Diary of a veteran player who cares about history in this "New Enlisted"

I proposed you an idea that you fully ignored, also a game of yours can be played by both sides. After seeing you comment and how without any carefull consideration you came up with you answer, i might say that this topic is made only to show how you mentally break down because of one map, bruh man take away your sector ppsh, bruh man you are so bruh, don’t use your tier 3 to 5 so you might not see any king tigers in stalingrad, oh what an irony of putting things away such an easy solution that you prescribe to everyone else but yourself…
As i was speaking, give soviets other 1943-45 maps and then get rid of stalingrad in 4-5 ranks. Thats it, i see no futher fruitful conversation with you, farewell.

Ps: editing some spelling mistakes

How about first we remove Stalingrad from BR 4-5 because that’s insanity, and then wait for those new maps which I will welcome.

Take care!

Game 12. Tried USSR BR1 lineup.

Wow. Uptier to BR3 against MP-40s.
Feels like @BandytaJeden put an AP mine from every soldier of every squad on the objective.
Also feels like that was a stack, because the experience was not enjoyable at all, we only managed 1 bomb.

But it did feel like WW2 and I didn’t barf from anything.

So this match gets a solid 1 WW2 point.

But BR1 doesn’t seem to make any sense at all.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 5.75/12


Git Gud

Game 13. Back to USSR BR2.
As always, uptier to BR3.

Stalingrad conquest, the enemy team did not have a good time despite having late-war Pz IV J.

Didn’t feel barf enducing, so gets 1 WW2 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 6.75/13

Git no sweat stack and no up 2 BRs boi


Game 14. BR2 USSR. Obviously, an uptier.
But an intense battle till the last ticket.

“Snowy USSR” (ex Moscow) but late war Pz IV J is still weird.

This match gets 1 WW2 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 7.75/14

Since literally every game I’ve played as BR1/2 has been an uptier, probably BR3 is the way to go from now on.

we literally play tier II
dont cry

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You’re a BR2 stack lmao
And the game was BR3

While I was not a stack and BR1

Why you all defensive with panties in a bunch after I just described a game and a tactic from your teammate, take a chill pill.

not a single spawn point was destroyed by your side and you cry that you coudnt win

No way, stacks win against randoms, you should write a book about it and call your mom.

i rather call your’s

Lol that one dude was BR3, we don’t even know him.

And he had way less score with his BR3 than us with BR2.

What’s the point in complaining about stacking? You want people to conform to your delusional standards of what game should look like?

Not my fault matchmaking is still shit

Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

Mate, the only complaint/negativity came from your friend after I merely stated that you used a lot of AP mines, with the “git gud”.

He can go shut the f up with that straiht away.

Other than that we’re all good. I GG’d your other friend above already.


Game 15. Germany BR2.

It has kind of become evident now that nearly no BR is immersive enough for me.
Tunisia has Pz IV J again.
But at least it’s something, eh.

0.75 WW2 points and Panzer of the lake

TOTAL WW2 so far: 8.5/15

Game 16.
Got a 50% XP daily booster.
Decided to try the original Germany BR 5 lineup.

Stalingrad… with Tiger 2 and STG

No, Darkflow, I will not play this insanity. Not with XP boosters, not with penalties.

This game gets 0 WW2 points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 8.5/16

late war gerXussr wants to play berlin
early war gerXussr wants to play moscow

just remove stalingrad, maps aren’t great.

I mean Stalingad is probably my favorite location to play in Enlisted, but not with BR 3/4/5 weapons and vehicles.

Hey Mr. Svejk, can you do us Americans a favor and tell CZ to release more vz. 61s for the US market. I’ve been dying to get my hands on one in .32 acp

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Game 17.
Another try of German BR5.
For the first time ever post-merge I was sent to Normandy.
Conquest though :man_facepalming:

Germany is indeed on steroids on top BR so under 8 minutes victory.

Nothing felt too much out-of-place for WW2 so this match gets 1 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 9.5/17