Custom/event imbiotics

Please stop making MIXED LONE FIGHTERS!!!
ITS IMBIOTIC,this is not a pub g .
Make sides,and devide your group in allies or axis. I know why you doing it,but you are killing the game in process. Its unplayeble couse you want too be in the same group but somebody wanna take another army for better weapons.WRONG,be scouts ,builders...Etc,and include exp for normal custom (Big action…Etc)

well, the reason why custom games are full of lone fighter, it’s because that’s where most people go.
that is, the ones who are looking for LF. there are no other places.

there is a reason why it was moved from the matchmaking, to the custom games.

and the other reason why people allow all nations for all teams, is to gain players to play with in the first place.

mostly because A, not many people plays customs to begin with ( due to being sort of dead, and abanadoned by devs ) and B, if you start being nitpicky with forced settings, you may not have many players.

and c, you can’t really control people of what they do, or what they choose. nor should you.
those are customs after all.

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You shuld never be a tester ,by the way you talk a,b,c,listen men i am wasting time here and spending real money on just this game,so more respect involved.
And B,if you want for this game to be more like call of duty,thats just your fix idea.
C a lot people play the custom match s,you just insolted everyone who does. And the big action and lone fighters on a bigger scale or merging with war thunder is the future and bread for this game,squads are there to get weapons before merge,if you dont know it,ask your bosses,and stop being dissrispectable and do you job.
It makes no sense try one you can not see who is friendly who enemy,and your assumpsion,that they do it to have a better chance of win,THEY DO IT COUSE IN PS PARTY CHAT AND IN A GROUP,AnD THEY CAN SEE EACHOTHER BUT THEY DO NOT GIVE A FUCK FOR EVERYBODY ELSE.


I have to agree with this one, custom matches is and has been a complete mess since it’s launch. So people scramble to make any boost to player numbers within their match happen.

It is definitely time for them to do a update focused around custom games, But that should come after polishing out more the content that’s already existing in the game and checking the status of the more recent updates to make sure they’re functioning as intended such as the recent reduction in research cost and changes in equipment price in a way that maintains the longevity of the game. This way those people that play LF and other custom modes don’t feel neglected, because not everyone comes to this game for squad mode.

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someone is moody.


yet here i am :woman_shrugging:

you do know you’re not the only one on that front?

you’re not special above anyone else.

i’m not the one creating those lobbies, now am i.
nor i have ever stated that.

but i guess it’s easier to label anyone who disagress to something else and be done with it.

i just explained you WHY customs are full of lone fighters.

because those those are played primarily by people that despises bots. and / or veterans who used to play the lone fighter gamemode that used to be in the matchmaker, but was moved onto custom games because being hardly played and didn’t had enough numbers to sustain matches for 2 factions back then, let alone 4.

no… unfortunately not many people do.

there used to be larger numbers, but

  • people don’t play because there’s hardly any xp involved.
  • custom matches have terrible servers
  • lack of mod supports & stable sessions

compared to when custom matches were first introduced.

and believe it or not, whatever idea you have in mind, i do actually play and occasionally enjoy lone fighter.
hell, even make custom missions for it. probably one of the very few too.


i didn’t.

maybe you should read the message slowly.

which in nature, has all type of armies allowed.

so… kinda goes agaisnt your very point:

yet seems to be total obvious on why that’s the case.

well, yes and no.

there is a reason why again, lone fighter gamemode was moved to custom games.

because it was highly unpoplar then, and it still is highly unpopular now.

having an exstimate of 500 players in custom matches hardly is any future. let me tell you.
( however, these numembers could, and will increase only if developers would actually fix and improve customs :point_right: Custom matches improvements required 2.0 . but that’s a far dream given that they sort of given up on customs )

merging with war thunder can only be done by mods. ( and that’s a far stretch. it’s more of a "attempt to recreate war thunder " )
because officials stated multipletimes that they do not want to break the action parts. hence, still sort of made it “smaller”.

also, merging two different games it’s next to impossible.
but i’m sure you know better :wink:

you’re seeing things.

A, i don’t have any bosses. nor represent gaijin. i’m not anyone’s PR.
B, been playing and testing this game for years :slight_smile: hence why the tag.
and your favorite, C,
if you think explaining things to people is disrespectful, look no further in the forum then :ghost:
you’re in for a bumby ride.

i’m unsure what you are even trying to say here.

i believe you’re referring to all " nations allowed / mixed teams "

but… it’s really that simple. and it doesn’t involve being in a team either.
you can, but i never played lone fighters in a team because all of my friends do not play enlisted in the first place.

with that being said, if you are playing the hardcore mode, the good 'ol trigger discipline will help you to avoid friendly fire.
and, playing long enough, you’ll eventually recognize each soldiers from each faction, models, and weapons.

that’s a wild statement to get at face values.

but it doesn’t take too much on your part to use:

and find out why people create mixed matches in the first place around the forum, and not just by me :smiley: .

if you wanna be blind/deaf, one last time, the reason why most people host mixed factions in teams for their lone fighters ( and squads alike ) it’s because people will get actual numbers opposed to limit in a historical setting and barely get any players at all.

your best bets would be to actually find a community that hosts historical games for specific settings.
i heard over the discord there can be some.

but expecting to find any in the base game, that’s just wishful thinking i’m afraid.


Why are you so mad? Just make your own lobby if you dont wanna play mixed.

I myself use custom games and I have invested thousands of real money into this game since I had started playing years ago. Yet I’m not complaining about a few matches for lone fighters, I don’t see any reason.

Is it not just better to let those people enjoy what they want to enjoy? There’s no reason to be attacking people on the forums, in my personal opinion it’s very childish and will accomplish nothing. If it helps you to get it out then good, But the forums is not a place for hostility so there’s no reason to be mad over someone’s enjoyment when it doesn’t harm your experience. I’m sure I don’t have to remind you that the forums are heavily monitored, and behavior such as this will not be tolerated on these forums. I do not say this out of a place of attacking you, but out of a place of respect. If moderators deemed it necessary that could lend you in a spot of hot water.

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Lol.Put ratte in,put space marines,put egypt god war,there isnt a limit,lets make axis usa germany,and hive them all dildos to fight.
Eather is a ww2 game,or isnt,there is no middle point here.

You will lose your job and will stop playin.

I never said i am more importned.

But there is good and bad advice,and enlistee d is listening bad advice for 8 months now.
I thought that the russians are well grounded and sound people

Couse 90 % of your playeeeeeeeeeers dont even know how to turn crossplay or custom. And you no proximity chat,unable to add a teammember…Surely help a lot.

You have major work on the game,and you wasting time disscusing my feelings.
Not to mention you dont know history.

try to make more cohesive points hun.

not… just type whatever comes to mind :+1:


now this is slighlty more understandable.

we’re speaking the same language :wink:

well, that is one issue that customs lobbies lacks.

and despite many suggestions, we still don’t have one.

most likely because it’s not a priority.

you quite don’t understand how things works on the forum.
but that’s okay.

i don’t work for enlisted.
i am merely a player just like you. the enlisted tester tag next to my name, it’s given to members like me that joined since the alpha. nothing more or less.
so i don’t hold any power as you seem to believe.

i don’t controll what devs works or avoids.
if in your mind you convinced your self otherwise, be my guest i guess…

but sure. keep lashing out.
it will get you the same results.

as far as it goes
the only work i have to worry about, it’s my real life one, and perhaps mods in my free time :+1:

i sure do. funny that you mention it, because i do make historical accurate mods for this game.

you on the other hand, struggle to comprehend why people keep making mixed lone fighters mode…

and refuse to knowledge crystal clear answers given by me.
to which i say, :woman_shrugging:

also, it wouldn’t hurt you to quote the various points instead of just sending a message 19 days after and expect me or anyone to understand what you are trying to address.

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Yes yes but hardcore lone fighters with mixed teams is unplayable. You dont see shit and than an enemy has your uniform,its not pubG.

And that shit advice dont shoot first works only for pc players. On console if you do not shoot when seeing,it will be just dying noon stop….

BUT THEY CAN WORK AND MAKE A BIGGER FRIENDL MARKER,you spending money like i,can surely agree.There is a solution for every thing,but firsly i HAD to been hearn,for an normal solution like a bigger marker

Hun you try writing on a ps4

then… don’t play them?

it’s literally that simple.

make one your self, or join those milsim groups/communites over discord.

i’m sure they can set up the kind of customs you’d like to play on.
without having to join the others.

first time i hear this to be fair. not many people complained about that.

but if you feel like that should be a priority, then make a suggestion.
not a rant.

because what you originally posted, isn’t really a suggestion.

ah, i see.

that explains alot.

I do not strugle, i know why,but the reasond sholdnt be allowed if its a ww2 game,not alterneted history.

Oke oke if you do add me then Cro4sule,lets end this then. Yes dont do forums. I am playin for 4 y,and felt bed couse the game is imploding for the last 8 month

Write 200 things what are missing or wrong in the game,well im not payed for it. But belive me,i know this game in and out 2800+H of playing,ALL

Thas how people not understanding enlisted options is equal to me not understanding forum,and not to mention it takes forever to write and post via ps on enlisted forum

the entitlement lol.

people should do whatever they want, how they want to do it.

despite weather you like it or not.

which it’s funny, because the most played mods are either gun games, zombies or modern conflict.

so… according to you, it should all go because… reasons.

yeah it doesn’t work like that.

ugh… add you to what.

and what do you mean " don’t do forums " lol.

i mean, i can respect the dedication of being here for almost 4 years ( which i doubt. because consoles only were able to join in the CBT which at max is 3 years ) but if you don’t like it…

i don’t know what to tell you.

weird flex.

but okay.

now… i don’t wanna be a nuissance.

but you do have a phone.

it would be much easier to use i suppose.

Its not a flex,it just i really know the game,but first time in life on any forum.
In the game,you said you are buildin history custom matches,i can not do it on ps ,but love to play them

A nd for the zombies and modern,leave it but in some rotary option,not all time.Its a ww2 game,not cold war game._.And for the mixed(Biiger markers for FRIENDLy)