Here are some of my thoughts, and I welcome discussion of the issues and merits and suggestions for better ideas.
1, Regarding expanding maps and squad expansions.
Adding new modes (big maps etc) won’t piss off any of the existing mode lovers, it will bring this game back to life and brighten up the day of many players who are tired of playing it.
(stop adding new campaigns for now! Let’s focus on improving the existing campaign instead of rushing to make money!)
However many fear that this could lead to a split in the player base or leave the traditional mode short of players.
A simple solution to this: (in the large map mode) let one player control two and more squads so that we can expand the map on a 10V10 basis. Some players may find this difficult to manoeuvre, so take a look at the second article -
2, Enhancing our command and command system and AI intelligence, we can order entire squads to attack on a set route, planning their actions, for example:

Detouring along a route on the mini-map, building Rallys at a certain location on the map, or using binoculars to scout in a certain direction and mark enemy troops (of course, nerfing the AI’s eyesight, they’re too strong now).
Also, make it possible for the AI on tanks/armoured vehicles to use backwards or flanking machine guns.
This will make the AI more useful and the player will not have to fumble with multiple squads: the player can control one squad manually, while the battle plan for the other two squads can simply be drawn and set on the map.
3, Add paratroopers and mechanized squads. I couldn’t agree more with Tommy: We have very large maps in the game, Moscow Winter 4km, Tunisia and 3 maps in CRSED are also very huge, this is the characteristic of the game Definitely a feature that will make competitors envious. it’s a pity that they never pay attention to their own advantages.
Airborne combat would be an interesting way to play on the big map: it would allow players to not have to focus on difficult, intense head-to-head combat, but to use tactics to raid the enemy’s weak points. It’s going to be fun, I guarantee it.
Regarding mechanised and motorised troops, this is also indispensable for large maps, otherwise the game would become a walking simulator. For balance, we could have mechanised and motorised squads with fewer soldiers, while regular infantry would get more men.
Other than that, there are some interesting ideas, such as amphibious units (I wish Normandy had landing craft), for which I don’t have perfect plans, but they can be discussed.
4, Command point system. The existing scale of artillery and bombardment would be pretty useless in a large map. I wish we could get a command point system: each player would have a certain number of initial command points.
Command points are awarded for killing enemy troops or staying in strategic points, while points are deducted for wounding friendly troops.
With different Command Points, we can call in airborne supplies, use more advanced vehicle squads, call in artillery/rocket coverage and airstrikes, and so on.
With more Command Points we can call for more extensive and powerful artillery/rocket/air strikes, while we can also choose to use fewer Command Points for precision strikes.
Command points are not shared by all players, but capturing a strategic point will give all players a certain amount of command points (the defending side will receive command points periodically depending on the duration of the strategic point defended).
This is, of course, a preliminary idea and there may be some problems with it.
5, Technology tree improvements. A non-linear upgrade system would give us more options. There are many good ideas on this point in the forum, so I won’t go into them here.
Also, allows us to customize the type and number of bombs and rockets mounted on aircraft, as well as the type and number of shells carried by tanks (there can be some restrictions, e.g. APCR/HEAT only for Premium)
At the moment, upgrading vehicles is not very useful, perhaps allowing us to get a wider variety of ammunition by upgrading them (like WT system).