Deserting poll

" N O "


you could easily make poll on some other site


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if it is just yes or no question, then no.

if they actually fix problems like player stacking one faction, getting full matches, introduce preferred map system etc. then i would be ok with punishment, but i dont believe they can actually fix all those problems.







because punishment won’t solve anything. No core issues will be fixed, it might even make Df rest on their laurels by implementing that easy, lazy and thoughtless (false) solution.

But seriously, that same post has been made so many times, by so many different ppl…



Fix the big reasons why people leave matches, improve matchmaker and don’t promote lobby surfing with short queue times.


Yes but also No

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Create better incentive to stay in a losing matches, stomps are most brutal but they end after 8-12 mins so no point in deserting. If entire team don’t know how to build rally point and never ever get on the point to def/attack it then i won’t be staying in that match and going to desert instantly no point in wasting 25+ mins of my life.


Same here. More often than not matches that feel hopeless early on can become close or winnable.


People will be just using macros to avoid getting punished for deserting or kicked for being afk and then do something else in a meantime. It would kill the game for sure.



Because damn, I hate Steel Mill, with all my life.
But in all seriousness, no. They should also implement a most liked map feature or something like that from War Thunder. There for, it’ll be better than getting a hated map every match. e.g: Steel Mill.
I just really hate Steel Mill, I don’t want to play that map ever again. I’d prefer River Crossing over Steel Mill.
Steel Mill is equally, without a doubt, the worst map in the game. Next to River Crossing. I just don’t like it. The areas are just too tight, and it just ain’t it. I quit the Normandy Campaign for a reason. And that is because of the dreaded Steel Mill map. But now, ever since the merge, I’m now forced to play it again which sucks. Steel Mill is as bad as Seversk - 13 in War Thunder. So in conclusion, they have to add a favourite map feature were you have more of a chance of getting certain maps. And most importantly, modes. Conquest. Rubbish as always. They should do the same with modes. Conquest is just bad. Especially on Steel Mill.
I know I may of went off topic, and could’ve made a whole post about it, but I cant stress enough how much I hate Steel Mill, and how I want something like this to get added. It could slow down deserter rates, since they can get more of a chance of playing their favourite map. Don’t you think?


How do you come to the weird illusion that you or this forum has some influence on the game.

FUCK NO especially with a certain asianic nation not quarantined as well as clan rat behavior in this game


NO on my end.

I try to slug it out as much as possible, but many times, a single player or group of players can ruin a game. Sometimes groups have similar names… probably in discord as a team. Good for them, but not worth my time to try to rally a team of noobs and bots against that. Exception being if I have an XP boost active.

I don’t know what they would do to incentivize people to stay. They already dock points for deserting.

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