DF,Top rifle to balance the USSR/Western Axis Powers

In reality, FG rifles use more 10-round magazines, and then you give 20-round magazines. Since you want avt40 to match FG422, why only give avt40 a 15-round magazine?

15-round magazines are much rarer than 20-round or even 25-round magazines, not to mention the greater visual recoil effect of avt40!

You should give 20-round magazines to all avt40! While strengthening avt40, you should also default to the shooting mode of fg422 as fully automatic, and make bayonets on the fg422 model.


AVT-40 is already better bullet for bullet than the FG-42

  • Default is full auto which is better on Bots/AI
  • Doesnt face body armor so retains 1 shot kill up to 60 meters away
  • In reality full auto fire ruined the gun, so the rule was semi auto

  1. When I use fg42, I will switch to full automatic in advance before contacting the enemy. There is no difference.
  2. This is the damage reduction that fg42 exchanges for a higher rate of fire (this is very balanced)
  3. If the rules default to semi-automatic, then how do you explain the established fact that Avt40 defaults to full automatic.

1st dot point: AVT-40

2nd dot point: AVT-40

3rd dot point: AVT-40 (also refer to 1st dotpoint)

No need to buff it further


Even if both guns do the same damage, in this case, 15 shots versus 20 shots is fair, right???
lol The evidence you collected is just to continue Berlin’s current state of affairs, but this is extremely ridiculous.


Considering all the differences (such as they dont do the same damage) Id say its more than fair

Full auto, high damage on bots is a highly regarded attribute
under 60 meters you can 1shot anyone to the body with Vitality. so potentially 15 kills

Fg-42 takes 2 shots at all ranges to kill Players with body armor + Vitality…so potentially 10 kills.

Gear cant solve player imbalance. Berlin is the perfect example. The only quality of gear department the soviets arent neck and neck in…is the vehicle category. And they are getting plastered

so it is clear its not a small arms problem.


Only consider 1v1 and in most cases, the bullet will reduce damage if it hits something other than the torso. 15.3 hit does not have a decisive advantage. AVt40 only has an rpm of 660, fg422 which is 170RPM more than avt40 , and the recoil advantage of FG422 brings is easier to hit


FG42 II has way worse recoil and dispersion than AVT-40, only at super close FG II has higher dmg per full mag but at longer distances AVT-40 starting to be way better even at full auto


Yes, the imbalance in weapons will not cause an absolute gap in the number of players, but the fundamental reason why there are no players in the Soviet camp is caused by two reasons, namely: the manpower value gap and the disadvantages in weapons. I don’t think the status quo will be maintained. Just balancing the manpower value is correct!

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Alot of us want that system thrown out

Im curious which “other” ones you think are at a disadvantage. AVT-40 clearly isnt.

AS-44 is very nearly just a copy paste Stg-44 with better dispersion.
Fedorov is just a unicorn with half the dispersion of the Mp-43 and more damage.
PPSH-41 is often regarded as one of, if not the best smgs. Nearly 2x mag capacitty of the Kiraly
Semi autos have very minor differences
RD-44 trades damage for 100 rounds

As far as small arms power goes, its very nearly a mirror match…slightly in Soviets favour, but not enough to matter


I wouldn’t really mind 20 round AVT-40s, but as others have pointed out the weapon was already overbuffed to equalize it with the FG-42 II, so I would want to see that ridiculous recoil that it is known for creep back in.


Why do the Germans only use assault rifles? Among the players I know, most even only use nine-man infantry teams. They will use fg422 to delete all Soviet players with one click. If they want to use machine guns, then they have the normal damage mg15 He can also easily kill everyone standing in front of him at medium and long distances.

But what does all this you said have to do with the current situation of inequality between Avt40 and 422 that I mentioned?


Probably because they are better than smgs. Nothing stopping soviets from using the equivalents

Stg = as-44 or Fedorov
Fg-42 = AVT-40

Ok im fine with AVT getting 20 round mag. If Fg-42 gets the same damage, dispersion modifers and recoil :stuck_out_tongue:


Actually, 10 round FGs sounds like a way to make that gun even available at lower Battle Ratings.

I don’t think this is necessary.

I know this is off topic but have you even used an RD-44? The spread on this thing is no joke, I will always use DPM


10-round mags for FG-42s were only issued for firing tests, as like other german automatic infantry weaponries. being 10 rounds mag be of most of FG42s issued to the ww2 fronts is truly false and biased claim. I have to remark you that only small amount of AVT-40s were produced in real life and what’s left of them were converted to ordinary SVT-40 rifle configurations, got lost during endeavours of the red army soldiers since june of 1941. AVT-40 being presented on Battle Of Berlin is as much ridicule as FG42s using 10 round magazines. Moreover, other historical factors towards soviet automatic infantry weaponries actually limits their automatic small-arms firepower, like abandoning of Drum mags on PPSh-41s by circa 1944 due to high ammo feeding failures during fire(probably drum mag was too complicated to be properly cleaned and maintained by the conscripts) and high production cost per unit(this ‘costs’ meant resources.), AVT-40 using AVS-36 standard 15-round magazine is also one of rare historical inaccuracies in Enlisted regarding the game being very intolerent to inaccuracies on small-arms. AVS-36 were rejected before Operation Barbarossa, small amounts of em served with red army till 1942, and by that time, since no more AVS-36s were and could be produced, whoever held what’s left of AVS-36s got replaced to SVT-38s or 40s or mosins, submachineguns, to ease the logistics. AVT-40 in game at least, use SVT-40’s 10 round magazine. not AVS-36’s 15 round magazine which did not produced since its rejection.


Picked up a few times, had a good experience with it. Cant be worse than dispersion on mg 15 :stuck_out_tongue:

Dinner plates are great anyway


Nah, 0.36 vs 0.40


Rd-44 = 0.40
Dp = 0.37
Mg-15 = 0.42
Mg-34 extended = 0.47

where is that come from?I got it from here
this one shows the same result