Do mapmakers on the development team care?

Munda Point Enlisted


Munda Point Enlisted


They were given a job to make Munda Point, and I can’t say if what we have in Enlisted is Munda Point. If someone believes it does, circle Biblio Hill and Kokengoto Hill on the pictures from the Munda Point map in Enlisted.

They did this with Hurtgen Forest, they did this with Tenaru, and they did it with Central Stalingrad. With these many maps that hardly resemble their actual battles (With Stalingrad having the most resemblance), one begs to say that these map makers care about what they are doing.

Now, if the map makers in the development team actually care and don’t specialize in looking up information on the battles they are creating, in that case, I will look up every battle for the Pacific Islands for aerial photos of them to use for making maps. By having these photos, you will have no excuse as to why the map you created doesn’t look like the battle, and no one will dissatisfied because it looks like what it is named from. If people have an issue with it being balanced, then add the necessary bomb/artillery craters, tank corpses, foxholes, barbed wire, and sandbags.


Seems like a bit of a harsh take in my opinion.

It’s at least close enough that I can see the connection. Many (maybe most) of us aren’t that hung up on this sort of thing. I don’t know what the constraints are in terms of terrain, impact on resources, gameplay.

I want fun and balanced maps. If they are similar to historically accurate battle locations that’s a nice bonus but not top priority for me. I’d say they did OK here (in terms of representation).


Maps do not have to be copy / pasted from reality.

In “hell let loose” maps are 100 % true to historical locations, yet 90 % of every map are empty fields and walls of shrubs.

Please edit each photo and circle around what seems to match in terms of similarity

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Does this look like copy-and-paste mapmaking to you? Did you read my post?

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No. I’m not taking assignments from you. If you don’t see it then you don’t see it. You posted, I replied. That is all.

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There is no similarity then.

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What do you think… Also, this is a Pacific map. So I don’t care if they give it the short end of the stick, tbh. What I would really be happy for is if map selection gets added. So I can stop playing there finally. But feels like we are going in circles here with no results.

Uh. If that’s how you debate things then… whatever blows your hair back.

It’s not nearly a direct match. I can see some inspiration and connection. Good enough for me in map design. I don’t think they make all maps to historical scale for game purposes. This runway is likely not >1000m in game but I guess I can check when it suits my schedule.

I don’t take homework from random forum members. You take that as you being right… be my guest.

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Why? You know it is not just Pacific maps getting this treatment, right?

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Let me try to clarify. I DO think the map makers care. I think that you wish they cared in a different way. I think that many (possibly most) of us are OK with this particular map in terms of accuracy. It’s low on the list of things that concern me about the game right now.

I offered you a chance to prove it was similar, but you didn’t want to do so. You have no evidence that it is similar, and I offered you the chance to point it out to prove me wrong.

I don’t need to prove it to you. Opinions are subjective. No need to prove my opinion is valid. I see what they did.

Also… walking away from this. Not debating further.

Then, the claim stands if no one proves it wrong. They are not similar.

In your opinion.

Goodbye now.

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It’s a fact that you brought no evidence. Goodbye, and have a good day.

Lol most of the Enlisted maps don’t resemble their actual battle.
You are using a mindset of map resembling actual battle is the norm, it is not the case for this game.

lol counter: 1


They should give modders better terraforming tools so atleast we players could fix their maps.

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I’m pretty sure most people want this, as well as the ability to create/edit current and new buildings in the level editor.

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