Danger in the air!

This is all so cool, I’m really excited to see this in game. This will make radios, fighter planes, and AA guns all more interesting and fun to play.

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I will defend bombers and kill more enemy planes, love this. I hope the bombers have some form of randomness to them, come in at different heights, slightly different directions, will they just appear when spawning in?

Can’t wait, just maxed levelled both my p51s, then it will be both p47s, can’t wait for this update. As much as I love fighting on the ground, I much prefer CAS and denying enemy air space.

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The way I read this, and I may be taking it too literally, is that if we intercept the bombers, which is to say, engage them in air-to-air combat, then I presume the AI bombers will exhibit some sense of self and try to avoid the fighter aircraft (while defending using their on-board guns) or disengage from the map. This is, of course, UNLIKE a human player who would usually just kamikaze into the target.

And, of course, at the end of the day, this is something they are trying out. There were other things they tried, some of those things weren’t received well, and they’re no longer in the game, right?


You can still be effective strafe runner with those. Youre basically an flying MG towards the ground with hvy rounds to add :wink:

Sounds good but BF 109 is papper in comparison to Allied fighters, how would you balance that when the P-51 can take 3 shots of a 37mm cannon without slowing down even? hope you fix that before the changes above

Literally what happends to all axis players most of the matches, spawns in the objective, gets the whole spawn killed by some tank shooting from the grey zone, then also artillery, then also the explosive packs, then also the planes (if he is unlucky enough to not be under a roof)

oh yeah - that only ever happens to axis players f’sure…



Consider - is that 2 minutes cooldown for every wave, or 2 minutes for every radio trooper?
If it is for every trooper the game will have an attack every 15 seconds…

There’s some pretty high class bullshit right there - video or it didn’t happen

Yep - that’s my view of it - along with “how can we get them to spend more gold getting their radio squads up to the required level?”


I don’t like this mechanic. We do not need even more passive spam in the game, which is already now pretty explosive spam heavy, and all you get is that players have to spend more time in the squad select to fight with the really bad respawn system.

You could rather allow more planes in the air, if you want better air combat. At least a player bomber has to work for his bomb runs.

Kindergarten Gamedesign.

While at it, pls fix the tank markers, which are not marked as floating origin, so they appear on the wrong spots if you are far away.

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Omg poor allied players, they get to defend like in 2 maps of all the normandy campaign :pleading_face:


1 Le Bre
2 Omer
3 Gare de Saint-Lo


1 Airfield
2 D-day
3 Le Bre
4 Ver-sur-Mer (2 variants)
5 Ruins of Vaux (2 variants)
6 Omer
7 Gare de Saint-Lo

Its not like that only ever happends to axis players, only like 80% of the time I guess

We gonna need bigger maps.

Or a bigger boat.

it’s not just the mg nest, it’s also the AAA guns for the USA, UK and USSR. They use the copy and paste function for flak Viering 38 instead of the faction’s own AAA guns, just like the USA quad mount m45 AAA guns for USSR 37mm AAA gun. But I agree, the developer needs to stop cutting corners with historical equipment for each faction.

it doesn’t happen only happen on defense, numbnuts, those maps can have those same issue despite allies attacking such as d-day and versurmer and on d-day the axis can literally spawn camp with their tank

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Hi, will this be part of major update or later updates?

Will this new update be ontime, coincideing with the new battle pass in a few days?

Sorry to ask a very sensitive and political question, but is there any impact of the current world situation on development?

You can shoot a plane down with a single kar98k round, but you are right, from the back planes are too spongey, but its not as bad if you perform an advanced maneuver and strafe the cockpit.