Does Russia feel almost unplayable for anyone else?

Everything always comes back to the same result.

Did I write this unclear?
What difference does it make if it changes for a week or two weeks? If then everything comes back and continues for several months, maybe even a year.

Well japan is still very popular and axis steamrolled in tunisia until the end of old campaigns so maybe same thing will happen here idk. Also atleast you are gonna get few week or months of good teammates so why not try to enjoy it?

Russia is very strong to me…never saw a weak team.
I play Germany BR5 every day.
Battle in the west, get wrecked by USA.
Battle in the east, get destroyed by Russia.
But I’m having fun :crazy_face:


Why not try to enjoy what? By deleting this game? sooner or later. Thanks to the efforts of the developer.

Whatever. Just wanted to inform you about possible playerbase shift but i guess you only want to view the negative parts. Have fun doing what you do i guess

it’s not my fault that mostly the game causes negative emotions with its imperfection.


Nobody forces you to stay. I seriously cant understand people who prefer to play games that they dont enjoy

I wouldn’t say unplayable, but, you do notice that the playerbase is currently skewed to the two axis powers at the moment. It will eventually swing back

Unfortunately, not much the matchmaker can do with being able to select what side to play. You will just have a side that has more players. It has to place those players in games, and often will have to just give what they have for opponents. Best you can do if you are struggling, is reach out (discord is a fairly good resource for finding a group) and find some fellow players to queue up with if you are playing solo.

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I like it. for now. But there is no alternative. For now.
The game could have been much better, it’s a shame that it’s not. There is too much ignoring of problems. The community ignores problems, too.

If multiplayer wakes up negative feelings then why not play custom battles? They tend to be more balanced


Around 50/50 for me in BR 5 USSR - one thing i really want for USSR is more Tier 4/5 planes

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well soviets currently have shit players. but you know what helps? hard carrying team.


Ah, our old pals Dr Zyklon and Mr Adolf Himler.

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oh he did the plane cycle on attack as US before i have seen it and not surprisingly they lost

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Eheheh I’m not surprised. He openly admitted numerous times he’s regularly suicide bombing because it’s “a valid tactic”…

As a metaphor, it’s like he’d answer “SIR, YES SIR”" to Sarge Hartman’s iconic “Do you s*** ****?” Instead of saying sir, no sir.

download (8)

He’s also a vehement opposition to a good airfield mechanic just because he wants to keep abusing it :sweat_smile:



you seem to be always butthurt and jelous of other players.
that type of comment is the only thing people see from you here, no positive/productive commenting.

Closed because is gonna be 100% a mess later