Custom Main Menu (Guide)

Found by: @schyrikami @Devenddar @124138805

Can be totally customised to your liking.

First of all you should know what objects, entites you need to make this work:

menu_xxx: Spawn points of menu characters:

menu_camera: Main camera. The camera is used after loading up the game, in the main menu.

menu_soldier: This is used when customizing individual soldiers.

menu_weapon: When buying new equipment it will spawn here.

menu_new_items: same as menu_weapon but for third equipment slot weapons (knifes, grenades etc)

menu_battle_pass: The item spawned here should be the current level item.

menu_vehicle: For tanks. Don’t know about motorcycles, don’t have them. You cannot move this entity for some reason.

menu_vehicle_respawn_base: It is for displaying the vehicle behind the squad in the main menu.

menu_aircraft: For planes obviously.



Indexed from 0. The game uses up to 8 spawn points. You don’t need more either.


One is needed for each menu in the game.

There are also other entites but those shouldn’t need explanation. (They come with the sample BLK anyway)

Alright first you should download the main menu map used by the devs:
scene.blk.txt (23,6 kB)

Load it up and/or modify the BLK file to the map you would like to use:

I chose Moscow Winter:

(Exposure was set to low so i can see the debug boxes better)

Simply drag and place the menu entites where you want. It is easy to recognise which one is which by the number and placement of the objects.

Main Menu:

Soldier Customize:

And so on.

All you need to do now is load the BLK file upon game start. Video is below.




Edit: I’m dumb nevermind. Still that tutorial does not have working menu soldiers.

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video show a @124138805 hangar

I made my own later


Installation tutorial added to make it easier for people to understand how to run custom hangar.

And you can add @Devenddar in description. He did a lot too.

Which video?


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Oh by hangar you meant main menu. Nevermind then.


Very early version, but it contains all main camera and menu settings. (4.6 КБ)

You forgot about menu_aircraft_floating it’s water aircraft.
And isn’t menu_inspected_vehicle_pos uses instead menu_vehicle?
But maybe they’re same.

You need set some settings in menu_cam__. And disable menu_cam__shouldRotateTarget.

Have setting:

  • menu_cam__offset - moves camera from object.

  • menu_cam__limitYaw - camera limit yaw. I prefer unlimit (-180,180).

  • menu_cam__limitPitch - camera limit pitch. For items and weapons I prefer unlimit.
    For some reasons… Better to not put -limit for infantry, vehicles and aircraft.
    So… For infantry i set (0,60), for vehicle and aircraft (0,90).

  • menu_cam__shouldRotateTarget - allows rotate object. Doesn’t work on infantry, vehicles and aircraft.

  • scene - if in map then camera will move to X area. X can be:

    • squad (main menu).
      Better to put menu_soldier_respawnbase, menu_vehicle_respawnbase and menu_machinegun_respawnbase in front of camera (camera_scenic_place_dof).

    • soldiers (Selected soldier).
      Better to put menu_soldier.

    • soldier_in_middle (New soldier from shop).
      Better to put menu_soldier.

    • soldier_customization (Soldier customization).
      Better to put menu_soldier.

    • vehicles (Vehicle cusotmization, selected tank or motorcycle).
      Must be menu_inspected_vehicle_pos or maybe menu_vehicle.

    • aircrafts (Aircraft customization, selected aircraft).
      Must be menu_aircraft.

    • aircrafts_floating (Floating aircraft customization, selected floating aircraft).
      Must be menu_floating_aircraft.

    • inv_items (Seems cutted and doesn’t work anymore).
      Maybe better to put menu_inv_items and menu_item_respawnbase.

    • armory (Selected inventory and menu where you select campaign).
      Better to put menu_weapon.

    • new_items (New item and menu where you look to weapon in shop).
      Better to put menu_new_item.

    • researches (Campaign progress, squad upgrades, shop and common events and also menu where you select gamemode).

    • battle_pass
      Better to put menu_battle_pass.

    • events (Player profile, custom matches and cool & rare events like 1st april).


Is this possible to do on the PS5? I want all backgrounds to be soldiers shitting in latrines :sunglasses: can’t get scared shitless in battle if it ain’t there :ok_hand:t3:

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Damn, all bad :sob:

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One question. I wanted to do a custom aircraft hanger. How do i make the camera look at the plane ingame? I mean what do i have to put into the properties to bind it to the plane? (basically what do i have to do to make it work like the normal hanger)


You mush edit scene and add aircrafts. It’s in camera_scenic_place_dof entity.
And then edit other properties. I used only these:
menu_cam__offset is 0, 0, -14.5
menu_cam__limitYaw is -180, 180
menu_cam__limitPitch is 0, 90

When i go to aircrafts it still looks like this after i did what you told me…

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simple_menu_squad_customization_scene.blkx.txt (32.6 KB)

Try this simple example, copy and paste the plane and the plane’s camera from the text editor into your scene, and then move their position in the editor

Based on this scenario, you don’t even need to set their properties from scratch, based on the default properties. It is also possible perserve relative positions, so that their camera position will remain consistent with the default hangar


Maybe you have two camera_scenic_place_dof with similar scene settings?
My aircraft hangar code is:

  transform:m=[[1, 0, 0] [0, 1, 0] [0, 0, 1] [348.291, 262.542, -80.557]]
  menu_cam__offset:p3=0, 0, -14.5
  menu_cam__limitYaw:p2=-180, 180
  menu_cam__limitPitch:p2=0, 90

  transform:m=[[-4.37114e-08, 8.82122e-16, -1] [1.57382e-08, 1, 1.94181e-16] [1, -1.57382e-08, -4.37114e-08] [348.361, 261.441, -72.487]]

Well… I also edited fov, but nothing more.

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I made progress, i tried as tommy told me- it kinda worked, but how do i change the light? its pure darkness… how do i make it daytime?

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Only copy camera_scenic_place_dof and menu_aircraft should not affect lights, i m not sure

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IT WORKS GUYS THANK YOUUUU!!! Thats so great… I will create multiple backgrounds now haha

Thank you all so much… Its a dream :heart: tommyZZM Davenddar


In latest updates you will able to set different cameras for main menu, squads and items in shop. Also you now can to set different camera positions if squad have bike/plane/floating plane.

After latest update… scene property (that used in camera_scenic_place or camera_scenic_place_dof entity) now can contains: main_menu, main_menu_bike, main_menu_plane, main_menu_plane_floating, squad_bike, squad_plane, squad_plane_floating and shop_items.

main_menu is similar to old version squad.
It too uses menu_soldier_respawnbase entities and e.t.c. just activates when you select battle menu. While squad activates only when you select Squads menu.

main_menu_bike, main_menu_plane and main_menu_plane_floating are similar to main_menu, but if you want to see soldiers and vehicles you can clone respawnbase entities and edit their menuPosFilter. It now can contains bike, plane and plane_floating.

About shop_items. It works when you watch items or weapons in shop. It’s like armory. But it needs menu_shop_items while armory still needs menu_weapon.