Please read these forums devs

Apart from bugs, there has been a lot of talk about BR balancing changes, there is a lot of talk about customization and having basic camos match the maps.

The majority of Italian gear including paras is br4, which means it isn’t even useable on Tunisia, paras have to be reduced somehow, no Flamers if BR2, less flamers, BR3.

I’ve been discussing BR4 and pros n cons, but honestly apart from allies there is no reason to play BR4, you can use you toys in high level really.

The idea that HA has gone out of window, can’t be ignored, it is very difficult I’m sure to keep populated servers and have HA.

There are other reasons to review MM rules, people do still play easiest team, which leads on to easy steam rolls, there needs to be an incentive for playing any team let people who want to fight weaker side ear more xp.

Lastly, Enlisted has been proven to handle larger scale, punish grey zoners xp, give us bigger map.

These are summaries of the latest hot topics so do please pay attention, hope to see some changes soon.


The Flamer is worse than the first Flamer, so is not even valid for BR3


Well the flamethrowers they get are weak as is,only good thing bring they were able to be used while running around, but that’s gone out the window, and more flamethrowers isn’t better in this case, you have the same fuel as2 flamer 1s divided by your 6 squadmates, and you have to switch between all 6 of them to use the fuel that just 2 people could to mention that the flamthworrs themselves are terrible, very very short range for mediocre results and almost no fuel. And these squadmates often die because the gun they have is a BR1 weapon, and they can’t do anything against anything better than a nagant revolver.just taking a normal flamer squad at a BR lower than it is way better, as you get to give your squad actually effective weapons and flamethrowers, you can give them an AT weapon that is at its correct BR and adequate at it, not a GrB39 fighting T34s and jumbos. This squad should be left as is and have the BR dropped, and it’s gear getting the presets for BR thing the other squads got. There is no reason to use this squad over any other paratrooper squad or flamethrower squad if if that’s what you want.


All they came up with after weeks of nothing, was refilling ammoboxes…
Absolutely nobody needed that.
And almost no bugs fixed.
Oh well…


first, they do, the APC appeared on forums first, the rest I agree with you

You can do full BR1, I am currently on a quest to land in Tunisia with this loadout

Yes, but you don’t need to to get Tunisia with BR1, BR1/2 will get Tunisia sometimes, the issue is when allied drop paras and you cannot do anything except watch…


Edit and revise maps while they are at it.


I guess all Italian tanks are BR1 as well as most gear, so I didn’t see the point going to BR 2, after all hoping that BR1 will match with BR1 more often.

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