Devs please consider removing the Tiger II H and replacing it with something comparable to the Tiger II (P)

okay lets assume it was intended, then the devs on purpose wanted to make the game unbalanced.

still doesn’t change that balance is needed.


Never disagreed with that.
So we now remove tiger 2, now murrica tanks are more than capable to deal with germut tanks and has unrivaled cas.
So how is this suggestion of yours now balanced ?


Because on the video you killed a Tiger II from the side, which is impossible in battlefield conditions (trees + buildings) and also - vehicles on the battlefield might differ from these in practice.

Because German aircrafts are also well-equipped - fighter planes with WfrGr rockets and 250 kg bombs (Re.2001 CN) and overall - it is easier to counter any plane than a grey-zone tank.

You dont know, because you only repeat things you read here instead of playing the game :rofl:

Sure thing. Over :sleeping:

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top attack works too.

Could say murrican tanks are also well equipped.

From F2P player perspective, lets assume I have tank selected. How am I going to counter that plane with my tank ?
If we disregard the greyzone here, every inf can kill a tank with detpack.
While countering the said plane is rather more difficult with infantry or with tank.

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Axis lovers always claim that KTH can be easily destroyed and that the so called imbalance of KTH is a technical issue. However, please note that infantry and tanks are the most efficient units in this game. Except for the P47, Combat efficiency of an aircraft is extremely low and cannot be compared to infantry and tanks.

Aircrafts, ATs, and mortars are inefficient weapons, including the IS2. When you choose these weapons, it’s not because of their high combat efficiency, but only because they can destroy KTH.

This is a stop loss behavior, not a profit behavior. Your behavior is just preventing the team from dying, not making the team win. We need a solution that not only stops losses but also benefits. For example, USF has P47, which can simultaneously destroy KT and efficiently support your allies with HVAR. However, compared to the high efficiency of KTH, this is not enough. Both SOV and USF need weapons which is both efficient and capable of destroying KTH.


Aim your gun higher :laughing:

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Yes, lets pretend the murrica mains dont underrate the cas they have.

Tanks are efficient if you let them be.

Quite confidentally can say its more efficient than the 190-d12

Which is why as f2p player ive got to select K4. Which is quite useless against soviets but definitely needed when against murrica.
I just dont know where the matchmake sends me.

It almost feels like you are comparing a KTH player that has played ~2yrs normandy vs a cas pilot that just played first time normandy.

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every tank is balanced because you can shoot it with a jetpack from above, top armor is super thin - especially Panthers, my god Panther should be BR 1 because they only have 16mm of armor.

no you could not without making a fool of yourself.

Quite sure it works more often than shooting a plane down with tank.

You got plane you dont need jetpack silly.

Just like the german cas is “good”

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nice shot bro

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Let’s summarize why KTH is powerful:

  1. They have great firepower that can destroy everything in their sight and cause extensive splash damage
  2. They are difficult to destroy
  3. They have strong firepower sustainability and can continuously suppress an important area

Then we compared it with P47 and found that P47 only satisfies point 1. Of course, P47 is more free to choose targets compared to KTH, thus may causing more damage in a single attack. However, the firepower sustainability of the P47 is still far inferior to that of the KTH. Teammates need to organize their attacks after the effective attack of the P47, which requires team cooperation. The firepower sustainability of the KT allows it to continuously provide support to the team. That’s why I think the efficiency of aircrafts cannot be compared to tanks, because they lack firepower sustainability, the duration of CAS is short, and excellent teamwork is required to achieve team effectiveness, which cannot be expected in random matches.

So murrica doesnt have tanks at all ?

You mean like planes ?

And apparently murrica doesnt have tanks ?

2 points, 1 & 2.

Pretty much goes both ways.
If there is good cas pilots in murrican ranks doing that “cooperation” you wont do sht with KT unless theres same kind of cooperation from germut side aka someone using figter pilot to contest the cas spam.

Pretty sure murrican tanks are more than capable to provide spam too, since I can fairly confidentally say none of the maps are entirely flat where the KT could controll the entire map.

Goes both ways, a good cas pilot can wreck havoc on its own just like a good tanker.
Both in situation of enemy being not so competent will be uncontested.
Which is exactly what is happening here.
Comparing KT in games where murricans have sticks and stones
And comparing murrican cas to games where every german has fighter selected contesting the cas

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Enlisted How To: Gray Zone Filth - Mess Room - Enlisted

skip to the AT section on mines.

I’m really starting to hate some of you master race PC players when you lot for some reason want to preserve your life when you should be using more suicidal tactics instead your KD is more important instead of killing things for some reason and just know this is a former console player talking back at you

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Yes and they got destroyed by KT while they can’t destroy KT

They can only be destroyed by planes, with a proper pilot who can drop bombs precisely, and no AAs or fighters guarding it.
P47 can be easily destroyed by fighters easily. just get on a random fighter, aim at the circle DF prepares for you and shoot. Nice and easy.

And apparently they can be easily destroyed by KT and they can hardly fight back in fair fight.


They just need a good angle to throw HE into the cap, This is a capture game, not map control game.

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if you are fully aware of the fact that you cannot challenge KT frontally why would you do it ?
Theres more than 1 spot where you can spam HE and support team than the 1 KT is watching at.

So pretty much just like plane, if the cas pilot aint graduated from lake tardicaca he wont fly on AA.
So the only proper counter is the fighter, which if you choose you will be only taking down planes with 0 cas ability, unlike US.

Which exactly requires the fighter to do.
Unlike tank which can be killed by everyone with detpack.

Why challenge it frontally ?

still 2.
Unless your genuinely going with that bias attitude that everything can take out planes but still have hard time with KT.

Which murrica can do just as well.


Lets just introduce t-90m’s and star wars space weapons to counter the King Tiger II H because its too powerful and most people aren’t smart enough to flank it or kill it with Aircrafts or explosive packs…

But on a serious note German Tanks overpowering the soviets and allies is very historically accurate, only reason soviets managed to beat the Germans was overwhelming them with more manpower and also having the Germans fight on 3 fronts with the Allies attacking in France and Italy. If there were no France or Italy campaigns German could of held off the Soviets.

Maybe to mimic the historical aspect of what happened in WW2 maybe give the allies more manpower by giving them more squads allowed in game the the Germans and give Americans their 12 man squads which is what they historically had.

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sry should have specified, no tank in the US tech tree can pen it

cant really think of a single map where you could hold cap point from spawn point.
Takes a while to get in any spot to get something done. - try the new hurtgen forest map, they can shoot straight from their spawn point across the hill, or the airfield map, where they can just shoot inside the hangar door and clear half of it with HE

And both teams has tanks that can do that ? - yes and US tanks are a lot easier to counter than Tiger 2 H -s, just shoot offenror or any other german at gun at its front and its dead, meanwhile no bazooka can pen tiger 2 H from the front.

Do something about it ? - look above

Never actually tried which is faster in most maps, fly to cap or drive tank to spot to do something. - idk if you have noticed but planes have spawn delay when the match starts

But works rather well against people that is running to cap points behind buildings where tanks cant do sht. - german HE round have really big aoe damage, unlike US ( except the 105 one).

Spawn plane → suicide cap → spawn another plane → suicide cap → rinse repeat → more spam on cap than artillery & tanks combined. - thats also a shitty game mechanic and should be fixed, but i`ll use your argument - German planes can do that too.

next time try reading mr. ex console player :
The only counter is to bomb it, or somehow manage to suicide run into the gray zone,crawl under it with a dynamite and pray that it works.