Add Missing British and Italian Squads

The fate of Britain and Italy becoming independent factions is unclear. For now it is nice that we have some British and Italian squads and units to add to our composition, however both mini factions don’t have every squad type as the main factions.

All missing squad types could easily be added into the research tree alongside their applicable weapon. For example, maybe have the Lee-Enfield No.4 come packaged with a British riflemen squad as well. Or these squads could be added as brand new unlocks in the research

Now some would say who cares just use X American/German squad instead. The point is that these British/Italian squads are added for variety, immersion, and gameplay flavor. At least if Britain and Italy have all available squads then we can choose to customize our compositions however we want. Maybe for variety I just feel like having a British Sniper or Medic squad in my lineup.

I will say that some of these missing squads were actually available in the previous version of this game before the Merge update, but obviously the game was extremely reorganized and some squads got cut to keep everything tidy. So some of us may have some of these squads as holdovers from the past, for example the Tunisia British Engineers

Here all the missing squads as of the New Era update. Let me just preface this by saying that I DON’T want these missing squads to just be given out as wonton Premiums or Events. It’s nice just to have regular squads that we can arm and customize ourselves


  • Rifleman
  • Engineer
  • Radio
  • Sniper
  • Medic
  • Flamethrower (technically covered by Premium but they should add Britain’s primary flamethrower as a Research unlock)
  • APC (give Universal Carrier)


  • Riflemen
  • Assaulter
  • Sniper
  • AT
  • Mortar
  • Medic
  • APC
  • Motorcycle

(Radio and Flamethrower are covered by Premium but Italy did have some other flamethrowers that could be added because who doesn’t like variety. Variety is basically the motto of over half the content in this game)



I am trying to assemble purely British and Italian lineups and it’s turning out to be quite a challenge

Italy does have a sniper squad though?

So far the best I’ve come up for my Italy is this

Too bad I don’t have more Italian tankers and AT soldiers all seemed to have been generated as Germans before The Merge as well

Looks like a recipe for desister (to be farmed by BR3 US forces) but cool

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The Brits have Engineers and Radios, no?

The Italian Assaulter squad could also be obtained.

Also, a premium Assaulter squad like the Bersaglieri.

And actually, there is also a premium Rifle squad. But what annoyed me enough was that in the Tunisian campaign, there wasn’t a direct Italian rifle squad. I really missed it in my lineup.

I even have cool Italian tank crew members available, fortunately, although the game heretically suggests selling them

I doubt that the developers will reintroduce the Italian and British squads that they removed. If they intended to create sub-factions, they would have done so immediately and kept the Italian and British alternative squads within the existing factions. Instead, they either removed them or are offering players the opportunity to sell them. The support from the developers for the Italian and British parts of the faction is extremely minimal, and everything suggests that they are currently being deliberately overlooked due to future plans to introduce their own separate factions.

I think you missed what I said

Ah I see. I wouldn’t know what’s the current version squads list.

Guess I didn’t unlock it pre Merge because I don’t seem to have it :sob: