Diary of a veteran player who cares about history in this "New Enlisted"

Just consider this of a bot squad COD WW2 with vehicles from now on.
It’s no longer a HA FPS game anymore.
Does WT arcade BR considered HA? No. So is Enlisted

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I didn’t even try 2042.

I just showed how BF1/BFV didn’t have faction selection and nobody died.
That’s not a 100% rule, outside of the War Thunder world.

No I said we didn’t need this “progression” system where every new gun is better than the previous and every gun needs a counter (even if it’s fake) from the opposing side".

I would run to finally pay premium price for a NORMAL WW2 game.
Is that really too much to ask for…
Even Enlisted being free was always a coincidence for me, I’d have glady paid $60 from the start.

I’m talking primarily about playerbase splitting – even a giant like BF knew it would be stupid to divide the players by 12 queues.

That’s the thing – there isn’t.
Allow me to document an obituary of what once was my #1 game despite me being able to run/buy anything else.

you already have AKs in this game disguised as ASS 44

Clones of gender-fluid blacks fighting for Russia with NATO weapons. Feels like some weird satire.
Dont really care that the BFV soldiers look the same since I only see their faces like 5% of the time and they dont have cringe slogans except for maybe those weird premium characters.


Game 5. BR 2 USSR lineup.

Another uptier (so far BR 2 have only been uptiers) with incompetent Soviet team to Stalingrad against BR 3 Germans.
Another curbstomp under 8,5 minutes.

But at least I didn’t see any insanity so this gets 1 WW2 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 2.75/5

it never really has been.

i too would love that.

but enlisted is not what you are looking for.

( i’d argue, even better considering that you can make your own HA through an editor that, granted, it’s finniky and somewhat hard to understand. but it allows you to do anything that you want the game to be. )

which, once again, if you want pure HA, make it through customs or the editor.

i swear, by the time you had so many arguments about it, you could have made 3 mods already lol by this point.

yet you refuse.

i suppose it’s easier to complain than actually work behind your own interest.

don’t complain about the outcomes though.

Sorry but with all due respect to the modders I’m yet to see a populated lobby without some insanity like mixed armies/Italians in shorts in Moscow/Americans in Russia, etc.

These are the custom games I see right now

It was. In 2020-21.

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that should answer your own question rather than mine.

because no one is stopping your from gathering or hosting historical missions.

someone else did already. and there are a few communities on discord that host those milsim.

as much you want to refuse to actively do something on your own, what you are looking for is through mods and customs.

the only thing you can and should complain, is the promised equipment selector that hasn’t been delivered.

beyond that, just empty chatter i’m afraid.

Different game, different developers.

Unless you actually have proof that the game is heading in that direction (in spite of the fact the devs have said numerous times there are no plans to expand into modern combat anytime soon), that’s nothing more than speculation and drama.


That’s a very good point and people need to understand that.

We could have done a 100 tests and we still wouldn’t have known until it was actually out. Theres room for change. People are acting like things aren’t gonna get changed.

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The AS44 is not an AK.
I don’t know if this is a joke or you’re being serious, either way it’s stupid.
Take a guess at what the AS and 44 means if you don’t believe me.

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Sorry if I don’t want to create mods and customs and then wait for hours for people to join.
I just want WW2 game to be WW2 (at least without obvious bullshit) and press Play.

Anyway. Game 6. BR 2 USSR lineup.

Stalingrad again. Pz IV J again. Also VG-2, PPS-43 and Puma – none of which existed then.
But at least we finally won.

This bullshit gets 0 WW2 points.

Looks like next I will be testing BR 1 because I already can’t be arsed to see Panzer IV J in Stalingrad.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 2.75/6

it’s also ridiculous how out of my 6 games played on BRs 5 and 2, FOUR games have been in Stalingrad and ZERO of them felt authentic like Stalingrad (all even worse than in the old Enlisted).


maybe in real life
but not in game :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Different developer yet same publisher so their track record stands. Do not underestimate the power of publishers in decision making even in a AAA game studio

This is Gaijin we are talking about.

In an attempt to ease up the pain of Stalingrad being desecrated on every BR, I decided to try out Japan.

And not just out of curiosity but also I admit that I am much less knowledgeable in the Japanese/American history, and maybe some inaccuracies wouldn’t make my etes bleed like Tiger 2 in Stalingrad.
(or maybe for y’all who grew up with Normandy and not Stalingrad in your movies and books that feels ok as well, idk)

So. Game 7. BR 2 Japan lineup.
Got uptiered, as always, to fight against Shermans.
Felt like the old Enlisted, nothing new. Most of the players on both sides felt like bots, very passive.

Couldn’t help but notice fighting A-13 MK IIs.

Which, of course, as expected, was never used in the Pacific

But I didn’t want to barf. So this match gets 0.75 WW2 points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 3.5/7

Another try.

Game 8. USA/GB BR 2 lineup.
Doesn’t look like I got uptiered for the first time.
Quite a weird lineup as well: two paratrooper squads (British with Welgun + Pacific with M1A1) + SAS squad with Sten Mk II (S) + USMC squad with Tommyguns + Crusader tank + Dauntless plane.
This would be weird in any front/map, but I got into the Pacific.

Another very calm and non-sweaty game (maybe bots). @Gregorpeschkow was doing work with Ho-I and then suddenly half of their players left.

This game also gets 0.75 WW2 points because basically my lineup isn’t working for any theater.

The Pacific is getting points, Stalingrad only losing.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 4.25/8

I’ve said it before but this game can work as semi historical. Overall I care that atmosphere is maintained

It can (emphasis on can) work with this new system, it just needs some more tweaking and work

From my personal experience, seeing a Puma in Berlin good, seeing a Puma in Moscow bad. Gewehr 43s in Moscow or Stalingrad, bad. You get the idea. The core of the issue is simply things showing up where they shouldn’t be

With the new system I about 45% of the time you get a decent atmospheric match

I will say if we got some more battles/campaigns it might alleviate these issues as there would be more chances to have a decent match, such as more Western or Eastern Front campaigns.

For example my current German lineup only really fits in Normandy and Berlin, and I don’t want to use FG 42s and Gewehr 43s in Stalingrad if the match maker makes plops me as Germany on that map. But if there are more battles added into the mix than I may fit in a bigger variety of places

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I would agree with that. Again, I think they should go back and implement the soft rule.

Atleast the Afrika maps don´t have stuff like G43s, STG44s, Firefly and Panther anymore. Thankfully nodody likes to play the Soviet maps though so you will barely get to see the time traveling german equipment.