Do you allow me? Thank you very much.
ZB is much better than Madsen:/
We can play this game together
That is why ussr needs to get more t2 mgs instead of dropping dp
The dead don’t need anything.
And what about the USA? 480 RoF versus 750 RoF. It sounds like a BALANCE.
Have you tried using it? It has horrible recoil and too high firerate for its small mag. It was comparable to bren in the tunisia campaign. If you want dp for tier 2 that is fine but then you also have to give germany mg 34 and usa m1918 bar
or maybe just bring ZB back to BR 3?
ZB objectively breaks the balance. In that case, I want to break the balance in favor of the USSR. But people are against it. For some reason, they’re against it. The balance should be for the USSR, for the USA, and the AXIS does not need a balance. Right, did I get it wrong?
Mag blocks right half of screen. Enough said. Usable but not good.
If zb 26 is so op then we need to also put pps 43 to br3 because it is much better than anything the germany has
I agree. Unexpectedly, yes?
Beretta M1918 for 3 BR please.
M1918 is more comparable to ppd 34 box. It has same mag size, high firerate and also horrible sights because the mag blocks whole screen
Just like the normal 1918 BAR. The only difference is the ROF and the movement speed debuff.
That sounds good to me, but instead of moving the MG 34 down, add the MG 39 Rh machine gun. It operated very similarly to the ZB-26 since the gun’s designer was inspired by it.
Im all out for new weapons. Sounds good to me