Custom Location with custom land and water heightmap

I have finally figured out how does heightmap import work in DaEditor, and loaded a heightmap off some EU site:

The heightmap repeats until the limits of the map, hence the pattern

But for some reason soldiers had buggy collision with the terrain. It’s the same issue you encounter when raising terrain too high when terraforming.

After that i loaded the gaija island sample without textures and that has collision for some reason:

But rendinsts are invisible. My guess is that a level without any textures will cause this. But i really have no concrete idea why this happens.

Vehicles work fine:

Sailing down this river is actually fun even on a blank map

The final goal is to create a 2x2km detailed (infantry compatible) and a larger 8x8km low detail flat grass map for my custom maps like Nuketown. A flat map should be much lighter and using that with a lot of rendinsts should improve server performance. (15.2 MB)

Editor loads level.bin. Rename the file you want to load.