Does FG42 II have less dispersion than FG42?

I noticed the FG42 has really bad dispersion so bullets don’t go where you aim at medium range. Does the FG42 II (berlin level 29) have less dispersion or is it just less recoil?

well well well, look who it is do you like the discount siegfried line that was made infront of your panther? but to answer your question it does have less recoil on both the X and Y axis


Does it have better accuracy (less dispersion) though? The bullet spread on the FG42 is worse than other semi autos, kinda like how the gewehr was with the dispersion patch. It’s obvious why it needs the dispersion nerf, but curious if upgrading to the FG42 II would improve my accuracy in addition to recoil.

the fg42’s dispersion is about the same as BARa1 so it’s fairly standard for ww2 semi auto, and better accuracy is idk since i own a full starred sniper version in normandy not the infantry variant in berlin

I haven’t noticed any issues with my unupgraded FG-42 IIs in Berlin
Even at a distance
Though I’m not trying to plink from across the Kroll bridge because semi autos drop off too hard for that shit


Have you noticed improvements in accuracy compared to the earlier FG42? Sometimes I notice my bullets curve like in the movie Wanted lol. They just go another direction far from even the iron sights from time to time. I just want to know whether it makes sense to go out of my way to upgrade my FG42 to FG42 II’s once I get it.

@Rickyd123 That makes sense. Perhaps it is modeled as an LMG instead of a semi-auto. I think I read that in the alpha it was an LMG so maybe they forgot to change the code.

FG-42 II makes the standard FG 42 look positively balanced
Its p broken

is there something i’m missing or did you just go off and call the guy a mutt for no reason, like there are places for this toxicity fair enough but the guy just asked an innocent question


i m not sure if i understand, why this answer.

its a fair question the guy is trying to make…


FG-42 II does kick less per shot fired , making both recoil and conefire spreed small.
bullet dispersion its prety much the same, if you time your clicks slower, both are accurate, if you tap your mouse faster and dont let the recoil setle between shots, both will have some dispersion.

its way less noticable on the II model, so yes, it does have some dispersion, but way way less.
most of it, comes from less recoil both vertical and horizontal. making quick shots faster , ence, less visible recoil.
also, for your convinience, have both stats upgraded:

fg42 II with recoil upgrade (still have an extra upgrade for less 15% bullet dispersion)

comparing to FG 42 normal variant:



hey, you responded with logic and evidence! you can’t do that, this is the enlisted forum!

Thanks for the detailed response! Unfortunately there is no dispersion stat visible, only recoil stat so figured I’d ask the forum :slight_smile:

I’ve noticed sometimes I will do a single tap but the bullet will fly off to the side so wanted to know if this is less the case with the FG42 II (in which case the upgrade is well worth it). I recall the frustration after they decided to increase dispersion in a patch and now I was dealing with it all over again lol.

good point, he was just asking a question : D… however, don’t be butthurt.
Toxicity is part of the internet, and I absolutely love it that way,
you know freedom of speech with a small breeze of salt.

We dont need more Karens who think we all have to live in a lovely little kindergarden, being protected from every aspect of life.

Anyways sry for my off topic rubbish.

Freedom of speech is a right you get if you’re lucky enough to live in a non-shit country, it doesn’t make you immune to getting called out for being a prick.

However I do agree I don’t like people who think we should censor everything and coddle everyone, its fun to throw shit at idiots every now and again. But in this case it was just completely uncalled for and doing that sort of thing all the time just makes it tiring. Its like telling the same joke over and over again

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