DF: 3 Things to do before Chritmas sales

  1. Establish servers for Southeast Asia, I’ve been getting bombed with questions by new players when servers will finally be there for weeks.

  2. Adjust BRs of under powered premium squads, especially tank destroyers, especially the famous Stugs which are straight up unplayable in their current BRs. I bought every Stug available in the game and except for roleplaying they are sadly useless due to being in the lower power half of their current BRs.

  3. Update the customization system to be finally functional: Make tank customization like bushes bought once being usable on all tanks once. No one will pay 10€ ten times for his 10 tanks across all nations. I was excited putting tons cool stuff on a tank over 1 year ago, expecting to copy paste the same customization for other tanks too, but instantly lost all motivation to buy more skins once i saw how horribly implemented the system here is. If tank skins/bushes were flexible, I’d buy a ton of them knowing that its worth to have them just in case/collection/flexibility, but the current system actively repels possible buyers. Simply activate the same system warthunder has, as warthunder players keep telling me how good the tank skin system is there and how stupid its here.
    Also release (all) uniforms in the editor as buyable soldier customization. And NO, players will still buy good premium squads with fancy skins, so keeping those locked away is not an argument. Making the game much better due to properly working customization will create tons of sales overall, as the game now becomes attractive to many more players.


I can confirm that I have never bought a premium squad because of their cloths.


I wish there were more bushes to put in the tanks.I, Jagdtiger, would like to leave it like this.


fun fact, i did 2 times and constantly forget about those squads :clown_face:


Nice suggestions indeed! They need to revert this ‘fix’ ASAP. Prior to this change we didn’t need to buy the same piece of customization across multiple campaigns.

Source: Server update - News - Enlisted


Lol no thanks

The fewer “tacticool” war thunder wannabes we have with every tank covered in a forest, the better.

What tanks customisation actually needs is:

  • default position and size faction decals like white star or cross
  • randomised turret numbers on fixed positions and sizes
  • biome-linked skins so that snow white Pz IV doesn’t appear in Tunisia

They don’t have budget for it obviously

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and you get this data from…where?

DF waits for enough asians to complain until the lease severs there.
servers are very affordable nowadays, and setting them up in profitable areas leads to net profits; players just need to demand the right things instead of the usual nonsense.


Make it so, that you can choose the color you bought for the tank, finally in the game you landed.

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Edgy memelords will always use the brightest colors, runinig the battle aesthetics for others.

This is how tank skins should work:


well, you’re quite optimistic about such dead lines.

but it goes without saying, stuff that should have been in the game by quite some time…


You do know that the size and place of markings were usually regulated on divisional level right?

IMO, let players choose their own numbers and let them place the numbers freely on the tank.
Same goes for other markings.


Yes, there could be several options for the marking placement, such as:




But not random.

No, in this case edgy 10 y.o. memelords will immediately turn everything into clownfest again:


i mean, what you want to do is impossible to do anyway.

not unless they would expand decals to 8 / 10 slots

can’t place 2 numbers and 2 insignias that you are out of slots EVEN with premium.

i’m starting to think that we’re fighting for a lost cause.

but we are all accustomed to it by now.
( you one the HA stuff, me on the mods and cosmetic stuff… )

p.s. you shouldn’t really care about what others do.
that’s a flawed way of thinking to be honest.

i don’t really care what ways others paint their tank in the least accurate way.
i, on the other hand, would really apreciated if we get such ability ( of placing more decals ) in the first place. so that i can make historical accurate tanks on my own.
what others do isn’t any of my concerns.


I would love to have the Volksturm skins on other squads. Even if just in Berlin and Bulge maps. If the squad doesn’t have them on as standard you can’t buy them.

Please let me buy camo for the SDKFZ 251

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Straight out of Nascar.
This tank screams poor taste but its still almost Alt-historical, the wrong victory markings ruin this tank, Germany should really get their actual victory marks (white stripes on the gun) otherwise it’s marked with number and is part of a unit, the crew even paid attention to distorting the unit marking to make sure the enemy can’t figure which division they are facing.

As for the numbering it’s goofy but in a scenario in which both sides used very similar tanks, I could see these kinds of well visible numbers painted on to recognise your own.
So if Darkflow fixed the victory marking than it would be fine.


Also release (all) uniforms in the editor as buyable soldier customization.

I agree that all uniforms should be in the editor. The editor is a mess, uniforms are missing parts and some variants of equipment (ammo pouches, backpacks, etc…)are missing. Why does Stalingrad have the camo options and different ammo pouches when Normandy does not?

I think that things like ammo pouches, backpacks, etc… should be moved to their own category that is separate from the actual clothing parts.
(also, it costs way too much to customize soldiers.)


hey, you can talk with the creator :smirk:


but beside that.

yeah… i guess it was too hard for developers to import the pngs from wt and add them to enlisted…

I believe it was me who created that abomination

Well if DF introduces the Cosmetic Filter to not look at reindeer or GNEISENAU X2048px, I won’t

If not, that’s exactly what I see on my screen – others, so it makes me care about this.


In my opinion, this is what the bushes on the tank should look like + a few that the player places himself.

Of course, the system of adaptation to biomes/campaigns, because now I’m driving this tank with palm leaves in the snowy Ardennes.

But apparently the developers prefer to copy tanks from from War Thunder, even without working machine guns in the hull, than make money on cosmetics.