Create a separate faction Italy/ england

create separate Italy/England factions not incorporated into Germany and the United States it would be more compelling and beautiful so it seems like a great mix


UK could work, but would still be problematic due to large number of duplicate equipment: sherman tanks, thompson smgs, all the lend-lease equipment not to mention that USA would become very weak on low BR.

Italy has no equipment for high BR, that is simply put impossible.
I made a topic on the issue, here it is:


after merge.
so soon™


i mean do we have to re farm EVERYTHING? then no i would rather that not happening


it’s a shame but in any case Italy in my opinion wouldn’t be so bad it has an excellent team of paratroopers, the best Flamieri team (premium) the stormtroopers with Berettas excellent tank the self-propelled gun with 75 mm cannon overall I mean it would be limiting to choose waves of only German teams with more Italian and English teams the game would be more varied and more immersive, we hope for future changes


i somehow missed the nationality suggestion on the first read but its great

that would be the optimal thing

Sorry for english i m italian :sweat_smile:


Why apologise to another italian, i aint that good either :rofl:


what a wonderful coincidence :it::heart::it:

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Italians are always so happy when they hear that I speak Italian.
Its rare here in Hungary though.

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Both factions don’t need to have high tier equipment, as it’s in test server Japan ends on tier IV.
Same can be done with Italy and UK.
And when UK is considered they are easly adaptable for tier V+.


However, I hope I have conveyed the concept of what I wanted to express and I hope this update doesn’t make me go to the psychiatrist because I have 10 teams across all the campaigns, all finished and each customized and final level soldier would be a shocking drama. I hope they don’t make a mess considering the time spent finishing everything and customizing and money spent


There is a solution to this, give the UK access not only commonwealth equipment, but incorporate equipment from the European allies into a UK tree like France and Belgium. At the same time, give the US access to equipment from some of the other allied nations like Mexico and Brazil to cover some of their weaker areas. You will still get some copy paste, but you should be able to minimize it, similar to how there is some copy paste in the Russian tree now, but it is minimal.

There is indeed not really a point in splitting Italy though, there will be no unique maps and no top tier equipment. Just keep them bundled with Germany to prevent further playerbase splitting. That argument can also be applied to the UK and I do agree with it to some extent, the UK should only be split from the US once a larger and stable playerbase has been established.

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practically those who choose Italy or the United Kingdom will only find themselves in Tunisia just as those who choose Japan will only find themselves in the Pacific I would prefer this (personal opinion)


Giving some random Mexican prototype only one which existed in a half finished state to US as a progression gun/tank would sure make many people happy.
Americans and British cooperated closly to win the war, why separate them?

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Well no, Italy and the UK fought in more theaters of the war than that, even in some of the theaters we have in game. The issue is that the British have battles they fought without any help the Americans (France, Burma, Hong Kong, etc.) While the Italians don’t really have anything of the sort in relation to the Germans. The Germans intervened in Greece, North Africa and the invasion of Italy as a whole so at that point why bother splitting them as you won’t get anything other than a further divided playerbase out of it.


That is only a question of MM and player count, not faction seperation.
Italian faction would profit the most by being equal partners with Germany in a European Axis faction.
More factions:
More grind, more squad slots to buy, more difficulty for MM.

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US wasn’t in France 1939, and the UK wasn’t on Iwo Jima. Thus, splitting allows for more unique maps.



this is also true but then why not create more Italian teams and Italian scenarios? (landing in Sicily, Anzio, Monte Cassino) etc. the margins are there it would be more complete together with the German units