Downtier StuG III F

No point in keeping it in BR 3, make it BR 1 because its armor profile is kind of same as BR 1 tank in German tree. At least give some chance to get showered with love with its 75mm canon

Terrible idea, Stug 3 and T-60 should never share the same BR

I think Stug III “A” can be BR 1…But Stug III F no lower than BR 2


Why? It has way bigger anti infantry potential while still having heats. BR2 is ideal for StuG A.

because I think all tank destroyers should come before the turreted version. give it a reason to be picked (and to be fair still probably wouldnt)

Panzer IIIN and Panzer IV is at BR 2…why would you Stug

Just my opinion


I don’t know tbh. Armor and gun are the same ones as Pz4 on BR3 so kind of makes sense for it to remain there (but of course it’s weaker due to no turret and MG). On lower BRs stug will kill every enemy tank just by looking at it.

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When I think about it, I think about the semovente. I dont think anyone has a problem with that thing (but having no HE or MG is a real short coming, And yet it Still 1 shots everything it looks at (or Can)

I think the Stug III F “could” be Similar in the same way at BR 2. The SU-76 is at BR 2, and Yes, it doesnt have the same high pen as the stug BUT nor does it need that pen for anything it will be shooting at.

I dont know about any of you, but how many Stugs, SU-76s or Dicker maxs do you see, even if they have great weapons for their BR?


I see stug in every match, I drive one :stuck_out_tongue:


okay okay…excluding yours? (I see a dicker frequently too for that reason lol)

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Because it’s borderline useless against infantry.


should have HE :stuck_out_tongue: …but yeah, still SU-76 is a pretty similar example at BR 2, about the same capability “relatively”

i dont know that Ive seen one


Yeah, SU-76 is much more deadlier. But on other it’s open top, which makes it even more vulnerable.

Stug F is still superior to both of them.

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all of them everytime i play ussr 2 or german 3.

coz i use them x)

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But in a way that really matters? The only significant objective difference is open top, which makes it very easy to destroy…but at the same time, 20mm guns go straight through the top armor of stugs and Panzers

so if they are sitting back, doing their thing, sniping like TDS do…theres not much difference objectively.

anyway doesnt matter.


wonderfull machines !

as for the topic. nah, imo should stay at III (both versions of stug)


hehe the camo I use too

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Do they? Hispanos maybe. But namely Soviets 20mm didn’t seem to be any effective against tanks.

I am just asking, because that’s what I experienced. I don’t have facts to back it up, just feelings.

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I am sad there’s no full grey camo option for dicker max.

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Soviet canons wreck in general from right angle. 20mms get it done but Especially anything with a 37mm NAS.

Im pretty sure ALL Soviet 20mm belts have an AP round, 37s are all AP

Premium Lagg at BR 1 (37mm NAS)
IL 2 (20mm)
IL 2 -37 at BR 3
Yak 9k at BR 3 (45mm)

The majority of my soviet play, has been in the Air. lots of fun


Can confirm. In one match I lost 3 crewman in my stug because of IL-2’s canon. I wasn’t happy.