
Sometimes you have to sacrifice function for form such as me giving an mp43 to a volksturm who carries a shotgun as a secondary

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Why not a mp3008 or the vg1-5??? :scream:

But I suppose mp43 is fine as it was an “older” batch of weaponry (compared to stg44) :thinking:

I really wish I could modify my premium Volks riflemen squad in Berlin. It’s probably my favourite premium squad to date. If you like bolties even a little I recommend it. It’s very challenging to play however, and reloading the Lebel takes forever.

I already have soldiers with those, so I needed a prestigious volksturm

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Happy Birthday!

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They will be in the next promotions.
We just can’t fit everything into one small promotion.


Want some secrets?

When you play - you benefit the game. Each of you helps create fights filled with real players, not AI.

Therefore, we hold promotions - we are ready to distribute game bonuses that will make your game more comfortable, but we do this in exchange for your game. At the same time, each of these awards has its own price for the game economy - therefore we cannot give you everything at once, and not because we are greedy. :slight_smile:

Simply put. If we start selling all game items, then the game will suffer from this.

I hope you can change correctly understand.


@1942786 while you are here, do you know if there’s plans to revisit older premium squads to make them more attractive? Such as the option to add specialists classes in them to mirror regular free squads?



I am not aware of such plans. I passed on your feedback about the engineers and they appeared in the new premium squads. The old ones, as far as I know, are not planned to be redone.

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Thank you for honest answer. I’ll keep hoping still. I love premium riflemen squads, I’d only love them more if we could modify them a bit :slight_smile:

Keofox there is a vehicle decal locked behind a reward

When we will be able to get it and how?

Please pass the info that we all would like to have an engineer on our old premium squads.

Would make so much more sence to support the game even more if they had one…
Atleast that…


Tell us you gonna push this into the devs.



It’s a bare minimum, but we at least could work with that.

Many older premium squads have very FUN weaponry… But are ineffective due to their composition. For instance the mp40/1 squad in Berlin. I love that special smg… but it’s only in a 4 men squads that cannot reach 7 men like regular squads, nor even have an engineer… So we end up not using it.


I appreciate the booster :grinning:

Why not make premium squads equal in composition to regular squads?
Would anyone have a problem with that? No one could call it bad or vice versa P2W, like now 5 machine guns in a squad (regular squads contain only 3), with an engineer who can build profile structures.
People have been asking to consider premium squads equal to regular squads for a year now. Take a vote.

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Simply leaving the blue tree “open” with options we can chose

AND (that would be awesome) allow us to equip our soldiers as we want (as long as their class allows it). Of course, premium weapons coming with the squad would be locked to said squad.

Yes, I have already described the concept in detail:

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Uh this looks pretty much like what I’ve been asking for months. Hadn’t seen it, I “liked” it.

Many people have already suggested this concept, I just put my thoughts together and added mine.
Like the original topic and its ru version.
Such units would be balanced and I would buy them. The current ones are either on the verge of OP (5 machine guns + engineer) or crap.

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allowing loosers to buy that proto kalashnikovs was really good idea, now is the game full of jumping russians really ballanced. i must also try to jump with flamethrower tank, in game it looks really easy. hope now u work at something usefull and important like water bottle or any other way to alow loosers to buy some remote killing without need to aim, who care that networking alow to kill through the wall, bots are too retarded to turn in enemy direction and germans in berlin are permanetly outsprayed.

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What are you talking about, the game ALREADY was full of jumping Soviets before the update. It’s just easier bot farming for that faction now, but nothing changed really.