There have been a lot of questions about custom squads, profiles recently, and i thought I would make a post about what i know, and explain how they work to my best knowledge.
First of all custom profiles currently don’t work to their fullest. (Event profiles do)
- Only profiles for bots work online.
*Player profiles works ONLY IN LOCAL MODE. (Probably to prevent access to late game content by devs to new players)
As a start i will load the squad profile that was used for the Sea Predator event. Later i will edit this to my liking.
First create your scene then hit save. Then open the folder of your mission:
I have created a seperate folder for the profiles. It is not neccessary, you can just place it next to the scene.blk file.
In the editor, add the two profile entities to the scene:
The difference between the two is pretty much self explanatory.
It only has 1 property, the file path:
In my case for both profiles it is %ugm/profiles/sea_predator_profile.json
Here it is in notepad:
After creating the profiles for both players and bots we can save and restart.
We will be greeted by this error message:
It’s fine. Ignore it. export mod as vromfs.bin and launch it online IN LOCAL MODE:
As you can see it works as we would expect in-game:
Now let’s get to the good part. Let’s customise this.
You will have to edit this in a text editor. Not in the actual game editor.
You can imagine this profile file as a rather deep tree structure, where the top nodes are the factions themselves:
Each of these contain a lot of interesting but irrelevant definitions like how much xp is needed for the next campaign level: (I have edited the normandy_allies part of the profile)
Or how much xp do you need to earn to get an order:
What we are truly interested in are here:
Note: It is easy to accidentally delete a bracket. And due to the complexity of this file it also easy to get lost. I suggest you collapse everything but the squads section.
At the top the squad’s properties are defined.
for example (i think) has smaller value for artillery squads
should define whether the engineer of this squad can build enginner squad exclusive buidlings like Flak AA or MG nest.
sounds interesting…
In the game we have soldier named “Rolando Wilson”
We can search this in our JSON file:
Every solder code starts with it’s equipment: (“id” : x, is the first line)
There is a lot of options here. Let’s start by renaming our guy to…Custon Name.
Now let’s increase the perk number:
And add actual perks:
In the game perks have a pre-set value. Like +40% jump height or -40% verical recoil.
These can all be custom. Just change the statValue to your liking.
hp_boost is Max Vitality. In this case it is +220% max hp.
The others are self explanatory.
Next section is appearance:
Thanks to @ErikaKalkbrenner you can edit the appearance of each soldier. However i have never edited this part of the file so no idea if it works. It should. Needs testing
Next is
You can see that the ammo for the m2_carbine is defined here. Our soldier gets 5 clips + one is already loaded.
Bayonet is also added here.
This is also where you add scopes to weapons which had them.
I have no idea what happens if you try to add a scope or bayonet to a wepaon which otherwise can’t equip one. You are free to try.
The last section defines the weapons.
The first few lines don’t need explanation. I also found this somehwhere:
Weapons are defined below.
Which appear correctly in the game:
is not a weapon. It is literraly a slot for soldiers to throw grenades.
Let’s replace this with the M2 Hyde gun.
You can check the weapon codes in the editor:
Let’s also give him a nice pistol:
Remember to change the ammo for the guns above.
You can find the right ammo for the gun in the editor:
This is how my weapInfo looks like:
Let’s test it.
Aaand it works!
We have the equipment we defined:
Certainly there are many more possibilities like expanding squad size, etc, note that some settings may or may not work.
Codes for editing is here: Custom Profile codes
Clothing IDs In case you want to play Sims in Enlisted (Thanks to @ErikaKalkbrenner)
Link to : Custom Profiles
Modified profile.JSON:
sea_predator_profile.json.txt (2,3 MB)