Diary of a veteran player who cares about history in this "New Enlisted"

Game 62.

Vysokovo Village.

Slugfest and meatgrinder, braindead team refuses to build rallies again, but the Germans finally stopped at the last objective.

Proper Barbarossa experience, solid WW2 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 48.75/62

Game 63.

Vysokovo Village again.

Nice WW2 feel again but this time a roflstomp.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 49.75/63

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Game 64.
Join Any Team BR2.

Ah. Finally it was my time to be that guy who forgets one squad/weapon and my otherwise BR2 bolt-action based squad got sent to Berlin just because my Sd.Kfz 7 guys had G41s.

Valiant effort by the team though (update, further investigation shows top 3 were a stack :confused: ), and decent WW2 feel if it wasn’t for the occasional AS BS in the kill feed.

0.75 WW2 points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 50.5/64

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Game 65.

Pacific. Tenaru.

Why do my paratroopers sometimes drop 400+ meters from the destination?

All in all good game I guess. But I still feel dirty using Crusader and SAS boys in shorts.

Standard Pacific 0.75 WW2 points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 51.25/65

Game 66.
Join Any Team BR2.

Normandy Omer.

Sweaty game against a well-coordinated American top 3 and insane reinforcement points, but felt good.

Solid 1 WW2 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 52.25/66

Game 67.

Stalingrad Gogol Street.

Meatgrinder of a low tier game, filthy impact grenades spam by the Germans, consistently braindead Soviet team who snipe from 5 km away when the objective is being lost and refuse to build rally points.

2k poinst gap over second place didin’t help to win, but the game felt really like Stalingrad with PPD-34 and MP-38.
No insanities like ASs or Tiger 2 in Stalingrad.

Solid 1 WW2 point.

However I truly feel Germany gets way more reinforecement points in Confrontation Stalingrad as compared to USSR.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 53.25/67

Game 68.
Germany BRV.

Normandy D-Day.

Hard fought battle, felt a lot like D-Day slugfest. Nice. Solid point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 54.25/68

Game 69. Nice.
Germany BR5.

Normandy. Gare de Saint-Lo.

For once I decided to play tank in my Tiger 2 H and my team was unable to hold any point for a second, so we turbo-lost to American paras spam and cap time advantage almost under 10 minutes.
Wow, team…

Felt like Germans in July 1944 though, totally inept against paratroopers.
Solid point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 55.25/69

Game 70.

Pacific Gavutu.

Tough game with well balanced teams. And well, traditional 0.75 WW2 points for the Pacific.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 56/70

Game 71.

Stalingrad Gogol St.

Poorly balanced team, the Germans were unable to offer any attacking prowess.

But felt very Stalingrad-y so solid WW2 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 57/71

Game 72.

Stalingrad Station conquest.

Fast and quick, but felt right. Solid point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 58/72

Game 73.

Moscow Vysokovo.

Very WW2-feeling match but poorly balanced, the Germans were repelled in the snows of Moscow almost like Stalin thought they would have been.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 59/73

Game 74.

Moscow Vysokovo.

A real tough Barbarossa style battle to the last point, classic braindead Soviet team refusing to build any rallies, Terminator guy flying all game with ~5 kills and stating in chat he’s been playing Enlisted since 2017…

Solid WW2 point even though it felt like 2v4.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 60/74

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For the sake of experiment I am going out of my comfort zone on BR2 and starting tests with Join Any Team BR3 + Japan on BR2 because I don’t have its BR3 stuff.


Game 75 (1)

Moscow Manor Conquest.

Not too much of a struggle and a solid WW1 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 61/76

TOTAL WW2 in pure BR3 test: 1/1

Game 76 (2)
Germany (!!).

Berlin Hermann Goering Conquest (!!).

Sweatfest against a stack with Fedorovs, Beltfed DP, AS and all that bullshit.

Not a WW2 feeling experience and we turbo lost in 7 minutes.
0 points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 61/77

TOTAL WW2 in pure BR3 test: 1/2

Game 78.
Germany (!!!).

Berlin bridge defense map.

Got into the match against the same Soviet fake weapons sweatstack, so just quit instantly.
0 WW2 points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 61/78

TOTAL WW2 in pure BR3 test: 1/3

Game 79.
Germany (!!!).

Dominant Height Conquest (!!!)

Chill match with not many kills, but felt like WW2.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 62/79

TOTAL WW2 in pure BR3 test: 2/4

Game 80.
Germany (!!!)

Berlin River Crossing.

Another TWO stacks, another turbo loss.

I don’t know what happened to German teams, guess when you’re not the one carrying with BRV stuff no one can do anything.
However with 2 stacks for Soviets I can’t really blame my team.

Felt nothing like WW2: Fedorov, Horn, etc. – 0 WW2 points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 62/80

TOTAL WW2 in pure BR3 test: 2/5

Game 81.
Germany (!!!)

Tunisia Fortress.

Another Germany match, another loss, another game where I am the only ‘golden’ player.

Again PZ IV J in Tunisia…

Other than that, felt somewhat okay, I’ll give it 0.5 points.

This armored assault looked nice:

TOTAL WW2 so far: 62.5/81

TOTAL WW2 in pure BR3 test: 2.5/6

Seriously, what is up with every Join Any game being Germany?

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Game 82.
Germany (!!!)

Berlin Train escort.

I can’t even. Join any game = Germany.

Of course again bullshit weapons

But at least I found a nice use for the transport halftrack as constant mobile spawn as the train moves :smiley:
@ErikaKalkbrenner halftrack nice

Poor WW2 feel with Fedorov, LAD and ASs, 0 WW2 points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 62.5/82

TOTAL WW2 in pure BR3 test: 2.5/7

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did you just called an halftrack a car? :skull:



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After the insanity of playing every “Any” game as Germany, I decided to simply try USSR BR3.

Game 83.

Kamenka (yay) Conquest (boo)

German teams really struggle with players now, wtf

Felt great though, very WW2

TOTAL WW2 so far: 63.5/83

TOTAL WW2 in pure BR3 test: 3.5/8

Game 84.


Wow German teamsa re really struggling. No wonder every “Any” game is Germany today.

Finally tried out KV-1 post-merge. It’s good.

Great WW2 feel as well.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 64.5/84

TOTAL WW2 in pure BR3 test: 4.5/9

Game 85.
Tunisia Conquest.

Decent WW2 game, standard 0.75 points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 65.25/85

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Gotta hate the impact nades. They should get removed or nerfed to the ground

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If you or enemy shoots your ap mine and you are close it will kill you

Game 86.
Germany BR3.


Felt like WW2 but another turbo loss.
It’s not funny at this point. Germany is pretty much unplayable.

Stug 3 F is super useless BTW, doesn’t pen Jumbo and Jumbo OHKs it.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 66.25/86

TOTAL WW2 in pure BR3 test: 4.5/9

Game 87.
Japan BR2.

Guess sometimes you are just destined to keep losing. No matter how many rallies and cars you spawn.

0.75 Pacific WW2 points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 67/87

Game 88.

Pacific Gavutu North.

For once a chill game where I didn’t have to carry. Nice feel and standard pacific 0.75 points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 67.75/88

No! Muh StuG. StuG best!

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Game 89.
Britain (Commonwealth) BR1 – first try.


Normandy Swamps Conquest.

The German team was suffering from lack of players once again.

Felt very weird to be fighting in Normandy as British with M1903 and with the Moroccan squad in bathrobes.
0.5 WW2 points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 68.25/89

Game 90.
Britain (Commonwealth) BR1 – first try.

Normandy Vaux Invasion.

Grindfest and sweatfest against Germans with impact nades and flamethrowers at my BR1 but we won despite our team barely building rallies.
Same 0.5 WW2 points. I just want to land in Tunisia with those squads.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 68.5/90

Game 91.
USSR BR5 – first ever try, and I’m absolutely not gonna use fake guns like AS, AF or RPD.

Keeping it real

Seelow Werbig Train.

As expected, fakefest of weapons in Berlin with AS, AF, Horn, etc.

Not really a WW2 feeling experience but we won in the end. 0.5 points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 69/91

Game 92.


Instant quit. I’m not going to play this shit.

0 WW2 points

TOTAL WW2 so far: 69/92

Game 93.
Japan BR2.

Munda Trail.

A combination of braindead team and sweaty marshal stacked enemy team spamming impact grenades


TWO stacks with 3 players each, ffs

Turbo loss, standard Pacific 0.75 WW2 points, zero enjoyment.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 69.75/93

Game 94.

Bulge??? Apparently USA and Germany can play on Bulge even with BR 1-2? Since when?

Can’t say I’m a fan of seeing early war stuff like Crusader and Autoblinda in Normandy and Bulge.

But the map plays really well one of my favorites now I think.
Looks beautiful too.

Have to admit this felt really like WW2. GG. Super solid WW2 point.
Just with A13/Crusader and such weren’t there and Pacific frog camo needs to be replaced with warm clothes.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 70.75/94

Game 95.

Manor Assault.

Awesome WW2 atmosphere. Felt like a proper Eastern Front WW2 battle.

Almost like in the promo screenshots.

“Snowy USSR” feels awesome without Fedorov and MKB spam. Super solid WW2 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 71.75/95


Game 96.
Going on a quest with full Italian BR1 loadout.

First map is Normandy.
FFS obviously I wanted North Africa. Guess I am Italian auxiliaries in 1944 :clown_face:

Anyway, as alwaysrecently Axis teams got no players

My brave Italians tried but couldn’t stop the American steamroller.

0.5 WW2 points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 72.25/96

Game 97.


Honestly “old Moscow” maps are still my favorites, they just feel like WW2.
Solid game, not really balanced, but T-28 and BT-7 F-32 go boom.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 73.25/97

Game 98.

Normandy Gare.

Nice WW2 feeling, German teams are still struggling though.

Having a Crusader and US Marines with frog camo in Normandy still feels weird though, so 0.75 WW2 points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 74/98

Game 99.
Germany BR2.

Beloe Lake.

Awesome Barbarossa atmosphere, really enjoyable, even though German team suffers again, telling me to go build rally points myself… and the Soviet team has 3 stacks of 2.

Very solid WW2 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 75/99

Game 100.
Germany BR2.

Maisky Forestry.

Another fun Barbarossa map. KV-1 was like a mammoth in ice age hunt – took a whole army to take it down.

Solid WW2 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 76/100

Game 101.

Tenaru River.

Nice Pacific match, standard 0.75 Pacific points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 76.75/101

Game 102.

Tunisia Oasis.

Very fitting duels between Crusader and Pz III

Solid WW2 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 77.75/102

If my memory serves me right, 102 games - 2 quits from BS Stalingrad BR4-5 games I refuse to play, marks 100 games post-merge.

New Enlisted WW2 rating after merge: 76%
(but this is mostly in BR2 safe space)

WW2 rating in pure BR3 Join Any test: 50%

Motorcycles being now in more camoaigns than just Tunisia is actually so fun

Don’t know why people call them useless (well, in terms of taking up a whole squad slot with 2 people, yes)

Also in the Tunisia campaign they were always too far for me to care to grind through stuff I already had in other campaigns I believe so I never unlocked them

But they are also super iconic

I remember really enjoying seeing them on Volokolamsk map in Big Action Mod by @tommyZZM

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Ardennes is becoming one of my favorite maps in the game (after Moscow, Stalingrad and Berlin).

There is just something very BF/CoD-like in the good cinematic large scale sense, maybe it’s the first ever wintery western front in Enlisted, but something makes it feel enjoyable.

I might have to retract my negative stance on the introduction of BR 1-2 to Normandy and Ardennes.

Just wish super early war stuff like Crusader and A13, as well as water based planes like Seagull were locked off.

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