Devs please consider removing the Tiger II H and replacing it with something comparable to the Tiger II (P)

I don’t know what you want to prove. What does the Thompson SMG have to do with the Tiger II?
I simply said that the Tiger II was superior to American and Soviet tanks in some respects, and that this was probably an intentional design. What does that have to do with it?

It’s true that developers are sensitive to user feedback. They are responding in an ad hoc manner, which is creating confusion. I mentioned this in this thread as well.

However, my opinion is that this has nothing to do with the TigerⅡ. In fact I was doing a German grind just before Tiger II was added, and Berlin was still a German farm.
OP’s reaction to Tiger II is overkill. It is an upgraded version of the Tiger E, and while it is increasingly difficult to defeat it head-on in tank battles, it is still vulnerable to air strikes, and there are a number of ways to deal with it.
Players are also unable to have multiple Tigers on their team at this time. Another problem is that the frequency of Tiger appearances has increased dramatically due to the merge, but it is not something that can be solved by simply deleting Tiger II.

If Devs accepts the OP’s opinion (which I don’t think will happen) it will be another thoughtless and careless update.
That’s why I am posting a strongly opposing opinion.


Asymmetric balance which is not working…

One team has better tanks = the other has better planes and weapons

And current way to play Western Allies is to constant spam HVAR rockets (very boring).

Why ? One team can deploy two tanks on the battlefield and one player can have Tiger II P + Tiger II H.

Your strongly opposing opinion is exaggerated, removing Tiger II H would be a dumb decision.

When I read this thread I got headaches, I can’t believe people wants to remove from the game an iconic tank from WWII because they’re incapable to destroy it “easily”.
It’s literally the purpose of the King TIger, a heavy tank with a powerful firepower and amour protection.

Here are tips that advanced players like you all should use, but does not for some reason :

  • Flanking (and you don’t need to be perpendicular to him, a good shot in the turret side incapacitate it)
  • Infantry (explosion Pack, TNT, molotov, AT weapons… Most tanks in game are destroyed by infantry)
  • CAS ( panzer IV ? Bomb it ! Panther ? Bomb it ! TIger 2 H ? Bomb it ! Like IRL )

You have to learn these to counter TIger 2 H, it’s part of the game.
Like german players must learn how to counter US and Soviet paras, 100 belt-fed machine guns, better US planes and soviet very great smg.


You said “HVAR doesn’t work on the Tiger II”
so I tried it at the shooting range and it worked.
Since it is difficult to hit, it is difficult to destroy it with a single blow, but it is possible to make it incapacitated by destroying its tracks, etc. with a single strafing shot.
Well, if it were me, I’d just destroy it with a 500 pound bomb.
Why don’t you touch on that topic?

why is that. I mentioned US aircraft as a counter to the Tiger. American aircraft have good performance and are equipped with good weapons. Does this mean that American aircraft are not functioning?
I don’t think I can talk to you anymore, and I don’t care whether you agree or not.

Whether you find it boring or not is irrelevant.

If I remember correctly, there is only one squad in Germany that can be equipped with Tiger E, Tiger IIP, and Tiger IIH.
I think it’s only the 8th Armored Battalion, but are there others?
“One player” will select and use only one of the three types of Tigers.
By the way, I am not saying that the German team can only use one Tiger.


Your tips have nothing to do with balance.

I am asking for a balanced tank vs tank experience.
Cas doesn’t balance out tank performance, and needing flanking is proof thay one vehicle is superior to the other.

If you say, “The developers never envisioned the Tiger II as a tank with high performance,” that’s just your imagination.
Are you saying that the developers designed it to be an extraordinary tank similar to the Sherman? That’s ridiculous, there’s no evidence for what you’re saying.
It’s just your wish that it should be like that. No, it’s better to call it a delusion.
This thread has been full of whining and envy of the German faction since the beginning.

This was because there were many requests for Pershing to participate. Nothing more, nothing less.
Furthermore, it may be because of children like you who cry on forums.

Q.Why are Tiger tanks so durable?
A.Because it was historical and sturdy.
Q.Why would you introduce a tank that was historically strong?
A.Because the developers wanted to provide Germany with a sturdy tank.
Q.Where is the asymmetry?
A.Tank warfare is difficult, so the Allies use air power rather than anti-tank warfare to defeat the “MONSTER”. and Alies has good planes. That is asymmetry.

I answered all of them in the first post.

I didn’t know that the Allies had “500kg” bombs. What aircraft is it loaded on? Are you talking about Axis aircraft?
Why are we talking about Axis aircraft bombs, which have nothing to do with it?

I didn’t know that the Allies had aircraft equipped with “1000 pound bombs”. Could you tell me which aircraft?

Why are you replying to me in multiple posts? Don’t know how to reply?

SBD-3 Dauntless has 1000 lbs bomb.

500kg & 1000 lbs shares the same stats in this game.

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OK, I remembered.

However, it is slow and unsuitable for quick CAS. You can’t even dogfight when you come across a German plane.
I think everyone other than General Brus understands this, but I’m not saying that American aircraft have good performance just because of their “bigger bombs.”
In addition to the speed and combat performance of the aircraft itself, the overall performance of the P-47 and P-51 is said to be high, as they can carry a 500-pound bomb that can destroy a Tiger in one blow.
What Brus says is “1000 pounds is better” is completely wrong.

I never ever said to nerf the Tiger II H, its the third time you accuse me of this, you show that you are completely incapable of understanding my words.

I care about historical accuracy quite a lot - which is my main reason to see the Tiger II H removed - it can not be balanced, unless you ruin in by giving it fantasy stats - like you said turning it into a Sherman.

And again you getting offended over the 500KG bombs shows that you are not ready for any reasonable discussions. Obviously Germans have the 500KG bombs not the Allies - yet this is exactly what asymmetrical balance is all about - one side gets something that is better than the other side, and your 500 pound bombs are not better that what Germany has access to.

Why can’t you see that there is no logic in your argument?


“Allies had good planes” is not asymmetrical

Asymmetrical would be if Allies has BETTER planes - which I don’t see being the case.

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I said that 1000 pounds is better than 500 pounds, again and again, read my posts

You are saying that Tiger IIH is too strong and should be deleted.
They told me to delete it because it’s no longer HA. So what’s not HA? What does correct performance look like?
When I ask you a question and you are at a loss for an answer, you change your logic. An angry child.

I was talking about the overall good performance of Allied aircraft, and I mentioned 500 pounds because that’s enough to kill a Tiger.
It is once again a failure of logic to say things like "No,~~ German aircraft are more powerful~~~ :pleading_face:‘’
based on the magnitude of the bomb’s power. No one is talking about that.

You move the debate goal however you like in order to win the argument and protect your petty pride. There is no respect for the person you are discussing with.
No one will be able to argue with someone like you. It’s like a child who complains. I don’t want to waste my time on you either, so I’m not going to go along with your nonsense anymore.

However, let me reiterate that the request to delete Tiger IIH in this thread is illogical and ridiculous. Devs should not take such claims seriously.

Friendly reminder keep the discussion civil no need to throw insults.

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Its not gonna happen, sooner or later shell penetration is gonna be fixed on all tank (expecially IS2) as better equipment who can counter the tiger 2h come in the game and the BR/Tier are expanded and balanced, is just question of time

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The problem with tiger 2 (H) is that a moderately competent player is almost unkillable with it :

  • AT weapons are useless against it
  • explosive packs are 30/70, 30 % being when they work.
  • no tank can pen it from the front ( will pershing be able to ? idk)

Hürtgen Forest shows all of that perfectly, on some points they can just sit in gray zone and lob shells at enemy without problems.

The only counter is to bomb it, or somehow manage to suicide run into the gray zone,crawl under it with a dynamite and pray that it works.

Now lets see what how can you deal with US tanks :

*everything pens it from the front ( only exception is jumbo but well aimed shot can still destroy it)

People are saying that US has strong airforce but tanks affect the battle more than the planes :

  • they spawn instantly
  • they can shoot inside buildings from windows/doors
  • easier to land hits
  • constant pressure on enemy team

meanwhile Planes :

  • spawn late
  • dont work well against people inside buildings
  • rockets/bombs are harder to hit
  • lots of downtime between bombing runs

again, other than planes, you can punish tanks with AT weapons/ other tanks but as i have said: Tiger 2 H invalidates any counterplay other than plane bombs

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Arent Americans getting Pershing and superpershing so this conversation is totally waste of time and also when using persing and super pershing try to shoot turret and don’t complain about cant killing KT H from front of the hull like soviet mains and then ask for tanks that have longer reload and still need to shoot through turret to kill Tiger II (H)

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again, I never said that.

if this is about penetration values not working properly, I can see this fixing a lot of issues - yet from my experience with how the damage model of the game has worked so far, I am skeptical of it every being done truly “realistically”

on a serious note though, the IS family will for ever suffer a long reload, which will always hinder its performance, balance wise an IS 3 could theoretically fix this issue, because one tank having better armor - while the Tiger II H having a better gun seems like a “reasonable trade”, but will most likely create a whole lot of other problems

yet again, I don’t see any other way to balance out this without nerfing or buffing tanks beyond their historical/realistically performance.

All I am saying is that I rather see the Tiger II H removed than for Super Pershing and IS 3 to be added

An other clueless soul man I’m tired of this whit IS-2 you cant pen KT from front(HULL) armor is that too hard too understand? You know why because it was designed to counter hull shots and look an other person who complain they cant hull shot a tiger 2 wow.
For Americans Pershing and superpershing will be added that will help alleviate problem but you still have to shoot through turrets
And soviet mains are just trolling at this point IS-2s are capable of killing tiger 2s (turret) yet they complain about reload speed and want tanks that have worse reload speed i.e ISU-152 with 27 seconds and IS-3 with 26


Fixed with the merge, now they are 100% identical to WT
About the topic, no reason to remove the Tiger II since players grinded for it, it would cause way too much negative for little positive, especially since the T26E1-1 is coming.

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uh? really? I have noticed a lot of changes, but this is news to me.

though, outside of penetration values, post pen damage is not like war thunder I would assume? right?

Like in what way not intended ? Like the t-34 with stalinium wax coat in past at moscow ?

Well it kind of does, murrica cas is unrivaled. Germut tanks are unrivaled.

Quite sure they do. Even fighter planes has cas ability while the K4 for example is just a fighter.


cant really think of a single map where you could hold cap point from spawn point.
Takes a while to get in any spot to get something done.

And both teams has tanks that can do that ?


Do something about it ?

Never actually tried which is faster in most maps, fly to cap or drive tank to spot to do something.

But works rather well against people that is running to cap points behind buildings where tanks cant do sht.

Hit what ? Even a miss by mile by hvars does kill infantry.

Which reminds me of lovely unique feature of using premium.
Spawn plane → suicide cap → spawn another plane → suicide cap → rinse repeat → more spam on cap than artillery & tanks combined.

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