Subfactions, most player friendly way to Improve Italy and Britain

As we know Italian and British squads will be integrated into Germany and USA which are not necessarily bad, however no one is quite happy with the way they will be implemented.

I suggest that US and Britain become equal partners in a combined “Western Allies” faction
while Germany and Italy would be equal partners in their new “European Axis” faction.

  • Allow players to freely choose the nationality of their squad
  • Add nationality for soldiers because soldiers should not be interchangeable between German and Italian squads due to language barrier.
  • A shared progression tree containing equipment commonly used by the faction.
  • Nation specific progression tree for those only interested in a specific nation not the whole faction. Necessary restrictions should apply so players couldn’t abuse the progression.
  • Add nation exclusive guns, for example VG 1-5 should be exclusive for Germany and Armaguerra mod 39. for Italian squads only.

Advantages of having larger fractions with subfactions instead of separating them to smaller nations

less grind: there would be no duplicated equipment (considering that if you wanted to play both US and Britain you would unlock Sherman tanks and Thompson smgs ect. twice)
No need to buy new squad slots for new factions.
Existing factions can be easily implemented and wouldn’t require starting the grind from scratch again to play them. nations such as France or Hungary could be realised.


Yup!. initially I was bummed when the Brits weren’t their own faction, but I quickly changed tune and decided I like that they are only going with Allies, Axis, Soviets and Japan and hope they stick to it.

With Italy, Hungary and Romain under Axis it would be completely up to you what gear and equipment you use.

Same goes for Allies, Americans, British, Canadians, Polish, free French, Greek, South African, Australians, Kiwis. You would just equip your deck how you like without having to separate matchmaking or grind multiple faction trees.

It makes sense too, because most battles were combined forces of allies with different divisions making up the line. For example, this is the 2nd Battle of El Alamein. (its not just Germans vs British)…there will be some situations where nationalities will bleed into battles, they didn’t fight in but it shouldn’t be too bad.

My vote is sub trees


There were no muricans at france 1940 or narvik
There were no hungarians, bulgarians or romanians at western front
There were no brits at central pacific island hopping battles
Free french and polish forces mostly relied on british equipment and tanks anyway


Good luck with implementing that in a gaijin game

that isnt true, about 10 000 American volunteers were serving in the Canadian army by Pearl Harbor.
Hungarian SS divisions 25th Hunyadi and 26th Hungaria fought on the western front against Americans.
You would have been right if you phrased it as divisions of US Army or Royal Hungarian Army.

MM wont have enough players not to put Romanian IAR81 and Italians in places where they are out of place anyway. Best we can do for now is ask for Volunteer uniforms for Italians, British and Americans so they dont look out of place.



Already got weapons and vehicles that werent there. The Line has been crossed.

Everyone likes to be represented.

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When I played Tannenberg for the first time I didn’t like the idea that German, Hungarian and Bulgarian soldiers were all present at the same time, however after 5 minutes I forgot about it completely and didn’t bother me the slightest.
Its a very fun video game, not a combat simulator.

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I completely agree for Italy and the minor axis nations, as the new automatic customization feature that the devs have stated could easily cover for certain armed forces not being in certain battles, and even equipment can be explained by the Germans constant use of whatever they could get their hands on. However I still think there is an argument to be made for Britain to split off from the US and take the Commonwealth as well as the European allies like France, Poland, Holland and Belgium. That will allow for things like France 1940 with limited or no American gear involved, as well potential new as maps like Hong Kong, Burma, Greece, Egypt and Singapore where the American stuff simply does not belong. At the same time, this lets the US have it’s own maps without any British stuff like you would expect on places like the Philippines, Okinawa and Iwo Jima. You can also give the US the American (continent not country) and Pacific allies like Brazil, Mexico and the Philippines and that would cover most of the nations involved. Yes that might still result in things like French Hotchkisses in Hong Kong or Mexican Mausers in Okinawa and you might ask why even bother splitting them into two factions. However, part of the reason for the merge is to reduce the grind, and Britian and the US combined would be an incredibly tedious grind, with both of them competing for the star position. Splitting the UK off allows both factions to fill the role Germany does for the Axis as the clear parent branch and while France and UK would still arguably be competing against each other, their equipment tends to complement each other more than compete for space, with the France filling in the UK’s lack of semi-autos and the UK filling in Frances lack of LMGs with the addition of those from the minor allies like Belgium. Something similar happens with vehicles with the UK not particularly having many options for early war tanks (with them realistically limited to only the A13 and Matilda until late 1941) which can be filled out by the other nations, France especially while Britain posses vehicles that can fight in the later war periods.



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