Diary of a veteran player who cares about history in this "New Enlisted"

Except in BF everybody can use everything. So russians riding KTs.
And the proggression is unified.

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Look, it’s really simple:
Personally I’ve never championed for “historical accuracy” or “milsim” or “where is the food shortage and the frost effects”.
I just expect a WW2 game that respects itself to not have insanity, or stuff that didn’t exist then, or was obviously not used there.

Obviously it’s a game and balance should be the priority
only balance within believable historical immersion and without glaring bullshit.

Tiger 2, Tiger 1, AS, RPD, STG in Stalingrad is glaring bullshit.

I can not imagine a person who has ever read even the wikipedia page about Stalingrad to not barf at the look of that.

You’re flat out asking for HA…

You say you don’t want it then say “I don’t want stuff that didn’t fight in Stalingrad to be in stalingrad.”

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Enlisted isn’t like COD World at War.

It’s an FPS with a WW2 skin, It respects the weapons of the war, It handles them in a fine way, Sure they show up in places that don’t really make sense but I mean I’d rather this system then trying to fight Tiger 2’s with my Mosin 44 and T-34-85 trying to get up to the IS-2 when I know it’s going to be a pointless battle of losing until I get to the FED and IS-2 so I can basically use broken OP stuff vs them.

So you preferred the situation as of late with 12 separate queues where Tunisia is is dead botfarm, Pacific is dead botfarm, Berlin is German supremacy 24/7?

Sure, not being able to choose the faction might be not amazing, but choosing the lesser of the two evils.

No, vehicles are faction specific in BFV.

But this yes and I think it’s awesome.
Play a battle, earn 10k XP, spend it on whatever faction’s weapon you want.
Next time you roll that faction you will be able to use it.
IF the playerbase grows big enough, add separate queues for axis/allies.

Depends on what you and I mean by historical accuracy.

I don’t care about edited damage numbers, reload speeds, mm of armor penetration – balance is more important.

I don’t mind FG-42 in Berlin even though there were not many of them there.

I super mind RPD and AS with troops, which were never adopted or issues to soldiers, and I mega mind Tiger 2 in Stalingrad which didn’t even exist by that time.

Once again:

The Merge is not bad.

Lack of historical brackets and hard map links is bad.

I don’t care for a “perfectly balanced WW2 game” if it has Tiger 2 in Stalingrad.

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So russians with StG and FG42. Same thing.

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1: No I prefer the merge where I can play as the Japanese, The axis, The allies, Or the USSR
And get this! NOT BE THE ONLY PLAYER VS A FULL TEAM. Shocker right?
2: Yet you still care about the whole ordeal of stalingrad? While not caring about a paratrooper’s weapon being common in berlin?

Would you rather soviets just have SVT-40s vs MKBs, STG-44s?
RPD and AS-44 are cool weapons, Aren’t shown off that much, I think it fits perfectly in enlisted.

Historical brackets would just be campagins 2.0 and would just lead to the same issue.
Which I’ll use your own words: “Tunisia is is dead botfarm, Pacific is dead botfarm, Berlin is German supremacy 24/7?”

I never supported shared weaponry.

No you can’t choose that.

I’m saying that from 2020 it was obvious that 8-10-12 queues were not a viable way.
And the lesser of the evils was launching the game without faction selection.

Here is an FG-42 in Berlin. At least it existed and was officially adopted by the German military.

I’ll wait for your photo of Tiger 2 in Stalingrad now.

Also I’ll wait for their photos in WW2 frontlines or official adoption by the military, production and delivery to regiments.

Also what is “not shown off that much”? They are literally in main progression.

What’s the problem with locking Stalingrad off BR 4 and 5?
Just let it be BR 1-3.
Simple as that.

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1: Don’t get what you mean.
2: Tiger 2 was a late war tank, Stalingrad was also a battle which wasn’t enjoyable, Perhaps we should make it so that German troops just randomly die too?
3: There’s no photos nor proof of the MKB being in stalingrad, There’s no proof of the FED being used in moscow nor stalingrad.
I’m talking about over all in games, Past vanshit which had the AS-44 and I do believe something like the RPD, Which is even how I found the AS-44 existed, And RPD-44 as well, Plus you aren’t complaining about some how a Protype which only one existed can have a grand total of up to 3-4 in enlisted.
Simply put: This is a nothing burger over all vs some of the more shocking things.

Hell they could easily do a map rework, Remove any telltale signs of this being stalingrad and boom, Now Stalingrad gone, It’s just a city now.
4: Berlin + Stalingrad are suitable maps for top tier. Hell Moscow would be even better imo for top tier as it has large open maps making the combat more exciting.

Whats the point of the game if we cant even choose stuff anymore?
Gun play is too bad as standalone, AI is too bad as standalone, vehicle gameplay is too bad as standalone and maps are too bad as standalone.
Why should anyone invest money if they cant choose to pick stuff anymore?
Would take that over keeping the ability to choose botfarms.


Dude first of all, where are the photos of Tiger 2 in Stalingrad, AS and RPD fighting in WW2?


Launching Enlisted with separate campaigns and separate queues from the beginning was a mistake.
The lesser of the evils would be launching it without faction selection at first to have all the players in one pool.
If playerbase grows => add axis/allies selection.
If it grows some more => add nations selection.

Both are bullshit and should not have been in Stalingrad and Moscow. Sure.

All. Of. Them. Are. Bullshit. And. Were. Not. Used. In. Berlin, Stalingrad, or WW2.
Or you have proof otherwise?

Are you out of your mind?
I just visited this city a few months ago.
It IS Stalingrad.

Just leave Stalingrad alone from the BR4-5 cancer.


B.R 1-3:
Stalingrad (Hope you like tractor factory 24/7)

B.R 3-5:
Berlin, Hope you like armored train 24/7

Tbh I’d prefer
Moscow, stalingrad
Moscow, berlin.

So as follows:

The game cannot be realistic why because it would bore people to death, the overwhelming number of soldiers would be riflemen, then assault soldiers with SMG, machine guns would be so rare you would swear they did not exist, tanks would only be seen a handful of time per battle, flamethrowers would if ever only be brought out to siege hardened targets, snipers would be two-man teams with a spotter.

Medics depending on the era would be unarmed or have pistols only, paratroopers would have half the squad killed if they tried to drop into most maps, the simple fact is even if you remove all the prototype weapons and restrict real weapons to the right time periods enlisted is nothing like WW2. Most squads carry way too much gear, a soldier had to carry weapons, ammo, food, water, and other gear so carrying two primaries, a pistol, grenades and mines, a knife, canteen, binoculars and god knows what else is insane, so Enlisted never has and never can be realistic. Unless every soldier is rambo in disguise


Not having Tiger 2 and RPD in Stalingrad is not boring.

Having Tiger 2 and RPD in Stalingrad is insane.

Fighting in Stalingrad with weapons and vehicles that existed when Stalingrad happened and were used there is fun.

the trouble is balance is more fun unless you want the one team to be played by bots

Balance wouldn’t be hurt if BR 4 and 5 weren’t playing on Stalingrad maps.

And what will be damaged if ranks 4-5 are playing in Stalingrad? Immersion? Thats a matter of everyones preference i don’t mind it, because i have never gone after so called HA (in a game that tried it but abandoned it later on), of course someones experience might rUineD but i will say that how about ranks 4-5 play in Stalingrad untill other maps are added? Sounds good? So your feelings aren’t hurt as mine because only playing a battle of berlin after reaching 4th rank will be mental for me

It’s just unnecessary, especially after more later war maps will be added.

You can play other BRs and enjoy other maps, including Stalingrad.

Simply without Tiger 2s and RPDs.