Custom maps uniform bug

No just the vehicles drivable with sounds
Like the trucks that randomly spawn on the map

Didnt you say at one point you where gonna redo the coding for them?

Could you make a the LVT Apc drivable by everyone that map makers can spawn in our map as transport

You might want use this code on your apc: vehicle_seats__restrictToTeam:i=-1

In entities.blk, you create an entity and then _use the existing apc.
If this confused you or you need more information about this (or simply have me build the code for you), feel free to leave a reply. I will build the code for you when i have access to my pc tmr morning.

Devenddar is quite busy recently, really he donā€™t have time to look at my codes to help me too. (So my sentry carrier zombie (= zombie with auto_mg42 on the head) is still crashing servers)

(By the way, remember to mention and give credits everyone here that helped on your mod page when your mod is released. This helps us a lot.)

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Okay so i would really appreciate it if you would do it for me because i have a barely working laptop and a screaming child i dont know shit about coding and the attention span of a goldfish.
Im always willing to learn and i have managed to get some APCs working alltough without sound but that those are the basic APCs our map dev is pretty new at map creating and he wants to do a beach landing in the pacific there for he needs to have drivable LVT-4 APCs so you can just jump in one like any normal map spawned opel blitz

Also that MG carrieng zombie sounds awesome!!! (And painful to deal with)

Well if you are willing to learn, why dont take a look at my map (with open-sourced codes available)?
The drive link there will take you to my google drive with the codes. But before you see the codes, its better to experience it first hand in the game.

And now i am using the mod editor to make the the apc (and update my mod too after 2 days without updating)

News: Its very easy to solve! Just use us_lvt_4_common and it will be drive-able
(If you dont care about nav mesh error)

This happens when ai try to path find through the vehicle.
To fix it, use the followingcode in entities.blk


and if you use the code above, tell your friend to spawn the entity named ā€œlvt_4_edittedā€

Can you give me the specs of your laptop? I kinda want to know how bad it is (and the lower limit of the game)

Yeah. Iā€™ll sent some code later (but not today 100%). Also iā€™m not sure that it possible to make user apc is free drivable. Currently you can create common apc vehicles (us_lvt_4_common). Theyā€™re unlocked, but doesnā€™t have apc feature & you will need bot to drive it.

yes, this is what the guy needs
He dont want apc spawn.
he just want the lvt to act like a normal tank that sits in the map

I dont know the specs but basicly the internal cooling fan doesnt work and its about 8 years old

Also i dont really understand how to implement this to make APCs drivable

create a file called entities.blk
open it with notepad.exe
insert the code here


then close it

Put the text file into the folder with your scene.blk
Like this

And then you can see a lvt_4_editted thing in the create entity menu

All i have to put in is this:
insert the code here



the file ā€œentities.blkā€ should contain the code:


copy every bracket inside the code box or else it will fail

imma try right now

like this?

does the same line ā€œmoveable_abstacle:tagā€ work for all APCs ?

Only for lvt 4
Because the code i gave you added the tag to the lvt and create a new thing for you to spawn

The _use line calls the us_lvt_4_common code. Change the name inside the quotations " " to other apc to add the tag to them

By the way, do you have any sort of coding knowledge? Like do you know any coding languages?