Creeping Greyzone change instead of Instantaneous

There are several big issues with the way that greyzones change between objectives currently:

  • Attackers able to immediately push into the next objective area upon taking the previous one (made worse with the introduction of paratroopers)

  • Defenders sitting in old capture zone ambushing fresh spawn attackers rather than pulling back to help defend the next objective

  • Attackers not attacking as a wave but rather just a bunch of individual fighting groups

  • Defenders not having time to get to the next objective and/ or fortify for the incoming attack.


Instead of the greyzone opening up to the next objective all at once, and the prior objective area persisting for a while then disappearing all at once, the greyzone boundaries should creep forward.

  • It doesn’t let attackers rush forward immediately

  • It doesn’t let defenders sit in middle of attackers territory as they are trying to spawn

  • It gives both teams time to regroup and get ready for the next objective.

This is honestly the most balanced solution that I can see for implementation.


I’m 100% for this.


I don’t like it. I don’t think is the right way to correct this problem.
With a creep greyzone you are removing possibility of combat, like a domino win.
Is all about choice, right now if an attacker see that his team is capping and don’t need help he can put himself at the end of the map to sprint when the zone open and build a fast rally nearby the next cap. Defenders right now simply can’t make a balanced opposing pick.
To fix this you need to give the defenders the ability to see the next cap at say 80% of the current cap capture. So that they can make the same choice as the attackers, that is: “I should head towards a cap practically already lost or better beat a retreat to better reinforce the next cap?”.
I don’t think it’s good design to fix the game by limiting player choice and possibilities.


First off:

80%? In most situations, if they are at 80% its only a matter of SECONDS before it caps out, and the only times it more than 15 seconds is if the whole team is piled on it ANYWAYS, not in a position to fall back and reinforce.

If you want to bring this into it, then why are you pushing for defenders to only see the next capture point location at 80%? Why not give them the positions of ALL locations for that game, at ALL points in time? Allowing a defender to pull back to say the 3rd objective and set up fortifications that actually mean something? More than one or two rushed sandbags.
It’s reasons such as the absolute lack of defensive capability that is the reason so many people are quitting out of defense games anyways. Yet so many people seem to be against giving defenders the CHOICE and POSSIBLITY to set up a hardened defense, complete with a minefield even.
Or does “limiting player choice and possibilities” only apply to attackers?

It would be removing the possibility of taking the capture points with little to no combat.

When attackers get to that objective way out in front of defenders, there is NOTHING that the defenders can do about it. By giving a creeping greyzone, it would keep the combat on the active field of battle, not allow one extreme or the other like it does now.

A creeping greyzone would creep on BOTH ENDS. Not just restricting attackers from pushing right into the next point, but also keeping defenders from hiding out some corner near the old objective, trying to ambush fresh spawns.

Instead, it would keep an active fight in the space between until all the defenders were pushed back to the next objective, at which point the attackers would be able to attack in the form of a combined force.
Overall, FAR MORE intensive combat than what it is right now.

would improve the game by alot

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either a creeping greyzone or something like 1 minute ceasefire would certainly help. Creeping would help a bit better for the flow of the game but ceasefire would offer more safety for defenders to setup infront of the cap/ the road leading to cap.
Maybe even allow attackers to replenish dead squadmembers and spent gear at their new spawn for a minute or 2 to give them something to do while waiting for the attack to resume and give defenders a 50% cost reduction for buildables while the ceasefire is in effect.
If defenders just keep shoting into the attacker spawn instead of falling back the devs could just add arty smoke to block the LOS.

this actually more than often delays attackers quite alot, especiatly in moscow

Dont really see problem here

Hhhhhhhhhhhh this shit again. Fine, give defenders around ~70% capped point next location of cap.

Dont exactly see problem with this either.
Like once in my playtime attackers has reached the next cap faster than defenders.
Probably because the defenders were doing god fk everything except what they were supposed to do.

So yes this can happen when you have 9 DragOnSNiper666 players in your team and they lost cap A due to fact that none of them were close by and never got to spawn to B as no ones entire squad died. Probably because enemy figured out that they are now dealing with “special forces” and infact its more beneficial let them stay alive and do less harm that way than kill them and let them spawn to B.

Anyway, needless to say but that game was lost before it even started due to 9 inviduals being more intrested of honing theyr sniping skills which we’rent exactly impressive.

And in fair share of the games the above mentioned defenders delaying enemy near the previous cap gives more than enough time to build fortnite castles.
Since it takes longer time for attackers to get “hard spawn point” to capped point if theres combat going.

Obviously depends whos playing and with who.

Ive heard all kinds of reasons for people quitting but this is actually the first time ever I hear people quitting because unpolite enemy didnt give them enough time to build sandbags.

In my experience, every time a game starts up as defense there is 2-3 players that quit immediately. I’ve gotten to the point now where I send them a message when I am able and ask them why they quit out. About 90% of the responses are:
“Because its defense. There is no way to actually defend in this game, so instead of inevitably losing, I just quit out and hope to get an attacker game.”

maybe you always lose because many think like you and leave

What a coincidence, since in my experience very few if any leave defense games and ive come to point to that I PM then and ask why didnt you leave this game ?
An majority is like “Because defense is so easy win & exp”
Huh quite coincidence.

Why not, nice idea) It will be forwarded.
I personally also think about extra XP for an organized retreat to the next point.


On one hand, I could see this being good, though on the other, it may cause people to give up easier and just run back for the points.
Personally, I think the only ones that should be running back ahead of time (or in advance of the fallback) are engineers.

Well, the sooner they retreat to the next point, the lower the chance cheeky enemies two steps from the point start capturing it without resistance.

With a creeping greyzone that hopefully wouldn’t be an issue.

As it stands, most locations you are very unlikely to get to BEFORE the enemies if you were in the previous fight. On top of that, even if you die and are trying to respawn, the length of time in which you can spawn at the next objective is so incredibly short you will most likely miss the window anyways.

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