Do you think select fire rifles are too strong? (voting)

Whats the point of them being on radiomen when they cant carry ammo pouches?

What’s the point of the rifle then? Why would I ever use the FG if I can use the StG?

The problem is that BR5 SF rifles among them are(generally) pretty balanced, but compared to BR4 and 3 weapons, where riflemen only get semi-autos, it is a bit strong. I feel apart from ±0, they need to add a 6th br for some of the stronger BR5 weapons. For example no reason to use the FG-42 when the FG-42 II exists.

selective fire are strong. ( which they should be )

but are overused.
they should get their own class

It never feels like I’m firing a full powered rifle though. Definitely need the recoil increased, which would help balance them against Semi’s. If we got Semi’s fixed, then there would be an excellent pro-con decision here. Full auto, but less controllable. Semi auto, more controllable. Same destructive ability with consistent 2-3 hit kills instead of the current 3-5 for semi’s as they stand now



yes theyre too strong, they should get recoil penalties (as irl) so that they cant spray 10 bullets without completely losing control, atm everyone can easily spray 20 FG42 or T20 rounds without missing a single shot. reducing their firepower will create more HA and balance among the squad classes, as riflemen overpower almost anything on BR5 simply due to select rifles

Agree, historically these things went wild on auto when not braced. Id easily double their recoil as it stands right now; They should be braced to go full auto accurately.


Nah, SF in enlisted is basically no recoil
Everyone just using fullauto all the time,but that’s not how a battle rifle work
Even the further developed M14 uses semi auto most of the time
So yes, they are too good, that role should be LMG


Sounds good to me :wink:

when is this game going to stop using this tired “little indie dev” excuse?

WHEN, we have enough players for 9 to 15 ques and not the 6/9 we are struggling to fill now

In their own bracket not really it balances out well enough.

Compared to BR4 rifles and below, most certainly of course.

Tbh it kind of is an indie game.
With AA publisher and AAA prices but still.

Well, radiomen are already weird class. What’s the point of having 2 weapons slots if you can use only one weapon type?

It’s good only for Americans. As there’s quite difference between T20 and M2C.

QUICKER to switch many weapons then reload

That might be true. But it looks extremely stupid to have two of the same weapon.

On this he’s not wrong, thought.

Are SF ridiculously OP? Yes, as I’ve said.

But limiting those to radiomen makes no sense whatsoever. Radiomen aren’t weapons specialists… They’re… radio… men. If anything they should be LIMITED to personal defense weapons like carbines or even pistols.


Instead make SF rifles gunner weaponry and give it more ammo, so they end up being support weapons.

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Why specifically radio men tho? Shouldn’t long range weapons fit their playstyle better?

They should be default semi auto, and have a much more severe recoil in full auto. Gunners should stick to mgs.