Danger in the air!

Less pleasant news. This thing will potentially destroyed the game.


Another serious question.

If a player calls an airstrike using this feauture, how long to another teamplayer to do the same?
Does the other player have to wait 2 minutes? More? Less?

  • is there a marker on the mini map/map for friends or enemy’s to see where it’s gonna land? Like the red arty circle?

  • will we be able to call this on grey zone?

  • will they hurt friendly soldiers / teamates on lone fighters to a point that will get us banned from the game 24h? Because someone was oblivious of it on a 2 min to arrive time?

  • will we finally be able to down planes faster like in warthunder or they will be flying tanks as now?

  • can my gunner on stuka finnaly fire his back machine-gun / tank hull mgs finnaly work?


I agree, I think only dedicated radio squads should be able to call this in.

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Ya’ll might as well add SPAA since it synergizes so much with the tone of this update

yes thats just what we need more planes nice to see your only catering to the germans again good to see no balance changes or anything no new weapons or tanks but hey dont fret have more planes to spam on battlefield

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Why catering to the germans? Just because the place holder is a germans bomber ? lol

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Flashback to insane bomb and HE spam back in May


ok we need to have an honest discussion.

I can see the meeting in Darkflow office: “Fighter is the least used vehicle type in the game, how do we get more players to use Fighters.”

Darkflow’s decision “We need to give Fighter a piñata to shoot”

This is wrong on so many levels, because Darkflow is not identifying root problems as to WHY fighter is the least used vehicle type in the game.

The main reason fighters are not used is because aircraft guns are mostly ineffective against enemy aircraft.

solution: properly balance aircraft gun damage against aircraft damage models at multiple ranges

The secondary reason is that killing aircraft doesn’t have a great time/reward ratio.

solution: increase rewards for shooting down player aircraft

Fixing root causes > piñata bandaids


they couldnt even be bothered to add an American plane just like the mg nest americans use mg42 there just being lazy and cutting corners why focus on planes its an infantry game

I love this game, this is still an infantry based game yes?

I’m not entirely sure how I feel about this right now.
I feel like some resources should have been better spent on getting us even a basic MM to make sure the same amount of warm bodies on each side before we add in more threats to players. Especially those just starting and learning the game.

And lacking a good hard counter from infantry makes it even more strange of a choice IMO.
F2P only get one vehicle slot, and if everyone has a tank or such they are going to get hammered from the Air.

I guess we shall see what comes of it.


Uhhh you do realize how these are the most potent anti-infantry weapon possible, right? bomber runs are 10 times easier to balance.

Super interesting change! I already love it! Because of an approximate arrival time tactical decisions become even more dense!

Great job @ devs!

Remember when you could spawn the plane instantly when the match started?

That used to be so fun, but broken. Remember getting 32 kills with a stuka in the beginning of the match

They said that theyre making unique planes for other nations earlier in the post.

How about you i dont know “read” before you type your comments.

Just because in the picture there is a german plane doesnt mean the allies get the same plane. Jesus you just cant please some people


Yeah I remember that haha! I spawned on Normandy Chateau Conquest and the first thing happened is one Bf 110 spawned and immediately fired rockets​ at the spawn getting a lot of kills or suicide bombing Ju 188. I have a lot of PTSD from that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hopefully Cannon damage for fighters and attacker planes are improved with these changes, might actually get some good dogfights and be able to do these missions finally if plane models aren’t as tanky with the AI bombers and player planes with the update

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any plans for squads with this types of gorgeous pieces of terror?

since i m asking, please, a dedicated squad with them.

i m starting to feel that 10 squad slots aint gonna cope with all the possible content this game can deliver.


Can I use smoke bomb bombardment at the same time when my teammates call for these support? My teammates have been calling for artillery support, which has caused us to suffer huge losses because I can’t set a smoke screen for the team. I don’t want this to happen. Even, I hope to allow others to set up smoke screens while my teammates call for artillery support.

oh for gods sake no, please
 just NO!! :disappointed: who TF thought this would be a good addition??

If you consider it takes 2 min for them to arrive flying in the air long long distances from the batlefield, they will be good adiction. we can use the fighters with no payload against them.

for example:

this tho, can also open lots of possibilities for latter missions of escort/fight back a bombing run similar to the current train mission .