Do you want Enlisted to be like Insonzo, for me its a no

Reminds me of someone who keeps trying to compare Enlisted & HLL, with the only goal being sharing his hate for the later with phony arguments… :thinking:


What is this Insonzo and which Italian delivery service offers it?


here is most italian meal you can imagine

Probably the same one that delivers mustard at long range.

So OP ranted about a game and didnt even spell it correctly?

Do you want to cause a heart attack to poor @gastanofrizzi ???

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i kinda want to try this… it seems so stupid that it might be good :stuck_out_tongue:


As long as that spaghetti monstrosity have cheese I would definitely try it

I guess if you’re all that then I am Bunny in the movie Platoon : “Fking pussy, fk it Sarge, I gotta have him on my hole?” :rofl:

For me, the more realism and historical accuracy the better, something that has unfortunately decreased over the years.