DF, you are REALLY unaware of the new players

It is indeed a “comfortable and interesting” experience for experienced BR3 players to encounter new BR1 players (unfortunately, the opposing new players do not find it very interesting)

People play games for entertainment. Novice players with inexperienced skills will have to put in several times the effort to avoid being fully equipped and being overwhelmed by old players carrying high BR weapons and vehicles. This is not entertainment for new players. This is entertainment for veteran players - slaughtering beginners.

Are you so worried about having more AI in the game? Imagine, don’t new players want to have some breathing opportunities while fighting against real players? How do they have the ability to fight against veteran players? Apart from killing AI squads, the only thing they can do is snipe at AI squad members of veteran players. Many people complain that new players are addicted to snipers. But have you really communicated with new players? They have no choice, if they charge towards the enemy with weak weapons, they will become farm feed.

AI has transformed from a game feature to something you are trying to avoid. The game has lost its uniqueness. It is becoming indecisive and mediocre in the repeated turns of developers, not outstanding in any aspect.

I have always believed that besides the simple pleasure of killing, learning to act like soldiers from World War II in history is also a pleasure.
You took away the joy of “historical accuracy” and kept saying it was for “balance”. I compromised. Many players have compromised. But now? Where is “balance”?
You are even going to add a penalty of early exit from the game (decrease EXP in the next 2 games???) to make players pay for maps that are poorly designed for balance and gameplay?

I have never seen a game that can offend both new and old players, as well as both competitive and realistic players.
Steam is your last chance. Don’t waste it.


  1. Redesign BR system. Many players, including myself, have suggested detailed modification plans, so I won’t go into detail here
  2. Introducing more game modes, such as “large battlefields” and “historical battles,” can attract a larger player base. Even if it’s just a try in limited time events, it’s good.

Others’ similar thoughts:


imagine posting in that thread then being ignored by the dev (@Keofox) who was replying to everyone else, with me having said part of the same

it was fitting esp with me saying this

then be ignored


close BR 1-2 to theyr own que.

Not exactly sure what you think the AI has been or what AI is.
Theyr impact to the game is
A) Mobile spawn
B) XP pinata

And so far they havent really improved the AI to be anything else.
Hence, the games of past aka 9 AI vs humans is a goood thing is long gone.
Which you can still find in customs if you actually miss them.

You are concerned of new players being slaughtered by higher BR equipment etc
But at this sentence the exact same thing is “joy of historical accuracy”
I highly doubt anyone not new or old players enjoyed the T-50 / T-34 stalinium tanks that had no proper counter.
Or PPSh41 while you could unlock the meme beretta 20mag.

Definitely aint perfect, lots need to be done. But currently the situation is 10 times better than what it was with previous campaigns.

Sure, alot of equipment are in wrong places as we speak.

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This is just an isolated case. Since a year ago, there have been cases everywhere, such as asking Sherman to fight against the Tiger 2?

There are not many players in HLL, right?
Considering it only has ridiculous tank models and poor graphics and low fps.
DF just doesn’t know how to balance under HA, they don’t have the ability, after all, they can’t even handle bipods.
They can’t think of it, can’t you think of it? By enhancing aircraft and intentionally creating imbalanced map designs (with German fortresses or the ability to call for bombing), or by increasing German manpower or vehicles.
Unfortunately, many people are as incompetent as DF, to the extent that piupiupiu is the only thing they can do. I cannot see that adding Enlisted to the wishlist is very worthwhile

If it had been like this before, DF would have gone bankrupt long ago. Moreover, sometimes I prefer my teammates to be AI, at least AI can build Rally, while sniper teammates cannot.


Sounds quite “Isolated” case to me as well, since it considers only the higher BR’s and specifically murrica vs germut.
Best part is that you can actually lower your BR to avoid such cases.
Not much you could do in previous moscow campaign to avoid stalinium equipment.
Also worth mentioning that in current system the matchmake very least attempts to find equal BR’s against each other.
The previous campaign matchmake couldnt care less was the enemy team full of lvl 39 players while the other team was lvl 5 and few AI.

sits around 15k daily peak as we speak.
Which is quite good for such niche market.

How they should have balanced meme beretta 20 vs ppsh41 ?
Grant ppsh ~30x more dispersion ? Sounds fun.

Its pretty much was exactly like that.
Moscow axis was rather often populated by AI
And Berlin sovjets was exactly same. Since I was grinding berlin in the last months before merge it was generally just waste of time due to lack of actual players on sovjet side.

According to your logic, you can play Berlin to avoid imbalance. Ridiculous double standards.

Previously, through grinding, players could eventually reach full level and enjoy level advantages. The imbalance still exists now, and reaching the full level no longer attracts players.
Of course, I’m not saying that the past was better. But it’s still not good enough now

Considering that it is a paid game, this is enough.

So they added Fed and Mkb? It looks neither balanced nor historically accurate

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Double standards ? Funny as I thought exactly same about your reasoning of HA.

And ?? You expect those 15k players to come here or what are you after here ?

Im quite sure I asked from you how they should have balanced the HA you so much wish for.
I did not ask what they did.

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Or just take a look at my previous posts?
Tommy even has practical solutions. It’s true that BA does not restrict the country and era, it is just because he hopes to have more testers

What’s suspicious is that I can point out your logical loopholes, but you can’t.

The free player group is much larger than the paid player group. Meanwhile, even 15k is also a significant number for DF.


Bombing ? Like cod 25killstreak nukes or what ?
More vehicles ? You mean like 4 pz3J vs 1 T34 which would have resulted to 4 dead pz3J ?
More tickets ? Or 5v10 games ?
are you even serious here ?

Oh right, because stuart m5 vs tiger definitely did not happen in previous system.
You are right the previous system was much better balanced No sarcasm.
Also isnt that exactly how it should be according to your HA logic ?

I still fail to see the relevance of HL playerbase to this game.
Are you suggesting those HL players would come here or what ?


In bigger maps, Tanks can completely avoid FRONT combat. Looking at WT or real history, this is very common.

If you don’t have the patience to see what I’ve said, I won’t blame you. But it’s ridiculous to take it out of context and make it sound convincing

I can tell you that there was a lot of correlation in the past. That’s because the official website even uses “Realistic” as a promotional slogan.
Time has passed, and many people have left. They are right beside me on social networks and group chats. But you don’t know, maybe it’s due to a lack of socializing.

Wait for Steam’s negative reviews to bombard you.


Cool, unfortunately the front of t-34 was the only weakspot for pz3j in the past moscow.

Genuinely asked what are this your “balance” suggestions.
And still quite hard to take you seriously.

And clearly it didnt work out.

Oh no.

Im absolutely sure there will be negative feedback merely due to state of the game.

But to fair, if the game in its current state was “HA” or “Realistic” im quite sure it would be just removed from steam.

Now, negative feedbacks due to state of game which can be fixed :person_shrugging:

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Do Germans not have tank destroyers like Mardar? OH, they are PREMIUM ! Is porting from WT difficult? Moreover, in 1941, every tank of the Soviet Union was KVs and T34? Most of them are BT series and T26.

No Merge → Failed
However, Merge ≠ No HA

See if HLL’s positive reviews will be less than Enlisted. Without a doubt, HLL has been taken down from Steam, right?


I said something similar about four months ago. Grinding being balanced or not, for one side or both, for pros or newbies, only poisons the game and slowly leads it to death. Developers be like: ok we don’t want to divide the poor looking amount of players crying.
But you know what, clinging to that tiny amount of players doesn’t make ** difference. You need to make that amount bigger, and then dividing it won’t even be a problem. Enlisted deserves greater popularity but your ceaseless compromise to particular forum toddlers fails your ambition, DF! Yes, I mean toddlers who enjoy pretending to be pro, given that they are better geared up and join a private team so that they have big advantages.

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Interesting opinion, wrong conclusion.
Most of the suggestions don’t even help newbies, not counting referring to recommendations made by other players regarding BR.

And neither was it in the past 1,5 years since they started to add campaigns.

And in the past they couldn’t at all.

Its PvP. I don’t play PvP to only face AI team.
Also, the biggest step AI has taken in the past three years, plus Alpha plus whateveer, was that they sometimes use cover.
At the rate, I might expect them to be useful in 2050, maybe after they fixed the bipods.

If you have 1 vs. 10, Im pretty sure you will have lots of room to breathe.

The point of Enlisted is to charge and die and repeat. Anything else is too deep for this game and for most players.

Ofc because they suck. They serve you as life boat and otherwise as xp booster.

Never was.

I also remember those suicide bombers on the Western Front.

There was no HA.

This was never intended to be realistic.

First one is just… what? Map? The second one sounds like another good old “T-34 wrecks the Wehrmacht until a suicide bomber appears.” Deja vu.

I mean these are ones who give you an illusion that the games is always imbalanced, whereas a) Players numbers and quality outweigh equipment in importance, and you can stop thinking of PERFECT balance where there is none. b) It is possible to have enjoyable matches for everyone even there is small imbalance. The point is that the more you waste time on balancing which doesn’t guarantee balance anyway, will blind you from more urgent problems alright?
I don’t care, I often ranked top with br3 equipment against br5 players. Where’s balance? Does the idea work anyway??

The past was not good, but why do we compare the future to the past now?

Because DF only needs to improve the game slowly, there will also be blind guys paying for it.

If new players cannot enjoy the “kill” session, it is not fun.

Today, they are still everywhere, possibly forever.


If your thinking is the same as DF, this lazy Gaijin snail, you may not really think of a better solution

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idk says 1942 in wikipedia.
Doesnt exactly fit in moscow timeline I guess.

Yeah pretty much

Yeah the HA didnt really work out.

seems to sit at extremely positive as we speak.
Quite sure this wont get such reviews.

This is just an example. Do Germans not have 88mm artillery transport trucks? No towed artillery? No absolute air advantage? So undoubtedly, the German army in history was unable to break through the fortress of Brest

No enough HA in the past. Neither fish nor fowl


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Ah, the classic. “Just bring something else”
Definitely sounds like fun tank experience when only thing you can do is to play something else if theres opponent tank.

Sure, but arguably more than currently and it definitely didnt work out.

You seem to think you are smarter than the German General Staff. Many tanks are designed to support infantry, why must they fight against KV? Can’t you tell friendly bombers and artillery to solve them?
Same logic: only thing you can do is to play something else if there’s opponent P47.
3N doesn’t have enough AT power, But it is very suitable for killing infantry, so it is still widely used by players

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