Diary of a veteran player who cares about history in this "New Enlisted"

Game 9. Spent about an hour to fully change Germany from BR 5 to BR 2.

Stalingrad Tractor Plant.
Almost nice historycally, but PPS-42/43 still feels weird in Stalingrad as it was never used by that time, and it also feels much better than anything Germany has on BR 2 (Beretta M1918, FNAB-43 - also a weird one for Stalingrad).

And of course we lost without taking even the first 2 bombs because this new balance is so amazing.

This match gets 0 WW2 points because PPS-43 vs FNAB and Pz IV J in Stalingrad is just weird.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 4.25/9

To finish off the 10 test games I tried the Join Any Team button

Instantly got Stalingrad Tractor Plant again with my USSR BR 2 lineup.

Obviously it was an uptier.
Late-war Pz IV J and Flamethrower 35.
Out of the 8 games I played not as top BR, all of them have been uptiers, it seems.

Obviously we lost because even with this “new amazing balance” you still need to carry the team, and just you is still not enough.

PPS-43, late-war Pz IV J and all that Jazz in Stalingrad.

So naturally 0 WW2 points for this match.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 4.25/10

Ten test games are over.
With that in mind, I am not going beyond BR2 with Soviets/Germans because I don’t want Stalingrad with shitshow tanks.

Game 11. USA BR 2.
Tunisia. Cahif Confrontation. Uptier as always.

Late war Pz IV J as expected. Why can’t we have it changed for at least Pz IV F2 that actually existed there?
It’s practically the same.

0.5 WW2 points for this match.

From now on I will be quitting matches if they enrage me with anti-WW2 BS.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 4.75/11

The game was never dying. It had almost 1 million players without even being on steam and really no advertising. I mistakenly found the game one day and loved it from the start. I swear this new update will be the beginning of the end though. Im only playing right now to get the event squad in case things change. But I’m checked out, incredibly miserable experience now.

No one plays custom matches. It’s dumb you even suggest that.

that’s the bloody point.

ask your self why


They had working bipods in less than 3y after release.
(Also MMGs are quite nice.)
(Also free srug in less than 3y after release. IV but still.)

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I couldn’t care less about bipod mechanics, I am very active player, not a camper.
I don’t even remember trying to use bipods in BFV.

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You don’t need to camp to use bipods.
Especially with (stupid) dolphin dive mechanics.
But standard frog leaps are enough in most cases.

I haven’t done that either. I literally tried it for few hours, didn’t like the gunplay and then immediately uninstalled it.


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I didn’t know you are czech (or slovak, not enough data).


Not to argue but his profile picture is that on czech soldier from ww1 Švejk was his name? I like his cafe in Prague


Yes. But ppl can put whatever in their pfp so it’s not a great clue.
Enough to solve cz vs sk though.

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Yes! One big :+1: for you.

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So let me get this:

You want to remove the ability to chose what faction you play?

And my dude, What do you think weapons are meant to do, They’re meant to COUNTER other weapons, Why was the Panzer F2 made? TO FIGHT T-34

Why was the G41 made? To give troops an equal to the SVT
Why was the Sherman M4A2 76 made? To counter heavy german armor.

And what on god’s green earth do you think the B.R system is meant to do?
1-3 3-5
New players don’t get to see STG-44 and Tiger 2 in their T-60s and 1938’s Mosins.

i recently had 2 moscow matches (br2 soviet) where a king tiger had shown up

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There is a weird bug I do believe, I’ve not had the displeasure of having it just yet but I’ve also heard some people might be mistaking B.R 3 or 4 weapons or gear by mistake without realizing it.

The devs I do believe are aware of the Bug and are working on a fix.

If this was done from the launch of the game, like in BF3/4/1/V, people wouldn’t find it weird.
It’s only the WT crowd that is used to separate nation queues.

Yes and that is fine.

But adding MKB/STG to the Germans doesn’t mean the Soviets NEED an assault rifle even if it’s fake like ASs-44.

Balance could be achieved e.g. by fine tuning STG+MG vs PPSh+DP values.

So why did they design the game to be like that for almost 3 years?

The “old Enlisted” system was bad from the get-go, and I wrote those posts back in 2020.

And now in an attempt to fix it they are doing one step forward, ten steps back by filling the iconic Stalingrad with Tiger 2 and RPD.

And adding onto this:

We have to look at this whole HA ordeal in a simple way:

Would you like to play France vs Germany?
If it was HA the French would just be terrible to play… Which makes the German the over whelming force.

How about let’s say the battle of Berlin if it was HA.
I doubt we would see very many Tiger 2s, Barely had any left.
Soviets would have tenfold of men, Armed with alot and I mean ALOT more SVT-40s and PPSH-41s as well as PPS-43s
IS-2s and T-34-85s would be all over the place.
It wouldn’t be fun for the germans, As some would basically be given next to nothing.

How about tunsisa?
Italian gear would be so bad due to jamming and issues with it, You would probably never touch it.
Germans would have the Tiger 1 H tho.
All in all it would probably not be a very fun battle as it would be a grayzone camper vs a team of rushing Lee enfields and the odd troop support tank.

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No, People would still be pissed.

If I download a WW2 game that says I can play as the axis and then it basically says “Here play as the Japanese in the pacific” then “Here play as the soviets” then “Here play as america”

I’d be insanely pissed and feel lied to.

The MKB and FED were added to fight each other, The fed was made in WW1

They didn’t have T-60s and 1938 mosins fighting dudes with STG-44s and Tiger 2s.

T-34-85s, And M44 mosins vs STG-44 and Tiger 2 would be more suitable to your agurement. And why do you think the merge came along? It was to fix that issue as they realized the campagin system wasn’t going to work as we said day 1 among many many other reasons. Which is why the Merge is a huge pro to the community, But has many bugs which needed to be iron out. In truth it needed longer in the oven.

In truth, Sure it sucks, But I mean it’s better then Berlin 24/7

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