Bonus factor for unpopular veichle

Currently, we often see posts on forums requesting to lower the BR of certain vehicles. These problems are usually because the vehicle is too weak at it’s BR, but is too strong after lowering the BR. Some people have suggested balancing vehicles in the same BR with SP or repair costs, but this caused too much controversy and failed to unite the community’s opinions.

Therefore, I propose a simple plan here, which is to apply a bonus factor updated with a {variable} time period to every unpopular vehicle in BR, up to {variable}%. The formulation of this factor should be slow and conservative to avoid possible huge fluctuations.

The bonus factor is an independent multiplier that affects silver, research point and xp. Ideally, this should gradually eliminate significant differences between same BR vehicles.


Wouldn’t that turn rare premium or event vehicles into great silver grinders just because they are rare?

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Premium should be excluded from this mechanism.
But them already have +100% bonus, and already a silver grinders.


Imagine some next to unusable tank with 1000% extra exp :stuck_out_tongue:
(Of course it wouldn’t be as big but such possibility is hilarious.)

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No, I don’t see a reason why should f2ps get any bonus to resources gain.

Because this is a simpler and more conservative way than changing BR.
It will reduce these kind of post by adding +10%xp to StuG III F in BR3

I think a better balance factor for TDs, just give them better ammo compared to their tank counterparts.


The problem is, how will this be maintained? Is DF capable of implementing a fully autonomous system that monitors the entire world playing this game and adjusts the bonuses itself? I doubt they can. Even if they physically could, I’m certain they don’t have the time
And time comes back around on a manual system where they have to have someone on top of that all the time. I just don’t see it happening

Just give all the German and Russian tanks solid AP instead of APCBC like they did to the American tanks

I don’t know if devs will manage. But it will be funny to find out.

Yeah that’s the thing. If they can manage to pull it off. That’s what I meant by it being possible in the first place

The essence of war is strategy and military competition
Everyone knows that these things are just transitional products
Can be used but is not necessary or not useful at all

I don’t know what you guys think
Think about today’s mid-level and advanced environments
Many bad players use poor performing vehicles and occupy vehicle slots for long periods of time
As a result, the infantry was unable to obtain the fire support and protection they deserved, which became one of the straws of failure.
So I don’t want to see any mechanism that rewards this kind of espionage