Does Russia feel almost unplayable for anyone else?

Bruv you average 1 squad death per minute.

Never seen someone that aggressive/careless of his/her bots before. XD

This was from a couple of days ago


Ahahah and he’s playing Sovs. It matchs! :laughing:


lol, Full Larp!


I care more about winning
And the number of deaths is not always an important factor in victory
Overall player skill is the most important factor

Sometimes even if you have a very high number of kills and a very low number of deaths
But you still can’t win anything
Because the constant stream of enemies will make you unable to resist
Teammates with insufficient skills will also hold you back.
In the end you still fail

About suicide tactics
It becomes very cost-effective when your contribution is higher than the cost of death.
It’s worthwhile when you can destroy a main tank or a high-value target or a large number of enemies within 2 suicide attacks.
Because the damage they can cause is far greater than the cost of your death
Or when your team is seriously depleted and loses its main functions and cannot provide efficiency, commit suicide and replace it with a complete team.
Instead of facing a team with missing functions and no way to deal with problems when they encounter them

Of course I can be a good Marine like Rambo (fight to the death)
But I prefer to destroy everything in the sky that can move and emit flashes, and use trucks, communication smoke, and paratroopers to support ground troops when I have time (Improve maximum support and attack efficiency with lower total death cost)
Or let your blood pressure drop a little in the sky after giving up an impossible victory

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You just discriminate against things you can’t understand
Even though he is so effective and has reasonable existence value


Is dying veeery often, the opposite of being skillful? No disrespect, i’m just playing devil’s advocate :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, the more you die, the more you bleed tickets for your team…

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i started playing high soviets recently for a road to berlin series and the games are brain damage inducing.
your team mates seem to drink 2 liters vodka per day before logging in and dont even know in which direction to go during battles.

my suffering for proof


you’re right
We should trust those teammates who have almost no fighting ability
Being so good that teammates won’t think of or have to use suicide tactics
Trust them to do everything themselves (build, fight, cover)
So that we can fight with them on the ground with peace of mind
Rather than becoming the number of enemy kills and sense of achievement

Since teammates have no way to do this
Then we can only regard death as a cost-effectiveness
Suppress the enemy with the lowest cost and highest efficiency
Instead of spreading death evenly among everyone, it makes the panel look better.

Because failure is never caused by just one person

Mmmmmmh… suicide tactic, is not, “good”…

I fail to see the achievement here. Let’s say you used assaulters teams the whole match on average, and those squads have 7 men each.

You lost 24 squads the match @Forlorn_Squad took a screen of. That’s a huge 168 wasted casualties, to your small 79 kills.

You have a 47 % kill ratio or 0,47 if you prefer.

Meanwhile the teammate #2 “only” made 58 kills, but only had an average amount of 49 casualties. Unlike you… his ratio is positive.

What I mean is. You talk about

You’re the one with THE LEAST efficiency of this scenario… it may only work for you in a match with infinite tickets as a defending team.

On attack however…The way you play can spell straight defeat for your team.


his recent moscow gameplay is just plane cycling into suicide dive for the entire match, on attack, so hes just wasting lives over and over and over again

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And use an APC team containing three infantry with RMN and AT GL and just suicide after running out of ammunition.
Even mentioned this without hesitation and did not think it was toxic.


Why do you always think others don’t understand what you do?
I agree that suicide attacks are a low-tech, high-reward strategy with basically no countermeasures, but it’s not “good”, at least not for the game environment.

I doubt it, you didn’t even try 5 minute of “normal” gameplay before going into a suicide loop.
Your purpose in entering the game is to see the line “VICTORY”, and you will do whatever you can to do it.
I must warn you that some players are so eager to win that they give up using skills to achieve this result, and end up cheating (not cursing you, I hope you are not such a person)
But back to the topic, most players don’t want to see suicide spam. This also fulfills your desire to win, but it will destroy the remaining immersion in the game and is not “healthy” for the game environment.

Hes playing soviets perfectly!

Or Brannigan



Yeah… its ALWAYS your teammates. ALWAYS.

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I see you deserted, as always,

Hope you find peace in your gaming!

What else is ‘new’ from that one?

I mean you lost. But it wasnt a snowball.

looks like there were some engineers on both sides and cant say the other team was much better. after the top 2 players. Apart from top player not a hugh amount of objective kills either side.

Just how it goes.

there are chances for the USSR. Especially on BR2. But there is no chance for the United States. They get kicked everywhere. Their weapons are terrible. Their tanks is dead. The only good plane can’t change that.

I don’t believe you. How many times has it been said “everything will change” and nothing has ever changed. Everything always comes back to the same result. The AXIS is destroying everyone. the end.

Many times when a faction gets new stuff it gets played. Take tunisia campaign as example. British were steamrolling italians for long until italians got their folgore and then things changed to the opposite.

Latest example is japan. They got new tank mg and auto rifle and then everyone played them