Deserting poll

My vote is a big YES

Nope, we have zero control with DF, however this will tell if the majority is in favor of penalties or against penalties. It is clear that not everyone is voting, some just commenting, but if it turns out to be overwhelming one way or another, maybe DF will see it. Maybe not, but at least people can make their side known.

Depends. Sometimes it helps to shit on the News Threads.
Review bombing can also lead to positive results though it is not a forum tool.

I agree - had something like that happen last night. Six players, likely four of them on the same team just dominated this Pacific map I was playing. Sucked loosing, but we still got them down to about 400 points left or so, which, if I had left the match would have just been a ROFLSTOMP which would have been less fun for everyone, including the winning side.

MM is a problem at times, though, IMO, it’s FAR better than it used to be.

I desert perhaps one out of fifteen matches. I have never counted, but that’d be my estimate. And at least half of those, is over a stupid mistake that I make and I get frustrated and just quite the game for a while to take a break. (One instance recently was getting a tank stuck crossing a creek that in the real world would have NEVER happened but in this game…) My only option was to take 3-4 minutes to run up with a tank crew (as the game had moved on) or kill all my soldiers and respawn and I was just …eff this.

Even so, I would have been fine taking my lumps and being penalized in some way, as I left a battle and could have continued contributing, and instead the team got a bot, which, as average as I am, I’m still better than a bot. :wink:

Anyway, there are going to be times when there’s a map you don’t like. Hopefully, they fix it so that you can choose preferred maps. And eventually wildly unliked maps will get weeded out completely.

Fortunately, that’s on the Roadmap, just like penalties for desertion is.

roadmap deserters-smaller

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My vote NO, it’s arcade, not simulator, penalties for the exit can reduce the online even more, because it will cut off arcade players, no one will want to play, and why, if there will be BF 1, 5? There is no historical part with the appearance of fantasy guns, AS44, RD44, T20, Auto Hei, so refer to the authenticity will not work, and it can not be fixed by punishments, and gameplay game loses BF. No one will want to play in a team of bots against 7-10 people, there are not enough players, and here some people propose to strangle arcade players as well. It is necessary to fight the cause, not the effect.



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We have about 0 influence (±error) on the game development.
But that doesn’t matter we can’t do stuff here. Quite contrary, we can do even more as it’s inconsequential :stuck_out_tongue:


Fix the reasons why players quit (stacks, shitty maps, playerbase imbalances) instead.


From what I can determine, even counting the votes for both the yes and no people, at this time I see roughly about 25 “NO” votes and about 10 “YES” votes, give or take. Granted, I could have missed one or two since several people just commented and did not appear to answer, but in general the consensus appears to be an overwhelming NO at this point.

The DEV’s are going to do whatever they are going to do without our input, but hopefully this will give them some consideration. NTM many other people might not have sounded off to this topic and add some more NO or YES’s.

Well, IMHO, it just means the squeaky wheels come to the forum. :wink:

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Yeah, the DEV’s are going to do what they want anyway, as it seems they rarely listen to the players. It is what it is. :wink:

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about 0.0000001% of the player pop ever checks forum - making polls about gameplay changes here is just dumb
As for deserters - straight to jeeil

No one said this poll was an “official or scientific Enlisted” poll, and obviously, people who DON’T come to the forum are not going to vote. DUH! :roll_eyes: And if your under the impression that people who desert should go straight to jail, then I mark you as a “YES” vote. However, I would say you’re probably a hypocrite because I bet you have deserted before. :yum:

No one said (I don’t think) to make it impossible, nor was your poll about that. :slight_smile:

I’ve deserted before, and I would again, even if there was a penalty. If the penalty were time based, I’d go play another faction. The fact that you can get ANY research xp when leaving a match was honestly a big surprise to me. That’s extremely rare in video games. It’s just less than you’d get if you finish.

Fact is, Enlisted handles this thing is a very different way than basically any other FPS (I’ve ever seen).

Anyhoo - I look forward to seeing what they have in mind on this, though based on their own roadmap it’s a bit more in the distant future than other things they have planned.

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Basically, the amount of silver and XP points you get when you lose is a joke, that is why people don’t hang around when they see an ass kicking coming. Every game I play, at least 4 people desert from either my team or the other, and penalties are not going to change it. It won’t for me if I get disgusted and throw in the towel, no matter what the penalty is. I see lots and lots of Marshall’s bailing from games as well. I really don’t see why DF, or others for that matter cannot see that punishment will not work. The bottom line is this. Why should I, or anyone else devote 5 ort 10 minutes of our time getting our asses kicked, and be able to count the amount of silver and xp points gained on one hand. It is NOT WORTH IT. It is not that complicated, but apparently some people make it that way. :laughing: The ONLY punishment that will possible deter people from deserting, is suspension, but like I have said before, that does not help the numbers game when more and more people are not playing because they are suspended. Don’t pay silver or give xp points when people leave? Please, like I pointed out before, they don’t give you enough of those to warrant staying anyway. Deduct silver and xp points that you have already earned? So what, it’s a video game, it doesn’t hurt me at all, just will piss people off. So, really, there is only one solution which people don’t want to see, give people a reason to stay. But to be honest at this point, I really don’t care. It won’t take long if they start penalizing people to figure out that the amount of people deserting is the same and nothing will have changed.

Yeah, while I’m at it, I will


I know you are in the PH, so it obviously impacts when you play and on what servers, but DANG. I’m in BR2, NA servers, EST - and, we’ll get a person or two in every match desert, but it’s rarely 4, except on the very worst of the ROFLSTOMPs. When I play Russian, I’m actually largely impressed as they seem to stick it out the most of any factions I’ve played for or against.

But man, I feel ya. If anything, were I you, I’d be wanting incentive (or punishment…) just anything to get people to stop leaving. They’re ruining the game experience.

Two points there, but they do kind of get at the heart of this.

That time spent is part of the risk vs. reward of playing. It is like that in almost every game. Believe me, I’ve used the “why waste my time” thing in a LOT of games. It’s why I justify jacking up my carry weight capability in games like Skyrim or Fallout, etc - b/c I don’t have the TIME to just run back and forth to sell stuff for the sake of immersion. I just pick it all up b/c I’m not going to dick around playing fedex to some loot. :slight_smile:

But in a FPS, it’s different. The risk vs. reward part. Part of the reward for winning is your time spent wisely AND the silver and research. If you lose, you lose both.

Maybe that gives more incentive to play harder when you do? Maybe those people who want to just play around with new stuff will do that in training sessions or the created games instead of weighing down a team?

In any case, I get your point about time value - but the argument works both ways, you see.

And sure, some will say, “then I won’t play the game at all!” and take their ball and go home. That may happen - but, is it countered by the fact the game gets more players b/c the overall quality of the matches improves?

Who can say? Only the Devs would truly know the numbers. But, they at least consider it an issue worth fixing as it’s on their roadmap.

Re: Suspension: I hope they don’t do that. I don’t find deserting as some kind of exploit or cheating or something. But, the game does need committed players. But, their other plans will hopefully alleviate some of the desertions (like, say, the ones based on map choice).

As I alluded to immediately above, I do believe the Devs are going to improve some things (map choice) which will help on Desertion as well as increase the penalty.

But, who can say right now what that increase will be? Also, I’m not sure you have your numbers right when it comes to losing.

Let me give you an example of a couple of games I was in. I’m not trying to go to extremes, just picking a loss vs. a win.

Here’s a loss from last night :

I got my points, plus a 20% bonus for, I guess being near the top on my side.

Here’s a win from 3 days ago:

Again, got my points, and a 50% bonus instead of 20% bonus.

In a bit of a twist, based on how my match went - I got more points from my loss than I did in my win.

Ultimately, it depends on what/how/how much they “penalize” will determine whether it even has an impact or whether it’s overboard. Hopefully, it’s somewhere in the middle, where less people desert, but that the penalty isn’t too overboard. It should be meaningful enough where people stay, but it shouldn’t be so much that they don’t want to play - particularly if they haven’t fixed some of the reasons why people desert in the first place (poor MM, poor maps, etc).

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I usually play ANY servers, but sometimes play just North American. I guess I spent to many years Managing a business, this is why I say penalties will not work. Incentives work, penalties do not. Lets also not forget that not everyone lives in an area that has good internet, or good power. My power on average goes off a couple times a week here in the Philippines, and my internet has network problems about 10% of the time during game play, so, why should I get penalized because of shitty power and network, and I am sure I am not the only one playing the does not live in the western world where power and internet are an afterthought.

Penalties or punishment only work if it is harsh enough that people won’t want to do it. However, any penalty that is fairly harsh will piss people off. My brief unscientific poll showed more people are opposed to penalties then for it. Seriously, there is NO penalty short of suspending or banning people from the game that is going to work, however, both takes players away from the game they need because they claim they don’t have enough players. :joy: Take players away from the game, we have less players and DF has a much smaller base of people to make money off of, and some of those people like me have spent way to much money here on this FREE VIDEO GAME. :grimacing: Incentives will work, punishment will not. Dark Force, Don’t make me have to say “I told you so”. :rofl: