Correction of 88-Flak Improvements (summary)

While other ideas requested this is my suggestion:

→ Its clear we need functional HE-TF Ammo (airburst effect) so i wont talk about that here again:
Suggestion to improve HE-TF Ammunition
→ We need bether zoom in since the 88 is suposed to shot at planes and work as tank-sniper (actual 3,5-4 but should be 5,0 wich is highest for tanks rn or like binocular since it feels even more zoomed in)
→ A faster turret rotation speed to be functional against planes
→ Considering closing the Platform surroundings of the 88-Bus (= more inf protection and no more stucking between trees and in gaps)
→ We need the -3*degree to work in driving direction as i mentioned before, maybe problem can be solved by smalering the Tracktor modell aswell while not the gun


Ahhhhh! The pain!

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If you’re trying to shoot at something directly in front of you with an AA gun, you’re doing something wrong anyways.

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I should clarify that I meant, according to the devs, lol.

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I still don’t understand why it’s BR4. Why would anyone waste money on this thing?

I “wasted” / invested in thos thing because its iconic and i count on the devs to improve it in min. HE-TF will be improved as its meend to be a sp3cial sort of ammunition and im sure if they get players feedback they will balance it out to be worth its money (it comes from WT so its out a completly different environment and needs error and testing in enlisted) im convinced that devs are to buzzy to play it thereselfes.

I honestly hope my feedback will help the devs to improve it that more players can expirience this icpnic weapon in a more positve way

In oppinion make it BR V but improve this legend like abpve mentioned maybe surplus bether pen on distance

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I’m curious, in an ideal scenario, what would justify taking the 88-Flak into BR5 over say a Tiger II?

Faster turret rotating, faster reload speed due to its 3 loaders, bether fieldoverview without bringing the comander in danger, ability to shot at airplanes, futhermore airburst should make larger splash damage possible

And compared to normal Tiger (not Tiger 2) Flak 88 37 should have more armouroenetration than tiger’s kwk 36 wich was developed out of the 88 but shortened and smallert to fitt in Tigerturret