I’m just curious what other people are doing, I’ve got heaps of legacy squads, too many to be honest, I’ve kept them foa ages as once you disband you can’t get them back.
However I’m beginning to question if it’s really worth it. I might keep the odd squad if I found some sort of historical connection, but for the most part, I’m beginning to wonder if I shouldn’t just simplify my roster and spend the silver on upgrading weapons and buying essential kit.
Just interestred in what other people are doing thats all.
I hope legacy squads get added to the loot box so I can get ones I didn’t unlock, as well as adding British and Italian squads to the Research Tree
I like having a lot of squads for different loadouts and a little historical immersion. I find it tedious to constantly be switching around gear so I like that I have set squads.
I keep all my squads, once you have presets in all BRs and don’t want to change things in lineups, you could consider selling soldiers (not squads)
But I find I do change things and the cost of deleting a squad is not worth it imho. I have BR2, 3,4,5 I am considering a BR1 line up on all factions. (I have actually created 3 BR2, 3 BR3 as I have soo many squads, vehicles and like to change my play)
the more squads you have in your active line up the longer it takes to change each soldiers equipment, than there are BR locked squads such as riders, APCs and MG squads so you need to switch those out when you want to play BR1 so the veteran experience is that you have squad presets for each BR you commonly play so you wouldnt have to spend 5-10 minutes just switching BR5 guns to BR2 guns and vice-versa. Not to mention that guns on a different BR might require different perks to be effective.
If you only have progression squads but want two assaulter squads in both BR2 and BR5 then you will have to spend 2-3 minutes changing up the equipment of at least one squad as players only get 3 assaulter squads/faction not counting premiums and event squads ofcourse.
So keeping all of the legacy squads only keep your options for the future. Plus it would be a crime to sell any Italian or British squads.
well, apparently many people sold them because couldn’t handle to fix them or think more than 2 mins on what to do with them.
on the other hand.
as other highlighed, these squads are essential for being able to switch among brs easily ( without having to go back and forth switching weapons on squads ) but generally in presets.
allows more options for different playstyles with different configurations and combinations.
it’s all kinda up to you on what you are planning to do.
personally, i kept all of them and somewhat regret not having the ones i don’t have.
but with the ones i managed to get my hands on, i was able to make historical loadouts for all factions ( more precisely, each campaign ), keep at least two presets for high and low br for all factions, and some personal favorite / memes lines up.
the merge unfortunately killed alot of variety and replayability for alot of people restraining their choices and possibilities of certain combinations.
which its kinda bad. but to each their own.
it is worthed to mention that if you never touched them, it can be quite the grind.
so again, up to you.
but i’d keep them in case you need or want to do something specific.
That’s the thing. Having all those legacy squads IS more simple, than having none.
I can switch of br with the press of a button, since all br have presets thanks to my legacy squads. Those who were STUPID enough to throw them away (10k silver is putting them in the trash) cannot do that and must manually go through every soldier’s arms when wanting to switch br.
Oh, also, here:
It’s impressive how often I get to copy paste this.
Currently I have nothing to do in the game, this has lead me to start maximizing my presets and loadouts.
I now have 1,2,3,5 presets for Japan & Germany and have just started doing USSR.
I started with Japan and what a complete pain it was, some squads i had to re-use because of lack of squads, as opposed to doing the other nations, Germany I have so many squads I can have a separate squad for each preset without having to load the preset then go into it and then change each soldier in each squads gun.
USSR I have the issue of having 1 tank squad that I’ll use for BR 2, 3 & 5 which is because they dont have more tank squads, so every time i change my present for switching BR’s I have to then go and change my tank, inwhich sometimes i end up in BR 5 with a BR 2 tank.
Legacy squads in general are great and don’t hurt to have sitting in reserves, as long as you’re organized and have made some presets then you pretty much don’t have to ever see them.
Also you can sell now and get your measly silver but in future you may want to come back and do different presets and find that the squads you sold could’ve been used instead. Selling squads you think you might not ever use, could change later on, I never used AT/MG etc so had I sold them in the past I would’ve been kicking myself now.
Keep them. I know of no one who disbanded their legacy squads and did not regret it. And, since DF doesn’t seem interested in listening to all the players who are requesting them back, there is no reason to dump them really for nothing. Don’t do it, you’ll regret it. Even if in the future DF offers them back, they WON"T BE FREE!..This meme pretty much sums it up.