Developer’s Q&A - June

I really expected far more from this, I told to myself “after all, this isn´t directly gaijin, perhaps these Q/A might tackle things that do not have obvious answers or were already refused on forums :clown_face:” How naive I was.
But on the other hand it makes sense that these were picked.

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Well, they behave like any other company.
But I admit that I also expected more.

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So when is the next major update??

please only with preset names can be changed i dont want hurt my eyes also face customization is welcome change.

Still nothing about Plane Bombs. Disapointing


Great Q and A in general. Good question selection and meaningful answers were the norm.
As a retired Tank Officer I just want to say that the way you are depicting tanks is really good. Generally you are fighting in what would traditionally be considered both “close quarters” and “urban”. In these situations tanks can be devastating but their vulnerabilities are maximized. It’s why tanks always work closely with infantry. I find your limited visibility, difficulty in using controls, and weaknesses all quite authentic. It’s also an excellent way to keep them from being too powerful. It’s a really well thought out and solid element of game design. Good work.


Nice Q&A
Interesting about pacific campaigns, sometimes forgotten.
And good point about testing prem squads and destroying rally points.

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Pacific, Italy, China… :smiley: cool.

You think Tunisia will be British vs Germans, or maybe a mix between British/USA and Italians/Germans?

P.D What about this? Questions for developers - #67 by 26777198

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Thank you. Lovely to hear it.


I think the same, it is one of the best features in the game, the feeling of insecurity when being without infantry.

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"We are also considering in the future, adding a system that will speed up the unlocking of content in new campaigns for those players who already have high levels in other campaigns. "

This change needs to come faster, asap. It should be a priority.

Most of us feel too invested to start a new campaign, even a new faction of the same campaign. Even with premium it takes too long. A lot of us are high or caped on one Campaign but feel stuck.

How many times can you play Normandy only until you lose interest in the game or feel burn out?

I never set foot on Moscow campaign because I just cannot get myself to do it again. You have to take into consideration there will be even more campaigns and multiple factions. You want us to use “Join any team” function and games more balanced? Make it more accessible to play other factions. Now you feel punished if you swap any other faction or campaign.

So for example, if you reached level 15-20 in one campaign the next you start should triple, quadruple the unlock process. Makes things fun please.

Just tired of Normandy. Premium does not even help that much, makes me even question if it’s worth buying.

And what solution you offer? Pay…pay again. Battle pass booster? LOL …How is that fair and keeps people motivated to keep playing the game if you lock 3/4 of the game behind a paywall.


Please never allow Steam to have any access to this game - To many things run in background and the refresh rate or something changes too - Steam games hurt my eyes when the menus are viewed and Steam just takes over so much they will offer you money at some point please refuse it.

Yes, maybe, but steam widens your audience infinitely.
Hard decision.


Yeah i agree. since they said they working on something being able to transfer XP would be nice once you are maxed level. I am already maxed on Germans on Berlin and Normandy, I don’t think i want to level another German for the Moscow, unless something that gives me incentive to do so

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“Armor and aviation … are not the main strength on the battlefield.”

Do you play your own game. Keep telling that to yourself while my squads are evaporated by 250 kg bombs from a mile away, constantly. Specially on invasion maps.


They just need to improve fighters and AA.
In the same way that they must improve anti tank weapons.

If you don’t want bombs, destroy bombers :smiley:

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I’m a little disappointed with the fact that the biggest question, will the OP late trooper guns be nerfed in some way was skipped entirely


I hope not.

They should. If they’re they don’t want to do that then the next best thing would be a proper matchmaker

My disappointed is no roadmap of the actual years