP-27 on BR2. Gentlemen, do you agree?
The DP is leagues better than the ZB…. No one agrees with you. The DP is fine at BR 3, enjoy your Madsen.
Dp is much better than zb. Mg 34 is more comparable to dp 27 so unless mg 34 isnt dropped down aswell then there is no reason to have dp in br2.