Diary of a veteran player who cares about history in this "New Enlisted"

Game 18.

Berlin BR 5.
Normandy, finally Invasion.

Good fight, the Americans were spamming paratroopers on the objectives and took 2.5 of them.

But Germany with Tiger 2, STG and FGs does feel more powerful.

Great WW2 feel though, this match gets a solid 1 WW2 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 10.5/18

Game 19.

Berlin BR 5.
Normandy, Conquest again.

Can’t complain, didn’t see anything insane.
Solid 1 WW2 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 11.5/19

For anniversary Game 20 I went again with Soviet BR2.

Stalingrad… again.

Pz IV J… again.

Fighting them in BT-7 doesn’t only feel unfair but also again and again immersion breaking.

Fun fact: in all of my Soviet BR2 games I’ve only played Stalingrad and it’s always been a German uptier with Pz IVs and NEVER HAVE I EVER seen KV-1 or T-34.

And yes I don’t know where the Soviet playerbase is but it’s not at BR 1-2-3, as I just can’t be arsed to get 6700 score, almost double of enemy team’s first, destroy 8 Pz IV Js and other Pz IIIs and still lose.

1944 Pz IV J doesn’t belong to 1942 Stalingrad at all.

0 WW2 points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 11.5/20

With the amount of stuff I had from 5 campaigns with Germany, I was able to not only equip a BR5 lineup, but also BR2 and now experimental BR3, with some of the coolest weapons from the past: MP-41(r), Suomi KP-26, MP-40 silenced:

With that lineup I tried my first BR 3 roulette:
Game 21.
Tunisia. Looks like BR 2-3, because I noticed Crusader, M8 Scott amd M1 Garand.

Still surprised my Pz IV doesn’t become automatically dark-yellow and stays grey :frowning:

The game itself was very competitive and felt nicely authentic.

Proper 1 WW2 point for this match.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 12.5/21

Game 22.
Germany BR 3.
Voskhod Settlement.
First ever encounter with KV-1.

Decent WW2 feel. Solid 1 WW2 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 13.5/22

Game 23.
Germany BR3.
Normandy, Parelle Village, an interesting uptier to Tigers, Fireflies and STG-44s, but no Tiger 2s.

All in all, good WW2 experience, solid point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 14.5/23

Damn bro you gonna keep this up Godspeed man

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Game 24.

Pacific Munda Trail.
Looked like actual BR2 game, nothing big from Japan.

(first game post-merge where I forgot to take a screenshot)

Cruising in my Crusader.
Still think this feels wrong, so thos match getc 0.75 WW2 points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 15.25/24

Game 25.

Wow!? Not Stalingrad? It’s actually Moscow… I mean… snowy USSR. Fortified District.

Great match, solid 1 WW2 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 16.25/25

Lol true
I have no idea why stalingrad with only 2 maps makes for 50% of the maps in the rotation.


Great job documenting your experiences. At the moment I may not be able to control what the teams spawn with, but for now I just care that what I spawn with is immersive for me. For example, I quit if my Normandy German composition with FG 42s, Gewehr 43s, Pumas, Panthers sends me to 1942 Stalingrad

I personally think in time the BR system could be tweaked to be more historical. In time

I think it’s because there isn’t more mid to late war Soviet campaigns so they put T4 in Stalingrad. Hopefully we get some soon

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Game 24.
Tunisia Al Jabal.
I purposely don’t equip Pz IV J and instead take Pz IV F2 and G to be able to play in more maps than just 1944 onwards without remorse.

Nice WW2 game, felt pretty Tunisian.

Solid 1 WW2 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 16.25/25

Game 25.

The Japanese put up one hell of a fight, actually nice to see.

We managed to captire 3.5 of the objectives.

GG. Felt nice. Solid 0.75 WW2 points because Crusader in the Pacific.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 18/25

Game 26.
Soviet BR2.
As always, uptier against Pz IV Js.

I don’t know what’s wrong with Soviet BR2 teams, but this is not the first time where my teammates struggle to even reach 1000 score at the end of a 15-minute battle.

Decent WW2 experience (except MP 3008, VG 2 and the damned Pz IV J), so this gets 0.75 WW2 points and 0 teammates points (seriously wtf).

TOTAL WW2 so far: 18.75/26

and that what i keep experience with russian team too idk where these chill br2 is tbh but maybe it cause im using br3 gear (i quit a match only when i know i get uptier)

Wait so you play BR3 and you agree to play against BR1/2/3 but quit when it’s 3/4/5?

i mean russian gear br3 arent strong enough to do br3+ so yea there is nothing i can do about that and there isnt enough br4 or 5 russian player to make it viable

i know it sound very scummy but there is no russian br3+ at all there is like 5 guy and that it
also just got a br1-3 game and it was fun so i understand now

3 is not fun in an uptier vs Feds and STG-44s
But it is fun in 1-3 due to you got the best stuff for low level stuff.




would be tenfold better.


yea that would be nice since rn out of 5 match i got br1-3 once and 4 were br3+

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I mean obviously curbstomping is fun :slight_smile:

But so far I have only deserted due to bullshit matches like Tiger 2 in Stalingrad, I refuse to play that.

I would say
would already work much better

Game 27.
German BR3.
Looks like it was a rare downtier, as all I fought was M13s and M2A4s.

Forgot to take a screenshot but here is a random one

Felt good, solid 1 WW2 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 19.75/27

You… you want dudes with mosins fighting T4 weapons? My dude… that would just be worst then the system we already have.

You want new players to basically get shat on by T4 weapons?!