Create your own mission!

Can you bring the most popular maps made by players to automatch? Let players work for DF for free, liberate the workload of developers

We are preparing a small FAQ. I think I’ll post it in an hour.


use this



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Will we be able to do more than 5 point invasion maps?

Can some of our missions be integrated latter on normal campaign layout?


Also will we be able to have more than 2 tanks per team?

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Do the missions run on your server or is my PC hosting the game?

You will have two options for creating a room. Offline — the mission will be available only to you, on your computer, and will not be visible to the other players. Online — the mission will run on our servers, and you will be able to enjoy it with other players. Even if you leave such a battle, it will still be available to others.

Will the economy operate in these missions?

Currently the economy and completing battle tasks and events will be unavailable in the mods. That said, we are considering a separate economy for mods that may be implemented in the future.

Will PlayStation and Xbox players be able to participate in these missions and create them?

You will be able to play user missions in rooms created by the other players. Creating your own rooms with mods and the mod editor are not available on console.

Will we be able to upload our own models to create unique maps and characters?

That function is currently unavailable.

Will we be able to create a battle for more than 20v20 players in Squads or 50v50 in Lone Fighters?

No, these are the technical limitations of the game. Currently we can’t guarantee the stability of the servers with a higher number of soldiers in battles. But those numbers might be raised in the future if we have an opportunity to do so.

Will we be able to lock a room with a password?

Currently no, but we plan to add this feature to all Custom games so that it will work for mods too.


Did I miss something? The current capacity of squad and lone fighter are 20 and 50 players respectively, You mean the capacity of squad and lone fighter will be double to 40 and 100 players respectively?

No. It wont be expanded thats what he means due to server capacity.

He said

20 v 20 =40
He said we can’t have more than 20 v 20, does it mean we can have 20 v 20?

20 squada vs 20 squads just like before

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There is only 10 player per team currently right?

Right now it’s 10 V 10. Not 20 V 20.

Its a typo error

On scale from 0 to 10 of how much I’ve expected this it’s a solid -3, but I am not complaining :slight_smile:

There is a big problem however, we NEED passwords on custom games, even if it disables xp gain. These modded maps would be great to setup scenarios with friends or make short films, I don’t want some random players joining :slightly_frowning_face:


Is there grayzone management implemented in the editor?

Let say I use D-day map with 5 capture points, and I want Allies to spawn on the beach until they take point C, in the current game beach is grayzoned after you take the 1st objective, is it possible for it not to be grayzoned in the editor?? :wink:

Just curious…

Are there any plans to make any of this accessible for console players? I understand that we can join a custom game that somebody on a pc has started but it would be nice if it was integrated into the game in a more comprehensive way.

Large map conquest here i come


Is it possible to set up trenches freely?